Central Idea:
APHG Units
Unit 1: Thinking Geographically
Tools of Geography
Spatial Concepts
Human-Environment Interaction
Unit 2: Population and Migration
Population Theories
Malthusian Theory
Demographic Transition Model
Migration Theories
Push and Pull Factors
Ravenstein's Laws
Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes
Cultural Landscape
Diffusion of Culture
Types of Diffusion
Unit 4: Political Organization of Space
States and Nations
Multinational State
Political Systems
Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land Use
Agricultural Revolutions
First Agricultural Revolution
Green Revolution
Rural Land Use Models
Von Thünen Model
Bid-Rent Theory
Unit 6: Industrialization and Economic Development
Industrial Revolutions
First Industrial Revolution
Industry Types
Development Theories
Rostow's Stages of Growth
Dependency Theory
Unit 7: Cities and Urban Land Use
Urban Models
Urban Challenges
Urban Planning
Smart Growth
Unit 8: Globalization and Development
Economic Globalization
Cultural Globalization
Unit 9: Environmental Issues
Resource Management
Tragedy of the Commons
Sustainable Development
Environmental Challenges
Climate Change
Unit 10: Contemporary Geographic Issues
Supranational Organizations
Territorial Disputes
Contemporary Challenges
Migration Issues
Central Idea:
APHG Units covering various aspects of human geography.
Unit 1: Thinking Geographically
This unit delves into the foundational concepts of geography, exploring tools like maps and GIS. It also covers spatial concepts such as location, place, and human-environment interaction.
Unit 2: Population and Migration
Unit 2 focuses on population theories like the Malthusian Theory and the Demographic Transition Model. It also delves into migration theories, including push and pull factors, as well as Ravenstein's Laws.
Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes
In this unit, students explore cultural landscapes, including language and religion. The diffusion of culture is also examined, looking at different types of diffusion and the impacts of globalization.
Unit 4: Political Organization of Space
Unit 4 covers states and nations, discussing concepts like the nation-state and multinational state. It also explores different political systems such as democracy and authoritarianism.
Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land Use
This unit delves into agricultural revolutions, including the First Agricultural Revolution and the Green Revolution. Students also learn about rural land use models like the Von Thünen Model and the Bid-Rent Theory.
Unit 6: Industrialization and Economic Development
Unit 6 explores industrial revolutions, including the First Industrial Revolution and different industry types. Development theories such as Rostow's Stages of Growth and Dependency Theory are also covered.
Unit 7: Cities and Urban Land Use
Urbanization, urban models, urban challenges, and urban planning are the key topics in this unit. Concepts like zoning and smart growth are discussed in detail.
Unit 8: Globalization and Development
This unit delves into economic and cultural globalization, exploring their impacts on societies. Development indicators like the Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross National Income (GNI) are also studied.
Unit 9: Environmental Issues
Resource management, sustainable development, and environmental challenges such as climate change and deforestation are central themes in this unit.
Unit 10: Contemporary Geographic Issues
Geopolitics, supranational organizations, territorial disputes, pandemics, and migration issues are discussed in this unit, highlighting the interconnectedness of contemporary global challenges.