Positivism and Post-Positivism

Positivism - Philosophical System developed by Aguste Comte, empirical observational and positive facts (Not in the negative) are the only valid sources of knowledge - reject morality, ethics and metaphysics and abstract philosophical reasoning

  • Mendelev’s Periodic Table - based on observable patterns and chemical properties

  • diametrically opposed to quantum physics - hindered the acceptance of this, based on theoretical models which cannot always be observed or proven

  • Atomic Theory - 1800s, Manchester School Teacher - John Dalton

    • all matters are composed of atoms

    • all atoms in an element are alike in property and mass

    • compounds are combinations of different atoms

    • chemical reaction is a reorganization of these atoms

  • Mach and Oswald - rejected this theory because it is not something that can be seen or proven

  • Max Planck - Father of Quantum Physics, energy comes in discreet packets rather than a continuum

  • Boltzmann - Kinetic Theory of Gases - two theories based on the existence of atoms, work only if atoms exist

  • 1900s - Einstein → found no contradiction between thermodynamics and kinetic theory, hence establishing the existence of atom

  • Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle - it is impossible to simultaneously determine the position and momentum of subatomic particles (electron) - because of nature itself

  • impossible to verify a law with all unknown and known objects


  • 1930s abandoned by Kuhn and Popper - replace verifiability with falsifiability, fact unless you can prove it is not a fact

  • superseded by the concept of critical realism - reality exists independent of the scientist and it is impossible to be absolutely certain of this reality, science as a human endeavor is prone to error - observations and empirical data are not culture free and free from bias. different people would focus on different thing when conducting research
