Pressure testing

Obj 1 - identify equipment fir pressure test piping installs

  • 2 types of testing

    • Hydrostatic:

      • most popular by far- because water is virtually incompressible

        • If large volumes of pipe, you would need alot of air

        • Relieving air pressure would also take long

        • Lowers chance of explosive release of gas from pipe

        • Hydro test leaks are easier to find

      • Not limited to water, can be mixture

        • may need separate drain and fill connections to prevent environmental damage. Or spill pans.

      • Require vents at all high points and drains at all low points.

    • Pneumatic:

      • some lines require no moisture or liquid at any time.

      • Or too costly to bring a water truck on site

      • Air normally has high moisture- air must be dried otherwise you may use nitrogen or CO2.

      • Always monitor leak test pressures as ambient temperature swings may increase test pressure beyond maximum allowable.

  • Equipment used

    • Pumps/Compressors

      • pump- discharge fluid against pressure

      • Compressor- also a pump but discharges gases against pressure

    • Pump styles for pressure tests:

      • Pump driver

        • hand lever, moves a pneumatic diaphragm, smaller systems

      • Pneumatic diaphragm pump

        • operates direct ratio if input to output pressure. 100:1 can make 3000 psig with 30psi supply pressure

      • Motor driven pump

        • emits CO and CO2 so not typically used indoors or space needs to be ventilated

        • Local environment determines which motor type to use for the job

          • If electric motor: should check if the motor classification is TEXP (totally enclosed explosion proof)

            • Most plants require motor to be connected via GFI on the end of extension cord if the motor cannot be plugged into gfi outlet.

          • If air driven:

            • needs high air pressure. Larger hose. Lubricator installed in line.

            • Ensure all air connections are tight before powering.

      • Air compressor

        • uses a regulator (PRV)

        • Moisture in test air should be removed prior to PRV.

      • Gas cylinders

        • dry gas at very high pressure through a PRV

        • Hose connections are right hand.

          • only oxygen tanks have a CGA 540 thread.

          • Other gasses have a thread based on gas composition

    • Hose and fittings

      • extreme high pressure hose is reinforced with metal or fibre mesh

      • Carbon steel fittings are most commonly used unless fluid conditions require other material.

      • Usually union or quick connects

      • Most pressure hoses are small ID, so a larger diameter fill line sometimes needed to speed up fill time(usually tee that gets capped after)

      • Pressure rating must be equal to or greater than your maximum pump output pressure.

      • High pressure hose is connected from utility air to an air drive motor

        • Connected via universal couplings (chicago, crow coot, claw coupling)

        • Older versions needed saftey pin to prevent accidental twist in use

        • Newer hose may have self lock mechanism

      • Whipcheck can be used to prevent hose from lashing

    • Gauges

      • bourdon tube type

      • Need to be calibrated

      • Accuracy of manual reading increases with dial face

      • If pump skid doesnt have a master gauge and recorder, the gauge attached at the test connection becomes the test gauge, must be on same pipe as recorder.

      • PFI Standard ES-4 states:

        • pressure test gauge must be indicating pressure gauges and be connected directly to piping system if possible

        • Dial on gauge graduated double max test pressure, no less than 1.5 and no more than 4 times.

      • Vibrations:

        • if not severe use oil filled gauge

        • If severe, remote mount

        • Pulsation dampeners (snubber) can be used to prevent pulsation damage

Obj 2 - describe procedure and req for pneumatic and hydro test

  • owner’s management or safety code officer determines which code to use in job

  • Fabrication company’s QC responsible for performing testing and ensuring standards met

  • Codes:

    • ASME B31: fabrication and install of pressure pipe.

    • CSA

    • AWWA

    • National Plumbing Code

    • B149 Gas Install Code

  • Inspectors are responsible for ensuring testing is performed and equipment meets/exceeds minimum QC requirement.

  • Always consult authority having jurisdiction over test requirement

  • Hydrostatic Test

    • usually fulfills code requirement

    • Safer than pneumatic since not much volume spills out (depressurizes quickly)

    • Dangerous during winter time if pipe freezes!

    • Usually 1.5x the max working pressure.

    • Once components are assembled and fastened, pipe code requires a leak test. As per ASME B31.3:

      • before placing in operation, a leak test must be done

      • Test shall be hydrostatic and hold for 10 minutes

      • All joints/connections tested for leaks.

    • ASME B31.3 requires this info:

      • Id of system, assembly being tested

      • Test date

      • Fluid used for hydro test

      • Certification of result by examiner

    • Other things to consider:

      • flag off area when pressure testing

      • Ensure all air removed, it should take very little fluid to pressurize.

      • Pressurize to half pressure and verify for leaks first

      • Record ambient temperature and time when starting test. Ambient temperature swings will greatly change hydro test pressure

      • Increase in small increments to allow pipe stresses to normalize.

  • Pneumatic Test

    • air, nitrogen, argon is common

    • Other things to consider:

      • ensure a pressure relief is installed with no more than test pressure + 50 psig OR test pressure plus 10%. Whichever is leasT

      • Flag off area

      • Open valves slow

      • Pressure first to 25 psig or half the test pressure, whichever is less and perform preliminary test before going to full pressure

      • Test to 110% design pressure, when done, reduce to operating pressure. Record time and ambient temp and start pressure test.

    • Documents for pneumatic tests are the dame as hydro, but:

      • If volume is large, a permit from authority having jurisdiction is required. Usually if greater than 0.5 m3 or 18ft3 OR >300 psig test pressure. Oo

      • A engineering calc is needed for total energy compressed. Document to be attached to test documents.

Obj 3 - hazards specific to pressure testing

  • safety depends on proper preparation

    • all openings sealed

    • Isolation valve- fill and test piping isolation as close to assembly as possible.

    • Provisions to vent air from system

    • Support system adequate for test fluid and test assembly.

    • If separate fill hose used, add extra fluid through test hose to ensure full before capping last vent.

    • Watch pressure gauge during pump start up,

      • Sharp spike may be a valve is isolated somewhere

      • Slow to increase may indicate air is trapped, open vents and vent out air.

  • Compressed gas is much more dangerous than pressurized liquids. Amount of energy can be calculated equivalent to TNT

    • 500ft of 1” pipe at 150psi can be 1.63 ounces of TNT. 2” =8oz TNT, 6”=5lbs TNT
