paradigm = model, conceptual perspective or approach, way of thinking [context: the various, differentiated ways of thinking regarding how the economy works]
defenestration (noun) = throwing a thing out the window [context: discarding economic paradigms that no longer reflect reality]
to jettison = to totally discard [context: same as above]
secular trend (noun) = opposite of cyclical or volatile pattern [context: the absolute/discovery view of the evolution of economic thought]
metaphysical (adjective) = beyond the strictly, purely physical realm [context: in this course, I will use word many times]
autonomously (adverb) = all by itself [context: the fashion in which full employment is restored, according to the classical macroeconomists]
halcyon = golden, prosperous, affluent [context: the 'good old days' of macroeconomic performance between 1945 and 1973]
Scylla and Charybdis = between two equally hazardous alternatives (in Greek mythology, the former was a rock, while the latter was a whirlpool) [context: stabilization policy that successfully avoids the competing hazards of high inflation and high unemployment]
riposte = a quick return thrust following a parry (in fencing / sword fighting) [context: the conservative critique of the Keynesian model ]
canon = a generally accepted principle; a group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field; The works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic; a collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired [context: the basis of an economic doctrine]
tenet = a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy
salient = most noticeable or important; prominent; conspicuous