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World History Imperialism Unit Test

World History

Imperialism Unit Test

Use this as a guide. Some questions and materials that are not listed may appear on assessments. Use your notes and homework to prepare.


  • Imperialism
  • Colonialism/Colonization/Colonies
  • Great Britain: had the largest colonial empire (they were in both india and south africa) (wanted gold in south africa) (India was the jewel and the crown of the british empire)
  • Maxim machine gun (biggest impact on colonialism)
  • Savages
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Capitalism
  • Nationalism
  • Social Darwinism


  • Mughal Empire
  • British East India Company
  • Sepoys
  • Cash crops
  • British Interest in India (textiles)
  • Railroads
  • Telecommunications
  • Sepoy Rebellion
  • Westernization
  • British Raj
  • “Divide and Rule”
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Indian National Congress
  • Muslim League
  • Swaraj: they wanted independent rule (not on the test)
  • Rowlatt Acts
  • Amritsar Massacre
  • Salt March
  • Homespun Movement
  • Quit India Movement
  • Partition of India
  • Pakistan

Imperialism in Africa

  • Scramble for Africa
  • Berlin Conference
  • Otto von Bismarck
  • British Empire
  • Independent African Countries
  • Boers/Afrikaners
  • Afrikaans (language)
  • Boer War
  • Natives’ Land Act (1913)
  • Apartheid
  • National Party
  • Population Registration Act (1950)
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
  • Pass Laws
  • Bantustans/Homelands
  • Forced Removals
  • African National Congress
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Sharpeville Massacre
  • Soweto Uprising
  • President De Klerk
  • First Democratic Elections (1994)

How did capitalism in the industrial revolution play into imperialism? They want the raw materials, and new markets/customers

Whats the difference between the british east india company and the raj? The company ruled in india first (the sepoy rebellion caused the british gov to take over)

Nationalism is questions from past quizzes

Who is proclaimed the emperor of germany in 1871? Wilhelm

This was a ntaionlsm fighting group of young nationalist southern volunteers? red shirts

This was a political conservative who first allied with france cand then took advantage of a successful revolution to unify italy? cavour

He allied with napoleon III but then went back on it

Who was proclaimed the king of italy in 1861? Victor emmanuel II

What is a foreign policy of unifying a nation through war and military strength? Blood and iron

A crow republic liberal leader who put nationalism before his own beliefs to lead a nation? Garibaldi

Garibaldi led the red shirts

This is an ideology (that means its -ism) that opposes divine rights monarchs and the old aristocracy: liberalism

Liberals oppose old aristocracy

This idealoogy supported the restoration of social hierarchy … : conservatism

Who is known as the iron chancellor (responsible for the unification of germany) : bismark

Who led the movement against the british in india: gandhi

Who led the movement against someone in south africa : nelson mendella

The nation can be defined as a group of people that share a common: E: all of the above

How would you describe real politik: not necessarily whats morally right, but what makes the most sense for whats best for the country

What was one of the challenges to unifying italy? Regional loyalties

cavour is north south is garibaldi

This tragedy reulted in the death of 69 people who protested against apartheid laws in 1960? Sharpeville massacre

Response to new pass laws, people gathered to protest these laws

Who was the south african president that released nelson mandala from prison: president de klerk (member of the nationlist party & apartheid supported but once he got into office as president he sa the tremendous effect that worldwide disapproval of apartheid was affecting the economics)

This movement occurred during world war II it called for people to “do or die” in the fight for independence: quit india movement

The movement to get the british to quit india

Nationalist campaign that emerged in india as a response to colonial rule, aimed to promote indigenous industries, to empower local artisans, and undermine british dominance: homespun movement

A term referring to descendants of dutch settlers: Boers/Afrikaners

Ratcially segregated areas segregatedfor different groups of south america under apartheid: homelands/Bantustans

What was the term given to the time period where European competition over Africa caused them to colonize 90%? Scramble for africa

What was then ame of the political party that formed in south africa in 1912 with the goal of protecting something? African National Congress

Determined to restrict the movement of africans: pass laws

World History Imperialism Unit Test

World History

Imperialism Unit Test

Use this as a guide. Some questions and materials that are not listed may appear on assessments. Use your notes and homework to prepare.


