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Body and mind (2)

Vocab related to sports and feelings



Example - Meaning

  1. club (n)

gậy đánh golf

  1. cricket (n)

a game played on grass by two teams of 11 players. Players score points (called runs) by hitting the ball with a wooden bat - bóng chày

  1. amazed at (adj)


very surprised

we were all amazed at the number of people who came

  1. amused (adj)



buồn cười, thích thú

thinking that somebody/something is funny, so that you smile or laugh

I am very easily amused

I didn't find the joke at all amusing.

  1. anxious (adj)

= nervous/worried


lo lắng

The majority of young people are anxious about the future

  1. ashamed of (adj)

= embarrassed



xấu hổ

I feel so ashamed of my behavior yesterday evening

feeling depressed is nothing to be ashamed of

  1. depressed (adj)

= sad/


very sad and without hope -buồn phiền, chán nản

She felts very depressed about her appearance

i feel so depressed about my appearance

  1. guilty (adj)


tội lỗi

feeling ashamed because you have done something that you know is wrong or have not done something that you should have done

I feel very guilty because I did not say thank you to him

  1. jealous (adj)


feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else - ghen tuông

she is a jealous wife

he’s only talking with her to make you jealous

  1. miserable (adj)


very unhappy or uncomfortable

(cực khổ)

my teacher knows how to make life miserable for her students

he looks so miserable after working

  1. terrible (adj)

tồi tệ, kinh khủng

it smells terrible here

it’s such a terrible experience

  1. take medication = medicine

=/ meditation (n)

uống thuốc

don’t forget to take medication

  1. illness (n)


bệnh tật

the virus can cause illness in humans

  1. a number of

= several


illness is defined in a number of ways

  1. limitation (n)

= restriction (n)

  1. symptom (n)
  2. disability (n)




sự hạn chế

older people tend to accept as normal a range of pains and physical limitations which younger people would define as symptoms of illness or disability

triệu chứng ( change in body or mind that shows that you are not healthy)

There are strict limitations on where businesses can locate

Can you describe your symptoms? (triệu chứng)

sự khuyết tật

the program provides people with physical disability opportunities to work as interns to learn job skills

  1. age (v)
  2. discomfort (n)


to become older

as we age, we gradually redefine health and accept greater levels of physical discomfort

>< comfort (sự không thoải mái, khó chịu )

you will experience some minor discomfort during treatment

20, in terms of

về mặt

young people tend to define health in terms of physical fitness

21, cope (v)

cope with (đương đầu)

to deal successfully with sth difficult

she is unable to cope with her workload

22. nevertheless (adv)

23. carry out


tuy nhiên

older people with really serious arthritis, who nevertheless defined themselves as healthy, as they are still able to carry out a limited range of routine activities

she was tired;nevertheless, she continued working

thực hiện, tiến hành

I will definitely carry out my dream (charity)

24. the concept of

= the idea of



khái niệm của….

the concept of “the body” is closely related to the the ideas of “illness” and “health”

25. genetic (adj)


di truyền

this type of cancer is genetic

26. indicate (v)

= show


chỉ ra

a huge range of research indicates that there are social factors too

this survey indicates that one in four children is bullied at school

27, smoke cigarette (n)


hút thuốc lá

he lit a cigarette , not because he was upset, but because he was addicted

28. repetitive (a)


doing the same thing many times

learning vocabularies is repetitive

29. employment = work (n)


công việc

my uncle is seeking employment

29. upon = on (prep)

This activity impacts upon the environment negatively

30. matter (v)


quan trọng (v)

‘I'm afraid I forgot that book again.’ “It doesn't matter”

31. abnormal >< normal (adj)

= unusual

bất thường

they thought his behavior was abnormal

32. vary (v) = differ (from) (v)


khác nhau

these rooms differ/vary in size

33. weight loss (N)


sự giảm cân

việc mất cái gì đó (memory loss, hearing loss, loss of confidence,...)

I am frightened of weight loss

34. obese (adj) = overweight (adj)

obesity (n)



very fat, in a way that is not healthy

Po is really obese

  • Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.

