L8 Constrained optimisation

Principles of Microeconomics: Consumer Theory Lecture Notes

Page 1: Overview

  • Lecture Topic: Consumer Theory

  • Focus: Constrained Optimization

  • Instructor: Tien-Der Jerry Han

  • Lecture Number: 8

Page 2: Aims of the Lecture

  • Understanding Constrained Optimization in consumer theory:

    • Examines how individuals make decisions under conditions of scarcity.

    • Key questions addressed:

      1. Given income, what are individuals' choices?

      2. Based on preferences and income, what decisions will individuals make?

Page 3: Lecture Outline

    1. Feasible Choices

    1. Budget Constraints: Changes in Price and Income

    1. Optimal Solutions: Interior and Corner

Page 4: Required Readings

  • Textbooks:

    • Lipsey and Chrystal (14th ed.), Chapter 4, pp. 83-89

    • Lipsey and Chrystal (13th ed.), Chapter 4, pp. 81-85

    • Sloman, Wride, & Garratt (11th ed.), Chapter 4, pp. 104-119

    • Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach (8th ed.), Chapter 2, pp. 20-26 and pp. 48-52

Page 5: Feasible Set of Choices

  • Choice Set: Determined by income and prices of goods.

    • Example:

      • Income = £100 per week

      • Price of beer = £2; Price of pizza = £5

    • Budget Constraint Equation:

      • Total Expenditure ≤ Income

      • £100 ≥ 2X + 5Y

      • X = amount of beer bought; Y = amount of pizza bought

Page 6: Budget Constraint

  • Illustrates which combinations of goods are affordable.

  • Feasible Sets:

    • If income is entirely spent on pizza:

      • 100/5 = 20 units of pizza (Y)

    • If entirely on beer:

      • 100/2 = 50 units of beer (X)

    • Slope indicates trade-off: for every additional 25 beers, 10 pizzas must be foregone.

Page 7: Impact of Income Increase

  • Scenario: Income rises to £120.

  • Budget constraint shifts right parallel to existing line:

    • New Maximum Pizza = 120/5 = 24 units

    • New Maximum Beer = 120/2 = 60 units

Page 8: Impact of Price Increase

  • Scenario: Price of beer increases to £2.50.

  • Budget Constraint Shapes:

  • New Slope: Price change leads to pivoting of the budget constraint solving for affordable combinations.

    • If spending only on beer = 100/2.5 = 40 units.

Page 9: Mathematical Representation of Budget Constraints

  • General Formula:

    • M = pxX + pyY

    • Slope: ∆Y/∆X = –(px/py)

    • The relationship illustrates trade-offs between goods upon changing prices or income.

Page 10: Non-Linear Budget Constraints: Quantity Discounts

  • Bulk purchase implications change relative price: degrade slope of the budget curve if buying over a threshold.

    • Consumers adapt choices in response to pricing changes orchestrated by quantity purchased.

Page 11: Non-Linear Budget Constraints: Rationing

  • Government-imposed limits on goods.

    • Functional representation shifts feasible sets despite income levels.

    • Conceptualize as infinite slope when maximum quantities are reached.

Page 12: Interior Solutions

  • Indifference Curves: Represent preferences.

    • Budget Constraint Intersects with Indifference Curve at optimal choice.

    • Tangency point between constraints indicates maximum utility.

Page 13: Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS)

  • Measures consumer's willingness to trade one good for another at varying utility levels.

    • Diminishing marginal returns depicted within the trade-off curves.

Page 14: Continued Marginal Rate of Substitution Exploration

  • Emphasis on concept continuity in trade-off willingness as consumption units vary.

    • Linear margin adjustments critically influence consumer choice mechanics.

Page 15: Properties of the Interior Solution

  • At optimal consumption:

    • MRSyx = px/py signifies balance between personal trade rate and market exchange rate for goods.

Page 16: Corner Solutions

  • Occurs when consumers disregard certain products due to preference or rationing limitations.

    • Optimal choice situated at corners within feasible sets highlighting constraints.

Page 17: Summary of Budget Constraints

  • Key terms:

    • Budget Constraint: Set of affordable options based on income and goods' prices.

    • Interior Solutions and Corners defined by underlying preferences vs. market limits.

Page 18: Key Learning Outcomes

  • Ability to:

    1. Illustrate feasible choices on diagrams.

    2. Describe budget constraint adjustments due to price and income variations.

    3. Analyze optimal choice bundles of goods.
