Lecture: BSB 152-001
Office: Parkinson 224
Instructor: Mr. Michael Dodson
Email: Canvas (preferred) or tmdodson@muw.edu
Office Hours:
M: 9-10am
TR: 8-9:30am
By appointment
Text: None
All course communication via in-person or Canvas
Contact for emergencies: tmdodson@muw.edu
Technical issues: Contact Canvas support first
Understand major concepts in Biology (Natural Selection, Classification, Physiology, Ecology).
Apply the scientific method to biological problems.
Engage in critical and scientific thinking, focusing on retention through steady study rather than cramming.
Introductory Biology for majors and non-majors covering:
Macro-Evolution and Phylogeny
Animal and Plant Physiology
Content delivery aims for depth and detail, subject to change communicated through Canvas.
Must access online components via a computer with updated browsers (Firefox/Chrome).
Chromebooks are not recommended due to compatibility issues.
Required tools: Webcam and microphone for certain assignments.
Record videos (mp4) and take pictures (jpeg) for Canvas assignments.
Jan 6: Review Biology 1
Homework Question Assignments due
Unit 1: Introduction; Darwinian Evolution and Natural Selection; watch "What Darwin Never Knew" video
Jan 13:
MLK Day (Jan 17)
Unit 1: Speciation through Reproductive Isolation
Quiz 1: Syllabus quiz, Signed Syllabus Contract
Jan 20:
Unit 1: Abiotic Synthesis of Biological Macromolecules; Cells and Macromolecules
Quiz 2 on Unit 1
Jan 27:
Unit 1: Life’s Evolutionary History
Exam 1
Feb 3:
Unit 2: Plants
Feb 10:
Unit 2: Fungi; Animals (Cool Fungi)
Feb 17:
Unit 2: ATP, Photosynthesis, Respiration (Tracking the First Animals)
Feb 24:
Unit 2: Digestion, Circulation, Human Nutrition
Quiz 3 on Unit 2
Mar 3:
Unit 3: Endocrine System, Pancreatic Hormones, Homeostasis
Exam 2
Mar 10:
Spring Break
Mar 17:
Unit 3: Thyroid Hormones, Metabolic Homeostasis; Populations (Making Connections)
Mar 24:
Unit 3: Units of Evolutionary Change, Limits on Population Growth
Quiz 4 on Unit 3
Mar 31:
Unit 4: Communities as Groups of Species
Exam 3 (Connections)
Apr 7:
Unit 4: Coevolutionary Predator-Prey Relationships; Interspecific vs. Intraspecific Competition
Apr 14:
Unit 4: Community Structure; Keystone & Exotic Species; Ecosystems; Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change
Quiz 5 on Unit 4; Big Picture Assignment
Apr 21 - May 2:
Catchup/Prepare for Final Exam
May 5-9:
Comprehensive Final Exam
Follow the Missed Class Policy found in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
Attendance is mandatory; students must work with instructors for missed work.
Excessive absences may hinder academic performance.
Late Arrival / Early Departure: Not credited for attendance if late; leaving early without permission counts as absence.
Video lectures provided alongside PowerPoint presentations for notes.
Supplemental videos included for additional material comprehension.
Quizzes and exams based solely on instructor's video lectures.
Exams: 300 pts (3 lecture exams, a 4th may occur)
Final Exam: 150 pts (comprehensive)
Class Quizzes: 100 pts
Assignments: 50 pts
Discussions: 100 pts
Total: 700 pts
3 Lecture Exams with a potential 4th
All students must take the final exam.
Exams may only be rescheduled with adequate notice and valid excuse.
Formats: essays, multiple-choice, short answer, matching, drawing/labeling diagrams.
Scheduled throughout the semester based on course topics (10-20 questions).
No make-ups allowed for quizzes, must be taken individually and may be timed.
Write 2 critical thinking questions per test material - Bonus points available on quizzes.
Create a representation of connections between course topics for the Big Picture project, due at semester's end.
Active Learning Participation within class interactions is graded; online active learning assignments allow make-ups if permitted.
Accommodations available through the Student Success Center; must follow outlined processes prior to the semester.
Commitment to a harassment-free learning environment; contact Title IX Coordinator for issues.
Strict policies against academic dishonesty including penalties up to expulsion; consult with the instructor for clarity on citations and group work involvement.
Recommended studying: 2 hours per class hour; balance study with extracurricular activities.
Be prepared for possible changes to online learning methods; maintain computer and internet access.
Required for exams; download from provided links.
Complete digital signature contract indicating understanding of course policies and commitment to academic integrity.