  • Imperialism
  • Colonialism/Colonization/Colonies
  • Great Britain: had the largest colonial empire (they were in both india and south africa) (wanted gold in south africa) (India was the jewel and the crown of the british empire)
  • Maxim machine gun (biggest impact on colonialism)
  • Savages
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Capitalism
  • Nationalism
  • Social Darwinism


  • Mughal Empire
  • British East India Company
  • Sepoys
  • Cash crops
  • British Interest in India (textiles)
  • Railroads
  • Telecommunications
  • Sepoy Rebellion
  • Westernization
  • British Raj
  • “Divide and Rule”
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Indian National Congress
  • Muslim League
  • Swaraj: they wanted independent rule (not on the test)
  • Rowlatt Acts
  • Amritsar Massacre
  • Salt March
  • Homespun Movement
  • Quit India Movement
  • Partition of India
  • Pakistan

Imperialism in Africa

  • Scramble for Africa
  • Berlin Conference
  • Otto von Bismarck
  • British Empire
  • Independent African Countries
  • Boers/Afrikaners
  • Afrikaans (language)
  • Boer War
  • Natives’ Land Act (1913)
  • Apartheid
  • National Party
  • Population Registration Act (1950)
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act
  • Pass Laws
  • Bantustans/Homelands
  • Forced Removals
  • African National Congress
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Sharpeville Massacre
  • Soweto Uprising
  • President De Klerk
  • First Democratic Elections (1994)

How did capitalism in the industrial revolution play into imperialism? They want the raw materials, and new markets/customers

Whats the difference between the british east india company and the raj? The company ruled in india first (the sepoy rebellion caused the british gov to take over)

Nationalism is questions from past quizzes

Who is proclaimed the emperor of germany in 1871? Wilhelm

This was a ntaionlsm fighting group of young nationalist southern volunteers? red shirts

This was a political conservative who first allied with france cand then took advantage of a successful revolution to unify italy? cavour

He allied with napoleon III but then went back on it

Who was proclaimed the king of italy in 1861? Victor emmanuel II

What is a foreign policy of unifying a nation through war and military strength? Blood and iron

A crow republic liberal leader who put nationalism before his own beliefs to lead a nation? Garibaldi

Garibaldi led the red shirts

This is an ideology (that means its -ism) that opposes divine rights monarchs and the old aristocracy: liberalism

Liberals oppose old aristocracy

This idealoogy supported the restoration of social hierarchy … : conservatism

Who is known as the iron chancellor (responsible for the unification of germany) : bismark

Who led the movement against the british in india: gandhi

Who led the movement against someone in south africa : nelson mendella

The nation can be defined as a group of people that share a common: E: all of the above

How would you describe real politik: not necessarily whats morally right, but what makes the most sense for whats best for the country

What was one of the challenges to unifying italy? Regional loyalties

cavour is north south is garibaldi

This tragedy reulted in the death of 69 people who protested against apartheid laws in 1960? Sharpeville massacre

Response to new pass laws, people gathered to protest these laws

Who was the south african president that released nelson mandala from prison: president de klerk (member of the nationlist party & apartheid supported but once he got into office as president he sa the tremendous effect that worldwide disapproval of apartheid was affecting the economics)

This movement occurred during world war II it called for people to “do or die” in the fight for independence: quit india movement

The movement to get the british to quit india

Nationalist campaign that emerged in india as a response to colonial rule, aimed to promote indigenous industries, to empower local artisans, and undermine british dominance: homespun movement

A term referring to descendants of dutch settlers: Boers/Afrikaners

Ratcially segregated areas segregatedfor different groups of south america under apartheid: homelands/Bantustans

What was the term given to the time period where European competition over Africa caused them to colonize 90%? Scramble for africa

What was then ame of the political party that formed in south africa in 1912 with the goal of protecting something? African National Congress

Determined to restrict the movement of africans: pass laws