Nostradamus: 16th-century astrologer known for his prophecies.
Casanova/Lolita: Represents seduction and forbidden love; Casanova is a notorious lover, while Lolita symbolizes controversial desire.
Wisdom of Solomon: Biblical story highlighting Solomon's wisdom, particularly in the judgment of two mothers.
Fiddling while Rome burns (Nero): Refers to neglecting responsibilities during a crisis; attributed to Emperor Nero.
Sybaratic/Spartan: Contrast between indulgent luxury (Sybarites) and austere discipline (Spartans).
Uncle Tom/Simon Legree: Represents racial stereotypes; Uncle Tom is a submissive character, while Simon Legree is a cruel slave owner.
The Good Samaritan: Biblical parable about compassion and helping others regardless of background.
Attila the Hun: Symbolizes barbarism and ruthless leadership.
Sword of Damocles: Represents the imminent danger faced by those in power.
Pyrrhic Victory: A victory that comes at such a significant cost that it is almost tantamount to defeat.
Marathon/Thermopylae: Historical battles symbolizing courage and sacrifice.
Faustian: Relates to Faust's pact with the devil for knowledge and power, symbolizing moral compromise.
Waterloo: Refers to a decisive defeat; originates from Napoleon's final battle.
Creation Story: Biblical account of the creation of the world and humanity.
Cain and Abel: Biblical story of the first murder, representing jealousy and moral conflict.
Sodom and Gomorrah: Cities destroyed for their wickedness; symbolizes moral decay.
Jacob/Esau: Biblical story of sibling rivalry and the struggle for inheritance.
Pontius Pilate: Roman governor who washed his hands of Jesus' fate, symbolizing moral ambiguity.
Moses and the Exodus: Story of liberation from slavery, including miracles like parting the Red Sea.
Seven Deadly Sins: Classification of vices in Christian teachings.
Psalm 23: A biblical psalm expressing trust in God and comfort in adversity.