Subject: Marine Corps Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Date: 11 Mar 2024
Commandant of the Marine Corps and Distribution List: The order is issued from the Commandant of the Marine Corps to all relevant distribution lists aimed at modernizing the Marine Corps' operational capabilities through data and AI integration.
Situation Statement:
Data is critical for operational success, enabling the Marine Corps to react swiftly in various scenarios.
Focus on modernizing information technology infrastructure for global data access and improved data sharing capabilities.
Emphasis on the responsible use of AI as a force multiplier, enhancing decision-making through data analytics.
Integration of AI must adhere to ethical principles and risk management practices.
Service Data Office (SDO):
Established as the lead entity for overseeing data and AI policies.
Responsible for governance across warfighting functions, focusing on data-centric transformation and the implementation of the DoD Data Strategy.
Governance Bodies Involved:
Functional Data Working Group (FDWG) oversees data governance.
Artificial Intelligence Working Group (AIWG) oversees AI governance.
Marine Corps Service Data Officer (MC SDO) chairs both groups and aligns data management policies with operational requirements.
FDWG provides recommendations on policy and resources; AIWG focuses on ethical AI principles.
Additional Roles Defined:
Associate Data Officers (ADOs) manage implementation of data policies.
Data Stewards shape data direction and ensure quality and access.
Data Custodians handle practical data management tasks.
Command Data and Analytics Officers (CDAOs) facilitate domain-specific decision-making tools.
Importance of Workforce:
A data-centric, AI-enabled workforce is deemed essential for national security and operational efficiency.
The Order outlines gaps needing to be addressed in skills and capabilities for effective data and AI application.
Responsibilities of the Data Workforce:
Support resilient and secure data architecture and ensure compliance with risk management protocols.
Maintain a focus on ensuring data is Visible, Accessible, Understandable, Linked, Trustworthy, Interoperable, and Secure (VAULTIS).
Establish required competencies for AI talent to support combat and non-combat operations,
Identify gaps in training to foster the necessary skills across both technical and non-technical areas.
Mission: Develop advanced data and AI solutions to enhance decision-making and operational effectiveness.
Commander's Intent: Equip and train the Marine Corps Total Force to utilize data and AI capabilities effectively.
Operational Execution:
The SDO is tasked with leading data and AI implementation across the service, utilizing recommendations from FDWG and AIWG.
Annual Data and AI Implementation Plans will be published to ensure alignment with emerging technologies and operational needs.
Subordinate Roles:
DC I oversees the MC SDO, managing data, AI, and geospatial data initiatives.
MC SDO acts as principal advisor on data and AI, coordinating across departments and maintaining compliance with protocols.
Various departmental leads (DC M&RA, DC P&R, etc.) are assigned specific stewardship roles in data management, ensuring alignment with overall governance.
Focus on integrating data and AI capabilities throughout various functional areas, emphasizing wargaming and readiness evaluations.
Departments are tasked with identifying and addressing data-related requirements to enhance service capability across missions.
Cross-functional Coordination: Ensuring data systems' design and procurement are efficient and responsive to emerging needs, adopting flexible frameworks for acquisitions.
Establishing key performance parameters for AI systems, ensuring alignment with responsible AI principles.
Focus on talent management for data science and AI.
Emphasis on recruitment, training, and retention strategies to cultivate expertise in data analytics and AI.
Aligning with existing Marine Corps structures for efficient management of personnel transitions.
Each command and office has defined responsibilities in data management and AI policy enforcement to support their respective domains.
Roles range from operational support to strategic oversight, ensuring comprehensive integration of data governance across the Marine Corps.
Importance of maintaining records in alignment with NARA standards, ensuring data privacy and compliance with the Privacy Act.
Ongoing updates and recommendations for improving data governance processes are encouraged to adapt to new challenges.
Extensive list of references (DoD strategies, internal orders, ethical AI principles) supporting the order.
Glossary of terms and definitions provided to clarify roles, responsibilities, and technological concepts integral to implementing the guidelines outlined.