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U.S. Constitution


  • Written in 1787 after issues with Articles of confederation

    • Signed on September 17, 1787 by 39 delegates

    • Ratified in 1788

    • In operation since 1789

  • Consists of a preamble and 7 articles

    • Preamble: Outlines the Constitutions Purpose

    • Articles: Establish framework for government

      • Article 1: Gives Congress its powers and limits

      • Article 2: outlines the method for electing the President, the scope of the President's powers and duties, and the process of removing one from office

      • Article 3: establishes and empowers the judicial branch of the national government

      • Article 4: All states will honor the laws of all other states

      • Article 5: how the Constitution can be amended

      • Article 6: when state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law must prevail

      • Article 7: the Constitution becomes the official law of the land when ratified by nine states

  • Bill of rights: First 10 Amendments to the constitution, ratified Dec. 15, 1791

    • 1st amendment: Religion, assembly, speech, press, petition

    • 2nd amendment: Right to bear arms, well regulated militia

    • 3rd amendment: Quartering

    • 4th amendment: unreasonable searches and seizures, probable cause is needed, warrants

    • 5th amendment: self incrimination, miranda rights

    • 6th amendment: speedy, public trial by an impartial jury

    • 7th amendment: the right of trial by jury shall be preserved

    • 8th amendment: Cruel and Unusual punishment

    • 9th amendment: “enumerated rights,” government cant take away rights expressed in the constitution

    • 10th amendment: the federal government has only those powers specifically granted by the Constitution, rest go to states

U.S. Constitution


  • Written in 1787 after issues with Articles of confederation

    • Signed on September 17, 1787 by 39 delegates

    • Ratified in 1788

    • In operation since 1789

  • Consists of a preamble and 7 articles

    • Preamble: Outlines the Constitutions Purpose

    • Articles: Establish framework for government

      • Article 1: Gives Congress its powers and limits

      • Article 2: outlines the method for electing the President, the scope of the President's powers and duties, and the process of removing one from office

      • Article 3: establishes and empowers the judicial branch of the national government

      • Article 4: All states will honor the laws of all other states

      • Article 5: how the Constitution can be amended

      • Article 6: when state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law must prevail

      • Article 7: the Constitution becomes the official law of the land when ratified by nine states

  • Bill of rights: First 10 Amendments to the constitution, ratified Dec. 15, 1791

    • 1st amendment: Religion, assembly, speech, press, petition

    • 2nd amendment: Right to bear arms, well regulated militia

    • 3rd amendment: Quartering

    • 4th amendment: unreasonable searches and seizures, probable cause is needed, warrants

    • 5th amendment: self incrimination, miranda rights

    • 6th amendment: speedy, public trial by an impartial jury

    • 7th amendment: the right of trial by jury shall be preserved

    • 8th amendment: Cruel and Unusual punishment

    • 9th amendment: “enumerated rights,” government cant take away rights expressed in the constitution

    • 10th amendment: the federal government has only those powers specifically granted by the Constitution, rest go to states
