
HRM Strategy

Hard/soft HRM

Flexible contract

Employee performance test

Management by Objectives, MBO

Use of IT and AI

Hard and Soft HRM

Hard: Cut cost => flexible contract

+ No training cost, no fringe benefit

+ Only pay them as needed

Hard: Ignore Maslow motivation theory, only benefit in short-term

Soft: focus on employee development to reach self-fulfillment and get motivated

- Training cost, often use full time contract

Should use soft approach to key employees and hard on non-necessary ones

Improving employee performance:

Hard: Warnings, pay cut

Soft: Training, quality circle, MBO, two-way discussion on how to do work better

Improve productivity:

  1. Better motivation

  2. Training

  3. Use machine

  4. Increase worker involvement

Increase motivation:

  • Use different contracts to suit their needs

  • Leadership style (decentralization)

  • Teamworking, employees involvement

  • Bonus

  • Job enrichment, job rotation

  • Maslow (recognition)

  • Training


Permanent contract: Work until get fired

Labor cost becomes fixed cost, not vary with production

Temporary contract: Only for a short time

Zero-hours: No minimum hours of work, but employees work when needed

Gig economy (freelance): temporary, flexible jobs where business hires freelance

Flexible, meet high demand without much cost

Test employee performance before give full-time contract

Harder to manage employees, more employees to manage compared to full time. Communication problem, employees keep going in and out

No loyalty + team spirit

Worker may have multiple contracts at once, not always available

Fewer training, incentives

Flexitime arrangement: Worker choose start and end time of working hours (work life balance)

Hold meeting with everyone is difficult

Annualized hours contract: Worker work for specific number of hours per year, but when to work is decided upon demand.

  • Core hours: When workers must be there

  • Flexible hours: Time reserved for busier days, called to work by employers

Worker still come to work on certain times and work time varies with demand during seasons

If company exceeds the preset working hours before the end of the year, overtime working hours need higher pay

Job sharing: two workers share a full time job, salary based on their percentage of working hours

Employee cover for other’s absence
Business keep two experience workers, offer full time for both when needed
Work life balance, less stressed, more productive

Harder HRM management
Confusion of who does what
Workers sharing jobs don’t trust each other, reduce satisfaction and demotivating

Compressed hours contract: Work for four days a week, but same hours

Work life balance

Increased work loads during working days, more stressed

Some people want to work shorter period than long ones

Shift work (increase capacity utilization)

Work outside traditional working hours. Can work late or early

Use this cause business work all day, need employees at different shifts to keep business running

Flexible to demand, if falls, one shift can be reduced

Workers can switch shift

Use all machine all day, no waste of resources

Night shift is unhealthy

Measure employee performance: Customer complaints, absenteeism

Management by Objectives MBO

Divide business overall aim into smaller targets for each employees to meet, agreed by employees

Need employee discussion when making targets

Let employee choose their target while still contribute towards business goals

Clear target, help everyone focused on overall business aim

Monitor performance

Setting targets is hard, need constant update if environment or aim changes

IT and AI in HRM

Training: VR

Process candidate CV faster

Chat bot to answer employees questions

Finger print to check in for work, update real time
