(2)Which of the following C constructs is used to check the input conditions for a state machine program using the approach presented in the class notes? if-else if-else (2)What is the total number of GPIO pins for the ESP32-Wrover MCU? 34 (2)Draw a UML activity diagram for a program that first initializes a count variable, then increments the count every time a button is pressed. Be sure to account for switch debouncing (2)If you want to change an ESP-IDF project configuration value, which file do you need to edit? sdkconfig (2)When you need to measure temperature, which of these is not an option to use with ESP32? TSL2561 (2)Which of these is not an actuator? Button (2)Which of the following is not a serial communication method of communicating with a sensor? PWM (2)What are the signals to drive an I2C device? Data and clock (3)Which of the following gives the most information about a system's hardware details? Level 2 Block Diagram (3)What language is commonly used to program Field Programmable Gate Arrays? VHDL (3)What Parameter of a PWM signal will control the brightness of an LED that it is connected to? Duty Cycle (3)Which is not a display technology? OECD (3)If energy consumption is an important factor for a project, in which order would you evaluate the display options? OLED, TFT, LCD (3)If graphic capabilities are an important factor for a project, in which order would you evaluate the display options? TFT, OLED, LCD (3)What is the most fundamental difference between the vanilla FreeRTOS and the ESP-IDF FreeRTOS? The vanilla FreeRTOS is designed for a single core, whereas ESP-IDF supports multiple cores. (3)Which macro/function pair can be used to protect a shared resource in FreeRTOS? portENTER_CRITICAL_SAFE/portEXIT_CRITICAL_SAFE (4)For an ESP-IDF program, which of the following functions sends data to the UART Tx pin of an ESP32 device? uart_write_bytes(...) (4)In digital communication, what is defined as the number of digital symbols transmitted per second? Baud Rate (4)Which of the following describes the implementation of UART communication between the ESP32 and a terminal program? Full Duplex (4)For a UART connection given as 9600, 8N1, which information is not provided? The start bit (4)Which one is not true when we compare UART with other serial protocols such as I2C or SPI? UART has two different lines for transmit and receive, while others use a single line for data. (4)Which is not true as an I2C and I2S comparison? They need the same number of pin connections (4)In which modes does ESP32 RAM keep existing data without any loss (that is, full RAM retention)? Modem sleep and light sleep (4)In a battery-operated ESP32 project, you need to know the ambient light level, but only in some cases will you need to take action. What would be the best solution? Deep-sleep; employ the ULP coprocessor.