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Forces of motion


  • Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance by the time. The gradient of a distance-time graph is equal to the speed of the object. It can be calculated by doing rise/run

  • Average speed= distance moved/time


  • Distance time graphs: If an object is travelling at a steady speed, Its distance-

    time graph will be a straight line going upwards. However, if its speed is changing the line of the graph will be curved. The gradient is velocity

  • Velocity time graphs: If an object is travelling at a steady speed, its velocity-time graph will be an horizontal straight line. On the other hand if its speed is changing the line of the graph will be curved. The gradient is acceleration


  • Velocity= displacement/time

  • Displacement is defined as the change in position of an object.

Key words:

  • The distance an object has travelled is the area of the graph

  • Velocity: vector

  • Speed: scalar

  • Distance: speed x time


  • change in velocity(meters/seconds)/time (seconds)

  • a=(v-u)/t

SUVAT equations:

  1. s=(v+u)/2 x t

  2. v²=u²+2as

  • s= displacements

  • a= acceleration

  • v= final velocity

  • u= initial velocity


  • Friction:

    • Force that opposes motion

    • Air resistance is a form of friction

  • Electrostatic force:

    • Force between two charged particles

  • Tension:

    • Force that is acting through a stretched object

  • Upthrust:

    • Force pushing up an object in a fluid

  • Magnetic force:

    • Force caused by moving charged particles

  • Air resistance:

    • Force caused by air pushing on an object

  • Weight:

    • Force between any two objects with mass

  • Thrust:

    • Force pushing a vechicle

  • Compression:

    • Force that squeezes an object

Scalar V.S. Vector

  • Scalar: quantity with only magnitude

  • Vector: quantity with magnitude and d


Forces of motion


  • Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance by the time. The gradient of a distance-time graph is equal to the speed of the object. It can be calculated by doing rise/run

  • Average speed= distance moved/time


  • Distance time graphs: If an object is travelling at a steady speed, Its distance-

    time graph will be a straight line going upwards. However, if its speed is changing the line of the graph will be curved. The gradient is velocity

  • Velocity time graphs: If an object is travelling at a steady speed, its velocity-time graph will be an horizontal straight line. On the other hand if its speed is changing the line of the graph will be curved. The gradient is acceleration


  • Velocity= displacement/time

  • Displacement is defined as the change in position of an object.

Key words:

  • The distance an object has travelled is the area of the graph

  • Velocity: vector

  • Speed: scalar

  • Distance: speed x time


  • change in velocity(meters/seconds)/time (seconds)

  • a=(v-u)/t

SUVAT equations:

  1. s=(v+u)/2 x t

  2. v²=u²+2as

  • s= displacements

  • a= acceleration

  • v= final velocity

  • u= initial velocity


  • Friction:

    • Force that opposes motion

    • Air resistance is a form of friction

  • Electrostatic force:

    • Force between two charged particles

  • Tension:

    • Force that is acting through a stretched object

  • Upthrust:

    • Force pushing up an object in a fluid

  • Magnetic force:

    • Force caused by moving charged particles

  • Air resistance:

    • Force caused by air pushing on an object

  • Weight:

    • Force between any two objects with mass

  • Thrust:

    • Force pushing a vechicle

  • Compression:

    • Force that squeezes an object

Scalar V.S. Vector

  • Scalar: quantity with only magnitude

  • Vector: quantity with magnitude and d