Nostradamus Casanova/Lolita Wisdom Of Solomon Fiddling While Rome Burns (Nero) Sybaratic/Spartan Uncle Tom/ Simon Legree The Good Samaritan Attila The Hun Sword Of Damocles Phyrric Victory Marathon/Thermopylae Faustian Waterloo Creation Story Cain And Abel Sodom And Gomorrah Jacob/Easu Pontius Pilate (I Wash My Hands) Moses And The Exodus (Aaron’S Staff, Garden Of Eden And The Expulsion Angel Of Death, Parting Of The Red Sea) Seven Deadly Sins Psalm 23 Explain These Allusions To Me In Note Form And In Detail

Allusions Explained

  • Nostradamus: 16th-century astrologer known for his prophecies.

  • Casanova/Lolita: Represents seduction and forbidden love; Casanova is a notorious lover, while Lolita symbolizes controversial desire.

  • Wisdom of Solomon: Biblical story highlighting Solomon's wisdom, particularly in the judgment of two mothers.

  • Fiddling while Rome burns (Nero): Refers to neglecting responsibilities during a crisis; attributed to Emperor Nero.

  • Sybaratic/Spartan: Contrast between indulgent luxury (Sybarites) and austere discipline (Spartans).

  • Uncle Tom/Simon Legree: Represents racial stereotypes; Uncle Tom is a submissive character, while Simon Legree is a cruel slave owner.

  • The Good Samaritan: Biblical parable about compassion and helping others regardless of background.

  • Attila the Hun: Symbolizes barbarism and ruthless leadership.

  • Sword of Damocles: Represents the imminent danger faced by those in power.

  • Pyrrhic Victory: A victory that comes at such a significant cost that it is almost tantamount to defeat.

  • Marathon/Thermopylae: Historical battles symbolizing courage and sacrifice.

  • Faustian: Relates to Faust's pact with the devil for knowledge and power, symbolizing moral compromise.

  • Waterloo: Refers to a decisive defeat; originates from Napoleon's final battle.

  • Creation Story: Biblical account of the creation of the world and humanity.

  • Cain and Abel: Biblical story of the first murder, representing jealousy and moral conflict.

  • Sodom and Gomorrah: Cities destroyed for their wickedness; symbolizes moral decay.

  • Jacob/Esau: Biblical story of sibling rivalry and the struggle for inheritance.

  • Pontius Pilate: Roman governor who washed his hands of Jesus' fate, symbolizing moral ambiguity.

  • Moses and the Exodus: Story of liberation from slavery, including miracles like parting the Red Sea.

  • Seven Deadly Sins: Classification of vices in Christian teachings.

  • Psalm 23: A biblical psalm expressing trust in God and comfort in adversity.
