科技发展日新月异,已经深深融入了我们的日常生活,影响着工作、学习和社交等各个方面。如今,我们使用电脑作为工作和学习的工具,依靠手机与同事、朋友和家人保持联系。作为 AQA 中文课程的一部分,理解与科技相关的词汇和概念,不仅有助于提高语言能力,还能更深入地了解现代社会的发展。本指南将帮助您掌握日常生活中的科技词汇、用法及其影响。
Technological development is changing every day and has been deeply integrated into our daily lives, affecting all aspects of work, study, and social interaction. Today, we use computers as tools for work and study, and rely on mobile phones to stay in touch with colleagues, friends and family. As part of the AQA Chinese course, understanding vocabulary and concepts related to technology not only helps improve language skills, but also provides a deeper understanding of the development of modern society. This guide will help you master technology vocabulary, usage, and impact in your daily life.
个人资料: 用户可以在社交网络上展示自己的信息,如姓名、照片、兴趣和动态更新。
订阅者: 在社交平台上关注其他用户,以便接收他们的最新动态。
发布: 在社交网络上分享文字、图片或视频内容,让更多人看到。
评论: 对社交媒体上的内容进行书面回复或互动。
网民: 是指通过计算机和互联网进行网络活动的人。这个概念不仅仅是指那些使用互联网的人,而是指那些在自我意识、网络态度、网络行为和网络效果上表现出一定特点的群体。
网友: 是指通过某一网络媒介物而相识乃至相知的朋友,通常见面较少或只能在特定地点见到。
微信 (WeChat):作为国内最大的社交媒体平台之一,微信不仅提供基本的聊天功能,还整合了朋友圈、公众号、小程序等,成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的社交工具。
微博 (Weibo): 类似于 Twitter 的社交平台,用户可以发布短文、图片和视频,关注明星、媒体和网红,是获取最新资讯和娱乐内容的重要渠道。
抖音 (Tiktok): 以短视频为主的社交平台,用户可以拍摄和分享 15 秒到 60 秒的短视频,涵盖音乐、舞蹈、搞笑、美食、旅行等内容,深受年轻人喜爱。
此外还有快手 (Kuaishou), Bilibili (B站), 知乎 (Zhihu), 小红书 (Xiaohongshu), 豆瓣 (Douban), 今日头条 (Toutiao) 等等。
Social media refers to online platforms where users can create profiles, interact with friends, and share content.
Profile: Users can display information about themselves on social networks, such as name, photo, interests, and status updates.
Subscribers: Follow other users on social platforms to receive their latest updates.
Publish: Share text, images or video content on social networks so that more people can see it.
Comment: A written response or interaction to content on social media.
Internet users: refers to people who conduct online activities through computers and the Internet. This concept does not just refer to those people who use the Internet, but to groups that exhibit certain characteristics in self-awareness, network attitudes, network behaviors and network effects.
Netizens: refers to friends who have met or even known each other through a certain network medium. They usually meet rarely or can only be seen in specific places.
In China, social media mainly includes the following types of platforms:
WeChat: As one of the largest social media platforms in China, WeChat not only provides basic chat functions, but also integrates Moments, public accounts, mini-programs, etc., becoming an indispensable social tool in people's daily lives.
Weibo: A social platform similar to Twitter, where users can post short articles, pictures and videos, follow celebrities, media and internet celebrities, and is an important channel for obtaining the latest information and entertainment content.
TikTok: A social platform based on short videos, where users can shoot and share short videos of 15 to 60 seconds, covering music, dance, comedy, food, travel and other content, and is very popular among young people.
In addition, there are Kuaishou, Bilibili, Zhihu, Xiaohongshu, Douban, Toutiao and so on.
These social media platforms not only meet the social and entertainment needs of users, but also play an important role in business promotion, brand marketing and e-commerce.
The emergence of social media marks a major transformation in social culture. It not only affects the way people communicate, but also subtly changes their values, habits and lifestyles. Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has changed the way we communicate, enriched our sources of information, enhanced the interaction between brands and consumers, and also influenced our values and mentality. We should use social media wisely, allowing it to enhance our lives rather than dominate them.
浏览网页: 从一个网页移动到另一个网页,浏览各种网站以查找信息或娱乐。
下载: 将数据或文件从服务器或网站复制到个人设备。
分享: 向其他在线用户分发或提供内容,例如照片、视频或文章。
网站: 托管在同一域名下的相关网页集合,可通过互联网访问。
电子邮件: 每个人通过注册可以有一个独一无二的邮箱地址, 我们可以通过网络来发送和接收邮件, 可以用文字, 图像以及文件方式来传递。
搜索引擎: 像 Google 这样的在线工具,允许用户通过输入关键词在互联网上搜索信息。
在线安全: 用于保护用户免受黑客攻击、数据盗窃或诈骗等互联网风险的实践和技术。
互联网已经成为获取新闻、教育资源、娱乐等各种信息的不可或缺的工具。它实现了全球连通性,促进了世界各地的思想和知识交流。 然而,互联网也存在着巨大的风险。计算机病毒可以感染设备并危及个人数据。网络诈骗(例如网络钓鱼诈骗)试图诱骗用户获取敏感信息。此外,网络骚扰或网络欺凌可能会造成毁灭性的影响,尤其是对年轻人。
Browsing the Web: Moving from one web page to another, browsing various websites to find information or entertainment.
