The study of heredity in genetics 

  • gene mutation



-deficiency -vitamins/minerals




Teratogenic- an agent or factor that can cause structural or functional birth defects in a developing fetus

  • sanitation chemicals

Congenital abnormalities

  • ,malformation that involves a particular organ or part of the animal’s body called an anomaly

    • cyclopia, birth defects, the front part of the brain doesn’t have a right and left hemisphere. 

      • single eye or partially divided eye

Classified according to effects on the fetus

  • present before birth

Free Martin- twins born to a cow when one is male and one is female.

  • female become masculinized / sterile 

  • behaves like bull

Congenital hypotrichosis in cattle ( ectodermal dysplasia)

  • leading cause of genetics

  • intolerant to cold

  • dental abnormalities

  • hole in roof of mouth ( animal die of starvation)

  • cryptorchidism - testicles doesn’t descend into the scrotum

    • cryptorchid- both testicles haven’t descended

    • monoacid- 1 testicle descends

Genetic anomalies of genetic origins

-Genotype- refers to the actual genetic make up of an individual

-Phenotype- refers to physical traits that are visible

  • dominant gene-  which one covers or overshadows the expression of the other member gene pair

  • recessive gene-  gene that is masked or overshadowed in the presence of a dominant gene

  • homozygous- gene pairs alike (BB)

  • heterozygous- gene pairs differ (Bb)

Environmental factors can cause congenital abnormalities that resemble genetic defects 

lethal in sheep

Anencephaly- absence of brain

  • ingested toxic plants in early gestation

Toxic plants ( corn lily, wild corn, cow cabbage)

Lethal in swine

  • atresia ani- born with hinegut fails to fully communicate with the perineum

  • anus is stenotic or imperforate