35. aging (n)

= people’s body change as they age


the process of growing old

sự lão hóa

I have realized some signs of aging recently

36. inactive (adj)


active (adj)

không hoạt động

this volcano has been inactive for 50 years

chủ động, nhanh nhẹn, năng động

he is an active boy


Body and mind (2)

Vocab related to sports and feelings



Example - Meaning

  1. club (n)

gậy đánh golf

  1. cricket (n)

a game played on grass by two teams of 11 players. Players score points (called runs) by hitting the ball with a wooden bat - bóng chày

  1. amazed at (adj)


very surprised

we were all amazed at the number of people who came

  1. amused (adj)



buồn cười, thích thú

thinking that somebody/something is funny, so that you smile or laugh

I am very easily amused

I didn't find the joke at all amusing.

  1. anxious (adj)

= nervous/worried


lo lắng

The majority of young people are anxious about the future

  1. ashamed of (adj)

= embarrassed



xấu hổ

I feel so ashamed of my behavior yesterday evening

feeling depressed is nothing to be ashamed of

  1. depressed (adj)

= sad/


very sad and without hope -buồn phiền, chán nản

She felts very depressed about her appearance

i feel so depressed about my appearance

  1. guilty (adj)


tội lỗi

feeling ashamed because you have done something that you know is wrong or have not done something that you should have done

I feel very guilty because I did not say thank you to him

  1. jealous (adj)


feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else - ghen tuông

she is a jealous wife

he’s only talking with her to make you jealous

  1. miserable (adj)


very unhappy or uncomfortable

(cực khổ)

my teacher knows how to make life miserable for her students

he looks so miserable after working

  1. terrible (adj)

tồi tệ, kinh khủng

it smells terrible here

it’s such a terrible experience

  1. take medication = medicine

=/ meditation (n)

uống thuốc

don’t forget to take medication

  1. illness (n)


bệnh tật

the virus can cause illness in humans

  1. a number of

= several


illness is defined in a number of ways

  1. limitation (n)

= restriction (n)

  1. symptom (n)
  2. disability (n)




sự hạn chế

older people tend to accept as normal a range of pains and physical limitations which younger people would define as symptoms of illness or disability

triệu chứng ( change in body or mind that shows that you are not healthy)

There are strict limitations on where businesses can locate

Can you describe your symptoms? (triệu chứng)

sự khuyết tật

the program provides people with physical disability opportunities to work as interns to learn job skills

  1. age (v)
  2. discomfort (n)


to become older

as we age, we gradually redefine health and accept greater levels of physical discomfort

>< comfort (sự không thoải mái, khó chịu )

you will experience some minor discomfort during treatment

20, in terms of

về mặt

young people tend to define health in terms of physical fitness

21, cope (v)

cope with (đương đầu)

to deal successfully with sth difficult

she is unable to cope with her workload

22. nevertheless (adv)

23. carry out


tuy nhiên

older people with really serious arthritis, who nevertheless defined themselves as healthy, as they are still able to carry out a limited range of routine activities

she was tired;nevertheless, she continued working

thực hiện, tiến hành

I will definitely carry out my dream (charity)

24. the concept of

= the idea of



khái niệm của….

the concept of “the body” is closely related to the the ideas of “illness” and “health”

25. genetic (adj)


di truyền

this type of cancer is genetic

26. indicate (v)

= show


chỉ ra

a huge range of research indicates that there are social factors too

this survey indicates that one in four children is bullied at school

27, smoke cigarette (n)


hút thuốc lá

he lit a cigarette , not because he was upset, but because he was addicted

28. repetitive (a)


doing the same thing many times

learning vocabularies is repetitive

29. employment = work (n)


công việc

my uncle is seeking employment

29. upon = on (prep)

This activity impacts upon the environment negatively

30. matter (v)


quan trọng (v)

‘I'm afraid I forgot that book again.’ “It doesn't matter”

31. abnormal >< normal (adj)

= unusual

bất thường

they thought his behavior was abnormal

32. vary (v) = differ (from) (v)


khác nhau

these rooms differ/vary in size

33. weight loss (N)


sự giảm cân

việc mất cái gì đó (memory loss, hearing loss, loss of confidence,...)

I am frightened of weight loss

34. obese (adj) = overweight (adj)

obesity (n)



very fat, in a way that is not healthy

Po is really obese

  • Obesity can increase the risk of heart disease.

35. aging (n)

= people’s body change as they age


the process of growing old

sự lão hóa

I have realized some signs of aging recently

36. inactive (adj)


active (adj)

không hoạt động

this volcano has been inactive for 50 years

chủ động, nhanh nhẹn, năng động

he is an active boy