While today’s computing machines leverage exquisite control over
nature to create designs of immense complexity, the representation and
logical processing of information in these machines can be explained
using the laws of classical physics.2 These classical descriptions of electro
magnetism and Newtonian physics provide an intuitive and deterministic
explanation of the physical universe, but they fail to predict all observable
phenomena. This realization, made around the turn of the 20th century,
led to the most important transformation in physics: the discovery of
the principles of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics (or quantum
physics) is a theory of the physical world that is not deterministic, but
probabilistic, with inherent uncertainty. While the dynamics it describes
at a small scale are exotic and counterintuitive, it accurately predicts a
wide range of observable phenomena that classical physics could not, and
replicates correct classical results for larger systems. The development
of this field has transformed the way scientists understand nature. Very
small systems whose behavior cannot be adequately approximated by the
equations of classical physics are often referred to as “quantum systems.”
While classical physics is often a good approximation for observable
phenomena, all matter is fundamentally quantum mechanical—including
the materials from which today’s computers are built. However, even as
the design of their hardware components is increasingly informed by the
quantum properties of materials, and as the ever-shrinking size of these
components means that quantum phenomena introduce more constraints
While the laws of quantum mechanics must be invoked to design or explain the operation
of semiconductor materials whose bandgaps enable the implementation of today’s widely
deployed conventional computer logic gates, the nature of the logical information processing
itself is based upon the flow of a classical model of a charged particle.
Quantum Computing : Progress and Prospects, edited by Mark Horowitz, and Emily Grumbling, National Academies Press, 2019.
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Copyright © 2019. National Academies Press. All rights reserved.Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
on their design, the principles and operations that these computers imple
ment have remained classical.
Despite the extraordinary power of today’s computers, there are
applications that are difficult for them to compute but seem to be easily
“computed” by the quantum world: estimating the properties and behav
ior of quantum systems. While today’s classical computers can simulate
simple quantum systems, and often find useful approximate solutions for
more complicated ones, for many such problems the amount of memory
needed for the simulation grows exponentially with the size of the system
In 1982, physicist Richard Feynman suggested that quantum mechan
ical phenomena could themselves be used to simulate a quantum system
more efficiently than a naïve simulation on a classical computer [2,3]. In
1993, Bernstein and Vazirani showed [4] that quantum computers could
violate the extended Church-Turing thesis—a foundational principle of
computer science that said that the performance of all computers was only
polynomially faster than a probabilistic Turing machine [5,6]. Their quan
tum algorithm offered an exponential speedup over any classical algo
rithm for a certain computational task called recursive Fourier sampling.
Another example of a quantum algorithm demonstrating exponential
speedup for a different computational problem was provided in 1994 by
Dan Simon [7]. Quantum computation is the only model of computation
to date to violate the extended Church-Turing thesis, and therefore only
quantum computers are capable of exponential speedups over classical
In 1994, Peter Shor showed that several important computational
problems could, in principle, be solved significantly more efficiently using
a quantum computer—if such a machine could be built. Specifically, he
derived algorithms for factoring large integers and solving discrete loga
rithms rapidly—problems that could take even the largest computer today
thousands or millions of years—or even the lifetime of the universe—to
compute. This was a striking discovery because it also suggested that any
one with a real-world quantum computer could break the cryptographic
codes that make use of these problems, compromising the security of
encrypted communications and encrypted stored data, and potentially
uncovering protected secrets or private information. These results cata
lyzed interest among researchers in developing other quantum algorithms
with exponentially better performance than classical algorithms, and try
ing to create the basic quantum building blocks from which a quantum
computer could be built.
During the past few decades, this research has progressed to the point
where very simple quantum computers have been built, and a positive
outlook is emerging based upon the assumption that the complexity
Quantum Computing : Progress and Prospects, edited by Mark Horowitz, and Emily Grumbling, National Academies Press, 2019.
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Created from westminster on 2025-02-10 15:48:05.
Copyright © 2019. National Academies Press. All rights reserved.Quantum Computing: Progress and Prospects
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
of these machines will grow exponentially with time, analogous to the
growth that has been achieved in performance of classical computers.
Given the importance of this scaling assumption to the future of quantum
computing, understanding the factors that drive scaling is critical.