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Chapter 7 Study Guide 

  • Who was Eli Whitney?

-Known for using interchangeable parts of a firearm + inventor of the cotton gin

  • Who was Samuel Slater?

-”father of industrial revolution”, called this because he introduced first water powered cotton mill.

  • Who was Francis Cabot Lowell?

    - built most famous textile mill, highly contributing to manufacturing industry

  • Who was Henry Clay?

    -a senator, created plan for US that included tariffs, roads and canals to be built and 2nd bank of US

  • What was the Missouri Compromise?

    - an attempt to address tension about slavery

  • Who was John C Calhoun?

    - a big states rights advocate from South Carolina, slave owner, supported embargo that lead to War of 1812

  • What was the Marbury V Madison case about?

    - case stating legislature could declare laws unconstitutional

  • What was the Gibbons V Ogden case about?

    -discussed rights to regulate interstate commerce/trade

  • What was the Adams- Onis Treaty of 1819?

    - Defined Western limits of Louisiana Purchase

  • What was the Erie Canal/ its significance?

    -direct route from Ohio to New York

  • What was the Louisiana Purchase and when did it happen?

    -US purchase of Louisiana territory from France , 1803

  • What was the Era of Good Feelings?

    - period of nationalism /optimism (1816-1824)

  • What was the Monroe Doctrine?

    -a warning to Europe to not interfere with Western affairs

  • What was the election of 1824?

    • when John Q Adams defeated Andrew Jackson by a lot more electoral votes

Chapter 7 Study Guide 

  • Who was Eli Whitney?

-Known for using interchangeable parts of a firearm + inventor of the cotton gin

  • Who was Samuel Slater?

-”father of industrial revolution”, called this because he introduced first water powered cotton mill.

  • Who was Francis Cabot Lowell?

    - built most famous textile mill, highly contributing to manufacturing industry

  • Who was Henry Clay?

    -a senator, created plan for US that included tariffs, roads and canals to be built and 2nd bank of US

  • What was the Missouri Compromise?

    - an attempt to address tension about slavery

  • Who was John C Calhoun?

    - a big states rights advocate from South Carolina, slave owner, supported embargo that lead to War of 1812

  • What was the Marbury V Madison case about?

    - case stating legislature could declare laws unconstitutional

  • What was the Gibbons V Ogden case about?

    -discussed rights to regulate interstate commerce/trade

  • What was the Adams- Onis Treaty of 1819?

    - Defined Western limits of Louisiana Purchase

  • What was the Erie Canal/ its significance?

    -direct route from Ohio to New York

  • What was the Louisiana Purchase and when did it happen?

    -US purchase of Louisiana territory from France , 1803

  • What was the Era of Good Feelings?

    - period of nationalism /optimism (1816-1824)

  • What was the Monroe Doctrine?

    -a warning to Europe to not interfere with Western affairs

  • What was the election of 1824?

    • when John Q Adams defeated Andrew Jackson by a lot more electoral votes