Cosmogony - The study of the origin of the universe.
Theogony - The genealogy and origin of the gods.
Thoomachy - A battle among gods.
Anthropogeny - The study of the origin of humanity.
Marduk - The chief god of Babylon, associated with water, vegetation, judgment, and magic.
Tianna - A term related to the divine or heavenly.
The 50 Names/power of naming - The concept of the power and significance of names in ancient texts.
Kingu - A god in the Babylonian creation myth, associated with Tiamat.
Es - A term related to divinity or godhood.
Apsu - The primordial god of fresh water in Babylonian mythology.
Tablet of Destinies - A divine artifact that grants its holder great power.
Babylon - An ancient city in Mesopotamia, known for its cultural and historical significance.
Eseglia – Temple of Marduk - The main temple dedicated to Marduk in Babylon.
New Year’s Eve celebration - A significant festival in ancient Babylon, often associated with the renewal of the king’s mandate.
Cuneiform - One of the earliest systems of writing, developed by the Sumerians.
Sumer - An ancient civilization in southern Mesopotamia.
Akkad - An ancient city and empire in Mesopotamia.
Ur III - The Third Dynasty of Ur, a period of Sumerian renaissance.
Ashurbanipal’s Library at Nineveh - A large collection of texts from the ancient world, assembled by the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal.
David Ferry (author) - A modern translator of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Sin-lupe-unrival (revised standard version of 11 tablets) - A version of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Shamhai - A character or term related to the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Shantash - A character or term related to the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Erkidov - A character or term related to the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Wildcow Ninsun - The mother of Gilgamesh, a goddess in the epic.
HuwawazHumbaba - A guardian of the Cedar Forest in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Bull of Heaven - A divine creature sent by Ishtar to punish Gilgamesh.
Utnapishtim - A character in the Epic of Gilgamesh who survived a great flood.
Uruk - An ancient city in Mesopotamia, ruled by Gilgamesh.
Ishtar - The goddess of love and war in Mesopotamian mythology.
Cedar Forest - A mythical forest in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Siduri - A wise woman who advises Gilgamesh in his quest.
Quest for immortality - A central theme in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Tablet V - A specific section of the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Looting of cultural heritage - The illegal removal of cultural artifacts.
Hobby Lobby Scandal - A controversy involving the acquisition of ancient artifacts.
Hebrew Bible
2 Creation Versions - The two accounts of creation in Genesis.
2 Flood Versions - The two accounts of the flood in Genesis.
Rainbow covenant - God’s promise to never flood the earth again.
Cain/Abel - The sons of Adam and Eve, involved in the first murder.
Lot’s Daughters - The daughters of Lot, who play a role in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Abraham/Sarah - Key figures in the Genesis narrative, known for their covenant with God.
Circumcision - A sign of the covenant between God and Abraham.
Isaac/Ishmael - The sons of Abraham, representing different lineages.
Esau/Jacob - Twin brothers, with Jacob becoming the patriarch of Israel.
Rachel/Leah - The wives of Jacob, mothers of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Joseph - A key figure in Genesis, known for his coat of many colors.
Potiphar’s wife - A character who falsely accuses Joseph.
Tamar & Judah - A story of deception and redemption in Genesis.
Theophany - A manifestation of God to humans.
Exodus - The second book of the Bible, detailing the Israelites' escape from Egypt.
Sinai - A mountain in the Bible where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God.
Aaron - The brother of Moses and the first high priest of Israel.
Moses - The leader who led the Israelites out of Egypt.
Plagues of Egypt - Ten calamities sent by God to convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites.
Burning Bush - The location where God first spoke to Moses.
10 Commandments - The laws given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Golden Call - A reference to the Golden Calf, an idol made by the Israelites.
Masoretic Text - The authoritative Hebrew text of the Jewish Bible, meticulously preserved and annotated by Jewish scholars known as the Masoretes.
Jewish Practice & Documentary Hypothesis - Theories about the composition of the Hebrew Bible.
Moses (author?) - Traditional attribution of the Torah to Moses.
JEPP authors - The hypothesized sources of the Torah: Jahwist, Elohist, Priestly, and Deuteronomist.
Tarnah - A term related to Jewish scripture.
Torah - The first five books of the Hebrew Bible.
Septuagint - The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible.
Vulgate - The Latin translation of the Bible.
Dead Sea Scrolls
Monotheism - The belief in a single, all-powerful God.
Monolatry - The worship of one god without denying the existence of others.
Dead Sea - A salt lake in the Middle East, near where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.
Qumran - The archaeological site where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.
Canon - The collection of books considered authoritative scripture.
Enoch - A biblical figure associated with the Book of Enoch.
Watchers/Nephilim - Angelic beings and their offspring mentioned in the Bible.
Giants - Mythical beings often associated with the Nephilim.
Apocrypha - Biblical books not included in the standard canon.
Essenes - A Jewish sect believed to have written the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Hobby Lobby Scandal - A controversy involving the acquisition of ancient artifacts.
Christianity - A monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Gnosticism - An ancient religious movement emphasizing spiritual knowledge.
Demiurge - A creator god in Gnostic belief, often seen as inferior to the true God.
Sophia - A figure in Gnosticism representing wisdom.
New Testament - The second part of the Christian Bible, detailing the life and teachings of Jesus.
Apostle - One of the twelve primary disciples of Jesus.
Mary - The mother of Jesus in Christian belief.
Andrew - One of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
Peter - A leading apostle of Jesus, considered the first pope in Catholic tradition.
Jesus Christ - The central figure of Christianity, believed to be the Son of God.