Careers in Healthcare  

\-The dental field overall focuses on the soft tissues and teeth of the mouth.

Different Careers and what they do:

**Endontics**: treats diseases in nerves, blood vessels, roots of teeth

**Orthodontics**\*\*\*\***:** focused on straightening/aligning teeth. Offer braces and jaw surgeries etc.

**Oral Surgeons**: surgery on teeth, mouth, jaw and general facial bones.

**Pedodontics:** dentistry based around children (similar to pediatricians)

**Periodontics:** treatment/preventing diseases in gums, bones etc

**Prosthodontics:** replacing of teeth (dentures, artificial teeth)

**Dentists (DMDs or DDSs)**: a type of doctor who examines teeth and mouth tissues to help prevent diseases and promote hygiene

**Dental Hygienists:** clean teeth, examine mouth, take x rays and keep records of history, etc

**Dental Laboratory Tech:** make artificial teeth, crowns and other prosthetics for mouth

**Dental assistants:** pass instruments , take and develop radiographs, play a receptionist role (make appointments etc)

Emergency Medical Careers:

**EMT:** provide emergency care prehospital arrival, aids victims of emergency injuries and illnesses

**EMR:** first person to arrive to location of injured or ill person(s)

**Paramedic**: someone can perform all basic med tech services along with more in depth care

Non emergency care careers:

**Physicians:** examine patients, get history, order tests to be ran, diagnose, surgeries, etc

**Doctor of Medicine**: prevents diseases/disorders and diagnoses

**Doctor of Podiatric Medicine**: examine. make diagnoses, treat issues of feet, legs and general below knee areas

**Chiropractic**: aids in alignment of spine

**Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine**: treats diseases, disorders, special emphasis on nervous, skeletal + muscular systems

**Physicians Assistant**: work under supervision of physicians and take on similar duties

**Medical Assis**: work under supervision of physicians and aid physicians and physicans assistants