Download: To copy data or files from a server or website to a personal device.
Share: Distribute or make available content, such as photos, videos, or articles, to other online users.
Website: A collection of related web pages hosted under the same domain name and accessible from the Internet.
Email: Everyone can have a unique email address by registering. We can send and receive emails through the Internet, and can deliver them in the form of text, images and files.
Search Engine: An online tool like Google that allows users to search for information on the Internet by entering key words.
Online security: Practices and technologies used to protect users from Internet risks such as hacking, data theft, or fraud.
The Internet has become an indispensable tool for obtaining various information such as news, educational resources, entertainment, etc. It enables global connectivity and facilitates the exchange of ideas and knowledge around the world. However, the Internet also carries huge risks. Computer viruses can infect devices and compromise personal data. Online scams, such as phishing scams, attempt to trick users into obtaining sensitive information. Additionally, online harassment or cyberbullying can have a devastating impact, especially on young people.
移动通信 (Mobile Communication): 主要词汇包括5G 网络,4G/5G VoLTE 语音通话,eSIM (电子SIM卡)
智能手机 (Smartphones): 比如iPhone手机,华为、小米。智能手机功能基本类似于缩小版的电脑, 不但可以用来打电话, 也可以用来搜素各网站平台, 玩游戏,用来语音通话和视频通话,智能手机上也配备了计算器,有的甚至可以进行很复杂的计算。
移动支付 (Mobile Payment): 微信支付和支付宝已经成为中国人日常消费的主要方式,支持扫码支付等。
移动互联网服务 (Mobile Internet Services): 比如短视频 & 直播:抖音、快手等平台依赖高速移动网络,让用户随时随地观看、制作和分享内容。
移动办公 (Remote Work & Mobile Office): 现在很多工作只需要使用电脑居家办公, 不需要去办公室上班。
移动出行 (Mobile Mobility): 比如 网约车:lift, uber, 中国的滴滴出行、花小猪、美团打车等平台。
移动网络安全 (Mobile Security): 生物识别(Biometric Authentication)可以使用指纹识别、人脸识别、虹膜扫描等技术提高了手机的安全性。 利用 AI 识别电信诈骗,增强移动支付安全。
隐私保护:安卓 & iOS 手机增加了更多隐私权限管理功能,限制 App 访问用户数据的权限。
Mobile Communication: Key terms include 5G network, 4G/5G VoLTE voice calls, eSIM (electronic SIM card)
Smartphones: such as iPhone, Huawei, and Xiaomi. The functions of a smartphone are basically similar to those of a smaller computer. Not only can it be used to make calls, but it can also be used to search various websites and platforms, play games, and make voice and video calls. Smartphones are also equipped with calculators, and some can even perform very complex calculations.
Mobile Payment: WeChat Pay and Alipay have become the main methods of daily consumption for Chinese people, supporting QR code payment, etc.
Mobile Internet Services: For example, short videos & live broadcasts: Platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou rely on high-speed mobile networks, allowing users to watch, create and share content anytime, anywhere.
Remote Work & Mobile Office: Nowadays, many jobs only require working at home using a computer, without having to go to the office.
Mobile Mobility: For example, online car-hailing platforms such as Lift, Uber, and China’s Didi Chuxing, Huaxiaozhu, and Meituan Taxi.
Mobile Security: Biometric Authentication can improve the security of mobile phones by using technologies such as fingerprint recognition, face recognition, and iris scanning. Use AI to identify telecommunications fraud and enhance mobile payment security.
Privacy protection: Android & iOS phones have added more privacy permission management features to limit apps’ access to user data.
综上所述, 我们了解到了现在科技的发展给我们的日常生活带来的翻天覆地的变化, 同时也像一把双刃剑, 给我们带来便利高效的同时也存在着一些挑战, 比如个人的隐私保护,信息安全, 网络游戏成瘾, 网络欺诈等等。通过作为 AQA 计划的一部分来学习这些主题,您将能够更好地了解技术在现代世界中的含义,并积极参与有关其未来作用的讨论。继续用中文探索,使用你学到的词汇和概念来丰富你的讨论和写作。
To sum up, we understand that the development of technology has brought about earth-shaking changes in our daily lives. At the same time, it is also like a double-edged sword. While it brings us convenience and efficiency, there are also some challenges, such as personal privacy protection, information security, online game addiction, online fraud, etc. By studying these topics as part of the AQA program, you will be able to gain a better understanding of what technology means in the modern world and actively participate in discussions about its future role. Continue exploring in Chinese, using the vocabulary and concepts you've learned to enrich your discussions and writing.