Course Title: UGS 303 Communication and AI
Instructor: Jun Wang, Ph.D.
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
Department of Neurology, Dell Medical School
CLO1: Understand the basic mechanisms through which humans produce, hear, perceive speech, and understand language.
CLO2: Comprehend the nature of AI, including algorithms and programs.
CLO3: Explore how AI performs tasks related to communication.
Prerequisites: None
Textbook: Not required
Jan 13: Course introduction; Introduction to relevant concepts: AI, machine learning, communication.
Jan 15: Lecture on speech and language, the brain, assistive technologies.
Jan 17: Practical class to install Matlab.
Jan 20: No class (Martin Luther King Jr. Day).
Jan 22: Overview of common AI tools related to communication; Overview of basic programming.
Jan 24: Get familiar with Matlab.
Jan 27: Data structures topics.
Jan 29: Programming: Data structures, loops, control statements.
Jan 31: Practice related to data structures.
Feb 05: File/Data Input/Output, algorithm debugging.
Feb 10: Graphical User Interface (GUI), data processing in GUI; Writing assignments distributed.
Feb 17: Signal processing lectures (analog vs digital, Fourier transform).
Mar 12: Exam 1 covering Matlab programming and AI topics.
Mar 26: Human voice and articulation systems discussion.
Mar 28: Exam 2 on Human Communication Mechanisms.
Apr 18: Presentation of Projects I & II due.
Apr 28: Last day of classes.
Exam Types: Online and in-class, with special accommodations allowed.
Grading Breakdown:
Survey: 3%
Exams: 30%
Projects: 30%
Read-and-rewrite assignment: 15%
Writing assignment: 15%
Attendance & Participation: 7%
Bonus quizzes: 3+ (extra)
A: 94 - 100
A-: 90 - 93.9
B+: 87 - 89.9
B: 84 - 86.9
B-: 80 - 83.9
C+: 77 - 79.9
C: 74 - 76.9
C-: 70 - 73.9
D+: 67 - 69.9
D: 64 - 66.9
D-: 60 - 63.9
F: < 60
Exams must be completed within the specified time.
Rescheduling only accepted with excused absences.
Late assignments incurred 10% penalty per day.
Expected behavior: Focus during class, no distractions (talking, texting, etc.).
Essential for success; students must follow the university's Honor Code regarding originality and plagiarism.
Use UT email for communication.
Regularly check email for announcements and class updates.
A profile picture on Canvas can boost participation scores.
Computers & Computing
Computer programming
AI and Machine learning
Speech and Language processes
Neuroscience and Brain function
Assistive Technologies related to communication.
Computer: Device executing sequences of instructions.
Pre-AI Capabilities: What pre-AI computers can and cannot do.
Internal Hardware:
Motherboard, RAM, hard disk, CPU.
External Hardware: Monitor, mouse, keyboard, printer.
The "heart" or "power" of the computer, executing calculations and managing tasks.
Specialized for digital imaging processing; excels in parallel processing used for AI Model training.
Bases on binary (0s and 1s) for circuit simplicity; low complexity in digital circuits.