Mathematics: Tactics and Strategies

Test the choices, starting with C

This tactic, often called backsolving, is useful when you are asked to solve for an unknown and you understand what needs to be done to answer the question but you want to avoid doing the algebra. The idea is simple, just test the features but start with c since it’s a midpoint number. After testing this number, you can tell if you need a higher or lower number. if it’s lower test A and B, and if it’s higher, test D.

Replace variables with numbers

This tactic is a crucial tactic to know for anyone looking to develop good test-taking skills. This tactic can be used whenever the 5 choices involve the variables in the question. The first step in this process is to replace each letter with an easy-to-use number. Then solve the problems using those 5 numbers. And lastly, evaluate each of the given choices with the numbers you chose to see which choice is equal to the answer you defined. This strategy is very similar to the one above, except you test the choices with numbers.

Choose an appropriate number

This tactic is almost like a sub-tactic of the one above since it is very similar to it. The only thing different in this tactic is that instead of picking any random number to replace the variables, pick easy numbers like 0, 1, 2, etc. Numbers that are easy to calculate make your work a lot easier. With multiplication and division problems, you can even pick numbers like 1, 10, and 100 since it’s just zeros at the end.

Eliminate absurd choices and guess

If ever you are stuck on how to solve a problem, eliminate all the answer choices that look like they make no sense and guess among the remaining ones. Always try to make the best-educated guess when you don’t know how to solve the problem.

Some things that make an answer choice absurd are:

  • the answer must be positive, but the choices are negative

  • the answer must be even, but the choices are odd

  • a ratio must be less than 1, but some of the choices are greater than or equal to one, or vice versa

These are just some of the examples that make an answer choice absurd, but it’s up to your judgment to determine that.

Use diagrams wisely

If at any time, a question shows that the diagram is drawn to scale, trust it and don’t try and verify it. Unless you see the words “ Figure not drawn to scale”, then you can trust the diagram. Those diagrams in the test booklet have been drawn as exactly as possible. If an angle looks obtuse, then it is obtuse and if an angle looks acute then it is acute, but never assume a right angle if it doesn’t say so

If a diagram is not drawn to scale, then redraw the diagram to scale. it doesn’t have to be exact, but as close as possible.

Draw a diagram

On any geometry question for which a figure is not provided, draw one as accurately as possible in your test booklet. Even though it may seem like a waste of time, it helps you solve the question without imagining it in your head where you can easily make simple errors. Often looking at the diagram will lead you to the correct method.

Systematically make lists

When a question asks “how many,” often the best strategy is to make a list. If you do this, it is important that you make the list in a systematic fashion, so that you don't inadvertently leave something out often. Shortly after starting the list, you can see a pattern developing and configure out how many more entries there will be without writing them all down.
