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archery mistakes

forward foot stepped back (open) - Left

Forward foot stepped forward (close) - Right

Elbow or wrist hyperextended (bow braced against heel of hand) - Left

Elbow bent too much or wrist flexed - Right (low)

Gripping handle too tightly - left (low)

Arrow more than 90 degrees between the arrow and the string - Low

Arrow less than 90 degrees between the arrow and the string - High

Pinching the arrow so that it falls off the arrow shelf - Left/Low

Bracing body against tension of the draw: hunching the left shoulder, bracing left hip - Left/Low

Pulling with the arm muscles only - Left/Low

Reaching with the chin, drawing under the nose, anchoring on the cheek - Low

Anchoring beside the ear, hooking the thumb at the angle of the jaw - left/overdraw

failure to concentrate - erratic

failure to hold long enough or to hold steady - erratic

closing right eye - erratic

jerking bent fingers off the string - erratic

creeping - low

peeking - high

collapsing or dropping the bow arm - low

jerking the bow - erratic


archery mistakes

forward foot stepped back (open) - Left

Forward foot stepped forward (close) - Right

Elbow or wrist hyperextended (bow braced against heel of hand) - Left

Elbow bent too much or wrist flexed - Right (low)

Gripping handle too tightly - left (low)

Arrow more than 90 degrees between the arrow and the string - Low

Arrow less than 90 degrees between the arrow and the string - High

Pinching the arrow so that it falls off the arrow shelf - Left/Low

Bracing body against tension of the draw: hunching the left shoulder, bracing left hip - Left/Low

Pulling with the arm muscles only - Left/Low

Reaching with the chin, drawing under the nose, anchoring on the cheek - Low

Anchoring beside the ear, hooking the thumb at the angle of the jaw - left/overdraw

failure to concentrate - erratic

failure to hold long enough or to hold steady - erratic

closing right eye - erratic

jerking bent fingers off the string - erratic

creeping - low

peeking - high

collapsing or dropping the bow arm - low

jerking the bow - erratic
