Untitled Flashcards Set

Before the Lab: 

  • Read all procedures and safety precautions BEFORE touching equipment & performing labs. 

Personal Protective Equipment: 

  • Wear safety goggles at all times. 

  • Wear gloves as needed. Tie long hair. 

  • No sandals, loose clothing, & gum chewing on lab days.

  • Keep backpacks, purses, and books by the desks (not at the lab benches).

Safety Equipment: 

  • Know the location of safety equipment: shower, eye wash, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, fume hood.


  • Do not wander around the room, distract other students, or interfere with the laboratory experiments of others.  There is absolutely no throwing/tossing of any materials at any time in the classroom.

Heat Sources: 

  • Keep the work area clear of all flammable items including notebooks, books, chemicals, etc.

  • Use special care with heat sources (burners & hot plates); never place hands directly on heat sources.

  • Never leave a lit burner or a hot plate in use unattended.

  • Never look into a container that is being heated.

  • Never point the open end of a test tube being heated at anyone.

  • Take precautions when handling hot glass. Use a hot hand or tongs.

  • Do not immerse hot glass in cold water.


  • Handle all chemicals appropriately. 

  • Read all labels on chemicals before using them.

  • Take small quantities of chemicals to your lab bench.

  • Do NOT return unused chemicals to the stock container.

  • Keep flammable & combustible materials away from open flames.

  • Handle toxic and combustible gases under the fume hood as per teacher instruction.

  • Never place chemicals directly on the balance pan; use folded weighing paper or boat.

  • Dispose of all materials appropriately (see lab handout or teacher).

  • If chemicals get on your skin, rinse thoroughly with water (15 minutes for eyes).

Clean Up: 

  • Keep the work area clean; lab stations should always be cleaned after every laboratory experiment.

  • Inform the teacher of a spill immediately and then clean up according to instructions. 

  • Dispose of broken glass safely.. 

End of Lab: 

  • Clean & put away equipment. If not, you will lose points on your lab grade.

  • Wipe the lab bench.

  • Make sure the gas & water are turned off.

  • Wash your hands with soap before leaving.

Reporting Problems: Report the following to the teacher immediately 

  • ALL injuries

  • Dangerous & unsafe conditions 

  • Defective equipment

Lab Safety Symbols

You should be able to identify, name, and define all of the following symbols.




Special disposal of chemical is needed. Do not dispose down the drain or in the trash. Read lab handout.


Objects are either too hot or too cold. Use protection (hot hand, pot holders, tongs, etc.)


Objects are sharp, and can easily cut skin. Use extra caution when handling.


Chemicals emit fumes. Handle under fume hood.


Using electrical equipment. Be careful when using liquids around this equipment.


Open flame used during lab (burners). Tie back hair. Do not wear loose clothing.


Harmful chemicals being used. Always wash hands at end of lab. If chemicals contact skin, rinse thoroughly.



Chemicals can irritate skin. Wear gloves.


Chemicals are extremely toxic. 


Radioactive materials used during lab.


Wear goggles at all times.


Substances could stain or ruin clothing.


Wash hands at the end of lab with soap & water.
