English Vocab :0

1. Acquisitive

- Definition: Having a strong desire to acquire or own things, especially material possessions.

- Synonyms: Greedy, covetous, materialistic.

- Antonyms: Generous, unselfish, altruistic.

- Sentence: The acquisitive nature of the company led it to purchase smaller competitors.

2. Arrogate

- Definition: To take or claim something without justification.

- Synonyms: Seize, usurp, assume.

- Antonyms: Relinquish, abandon, renounce.

- Sentence: He attempted to arrogate the leadership role without consulting his team.

3. Banal

- Definition: Lacking in originality; obvious and boring.

- Synonyms: Trite, clichéd, ordinary.

- Antonyms: Original, fresh, innovative.

- Sentence: The movie was criticized for its banal storyline and predictable ending.

4. Belabor

- Definition: To overemphasize or dwell on a point unnecessarily.

- Synonyms: Overstate, repeat, dwell on.

- Antonyms: Understate, ignore, simplify

- Sentence: There's no need to belabor the point; we all understand the issue.

5. Carping

- Definition: Tending to find fault in a petty or nagging way.

- Synonyms: Critical, nitpicking, fault-finding.

- Antonyms: Approving, supportive, complimentary.

- Sentence: His constant carping over minor errors frustrated his coworkers.

6. Coherent

- Definition: Logical, consistent, and orderly.

- Synonyms: Clear, cohesive, rational.

- Antonyms: Incoherent, disjointed, confusing.

- Sentence: Her coherent argument convinced the panel of her viewpoint.

7. Congeal

- Definition: To solidify, especially by cooling.

- Synonyms: Harden, clot, coagulate.

- Antonyms: Melt, liquefy, dissolve.

- Sentence: As the temperature dropped, the liquid began to congeal.

8. Emulate

- Definition: To strive to equal or excel, often by imitating.

- Synonyms: Imitate, mimic, mirror.

- Antonyms: Neglect, disregard.

- Sentence: She admired her mentor and tried to emulate his dedication.

9. Encomium

- Definition: A formal expression of praise.

- Synonyms: Tribute, accolade, eulogy.

- Antonyms: Criticism, disapproval, condemnation.

- Sentence: The retiring professor received an encomium for his years of service.

10. Eschew

- Definition: To deliberately avoid or shun.

- Synonyms: Avoid, shun, abstain from.

- Antonyms: Embrace, accept, pursue.

- Sentence: She chose to eschew social media to focus on her studies.

11. Germane

- Definition: Relevant to the subject at hand.

- Synonyms: Relevant, pertinent, applicable.

- Antonyms: Irrelevant, unrelated, inappropriate.

- Sentence: His comments were not germane to the topic of the meeting.

12. Insatiable

- Definition: Incapable of being satisfied or appeased.

- Synonyms: Unquenchable, voracious, ravenous.

- Antonyms: Satisfied, fulfilled, contented.

- Sentence: She has an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

13. Intransigent

- Definition: Unwilling to change one’s views or agree; stubborn.

- Synonyms: Unyielding, inflexible, uncompromising.

- Antonyms: Flexible, compliant, yielding.

- Sentence: The intransigent leader refused to negotiate.

14. Invidious

- Definition: Likely to cause resentment or anger in others.

- Synonyms: Offensive, unjust, resentful.

- Antonyms: Fair, pleasant, complimentary.

- Sentence: His invidious comments sparked a heated debate.

15. Largesse

- Definition: Generosity in giving gifts or money.

- Synonyms: Generosity, liberality, philanthropy.

- Antonyms: Stinginess, meanness, greed.

- Sentence: The billionaire was known for his largesse in supporting charities.

16. Reconnaissance

- Definition: A preliminary survey or exploration, often for military purposes.

- Synonyms: Survey, exploration, inspection.

- Antonyms: Ignorance, disregard.

- Sentence: The team conducted a reconnaissance of the area before the operation.

17. Substantiate

- Definition: To provide evidence to support or prove something.

- Synonyms: Confirm, verify, validate.

- Antonyms: Disprove, refute, negate.

- Sentence: The witness was able to substantiate her claims with evidence.

18. Taciturn

- Definition: Reserved or uncommunicative; saying little.

- Synonyms: Quiet, reserved, reticent.

- Antonyms: Talkative, garrulous, loquacious.

- Sentence: Her taciturn nature made her difficult to read.

19. Temporize

- Definition: To delay making a decision or act to gain time.

- Synonyms: Stall, procrastinate, delay.

- Antonyms: Decide, act, commit.

- Sentence: He tried to temporize until he could gather more information.

20. Tenable

- Definition: Able to be defended or maintained.

- Synonyms: Defensible, justifiable, sustainable.

- Antonyms: Indefensible, unreasonable, unsustainable.

- Sentence: His argument was tenable and backed by strong evidence. 😊
