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Word List Modern Physics


Page 1: Key Concepts in Nuclear Physics

  • Alpha particle

    • Nucleus of a helium atom emitted as radiation from a decaying heavy nucleus.

  • Atomic number

    • Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

  • Atomic line spectra

    • Spectral lines emitted or absorbed by low-pressure gases when excited.

  • Balmer series

    • Visible light produced by excited Hydrogen electrons.

  • Binding energy per nucleon

    • Energy needed to separate a nucleus into its nucleons, indicating nucleus stability.

  • Binding energy

    • Energy required to break a nucleus into its constituent protons and neutrons.

  • Beta particle

    • High-energy electron emitted from a decaying nucleus.

  • Bohr model

    • Atom structure model correcting Rutherford model deficiencies.

  • Continuous spectra

    • Electromagnetic spectrum separated into discrete frequencies.

  • Electron volt

    • Energy gained by an electron moving across a potential difference of one volt.

  • Electron

    • Negatively charged subatomic particle orbiting an atom.

  • Electromagnetic spectrum

    • Family of waves not needing a medium, e.g., light, x-ray.

  • Energy absorption

    • Energy taken in by an electron when excited.

  • Energy level

    • Fixed energy quantities an electron can have in an atom.

  • Ground state

    • Atom's lowest energy state with electrons.

  • Gamma emission

    • Radioactive decay where unstable nucleus emits high-frequency radiation.

  • Fusion

    • Nuclear reaction combining low mass nuclei into a stable, more massive nucleus.

  • Fission

    • Nuclear reaction where a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei.

  • Ionisation

    • Ability of nuclear radiation to remove an electron from an atom.

  • Mass defect/deficit

    • Difference between the sum of nucleon masses and the actual nucleus mass.

  • Lyman series

    • Ultraviolet light spectrum produced by excited Hydrogen electrons.

  • Line spectrum

    • Narrow lines of color in a dark spectrum.

  • Isotope

    • Atoms of an element with the same protons but different neutrons.

  • Mass number

    • Sum of protons and neutrons in a nucleus.

  • Neutron

    • Uncharged particle in the atom nucleus.

  • Nuclear force

    • Attraction force between nucleons in the nucleus.

  • Orbital

    • Space around the nucleus where an electron is likely found.

  • Nucleus

    • Positively charged center of an atom with protons and neutrons.

  • Nucleons

    • Protons and neutrons in the atom nucleus.

  • Parent nuclide

    • Unstable nucleus decaying into lighter nuclei.

  • Paschen series

    • Infrared light spectrum produced by excited Hydrogen electrons.

  • Photoelectric effect

    • Metal surface releasing electrons when struck by photons.

  • Photon

    • Packet of light energy.

  • Quanta

    • Fixed amount of energy absorbed or emitted by matter.

  • Planck's constant

    • Number for calculating radiant energy based on radiation frequency.

  • Threshold frequency

    • Minimum frequency causing electron emission from a metal surface.

  • Work function

    • Minimum energy for electrons to escape a metal surface.

  • Rest mass

    • Particle mass when free.

  • Mass-energy conservation

    • Total mass-energy of reactants equals total mass-energy of products.

  • Ionisation energy

    • Energy to remove an electron from an atom.

  • Excitation energy

    • Energy to move an electron to


Word List Modern Physics


Page 1: Key Concepts in Nuclear Physics

  • Alpha particle

    • Nucleus of a helium atom emitted as radiation from a decaying heavy nucleus.

  • Atomic number

    • Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

  • Atomic line spectra

    • Spectral lines emitted or absorbed by low-pressure gases when excited.

  • Balmer series

    • Visible light produced by excited Hydrogen electrons.

  • Binding energy per nucleon

    • Energy needed to separate a nucleus into its nucleons, indicating nucleus stability.

  • Binding energy

    • Energy required to break a nucleus into its constituent protons and neutrons.

  • Beta particle

    • High-energy electron emitted from a decaying nucleus.

  • Bohr model

    • Atom structure model correcting Rutherford model deficiencies.

  • Continuous spectra

    • Electromagnetic spectrum separated into discrete frequencies.

  • Electron volt

    • Energy gained by an electron moving across a potential difference of one volt.

  • Electron

    • Negatively charged subatomic particle orbiting an atom.

  • Electromagnetic spectrum

    • Family of waves not needing a medium, e.g., light, x-ray.

  • Energy absorption

    • Energy taken in by an electron when excited.

  • Energy level

    • Fixed energy quantities an electron can have in an atom.

  • Ground state

    • Atom's lowest energy state with electrons.

  • Gamma emission

    • Radioactive decay where unstable nucleus emits high-frequency radiation.

  • Fusion

    • Nuclear reaction combining low mass nuclei into a stable, more massive nucleus.

  • Fission

    • Nuclear reaction where a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei.

  • Ionisation

    • Ability of nuclear radiation to remove an electron from an atom.

  • Mass defect/deficit

    • Difference between the sum of nucleon masses and the actual nucleus mass.

  • Lyman series

    • Ultraviolet light spectrum produced by excited Hydrogen electrons.

  • Line spectrum

    • Narrow lines of color in a dark spectrum.

  • Isotope

    • Atoms of an element with the same protons but different neutrons.

  • Mass number

    • Sum of protons and neutrons in a nucleus.

  • Neutron

    • Uncharged particle in the atom nucleus.

  • Nuclear force

    • Attraction force between nucleons in the nucleus.

  • Orbital

    • Space around the nucleus where an electron is likely found.

  • Nucleus

    • Positively charged center of an atom with protons and neutrons.

  • Nucleons

    • Protons and neutrons in the atom nucleus.

  • Parent nuclide

    • Unstable nucleus decaying into lighter nuclei.

  • Paschen series

    • Infrared light spectrum produced by excited Hydrogen electrons.

  • Photoelectric effect

    • Metal surface releasing electrons when struck by photons.

  • Photon

    • Packet of light energy.

  • Quanta

    • Fixed amount of energy absorbed or emitted by matter.

  • Planck's constant

    • Number for calculating radiant energy based on radiation frequency.

  • Threshold frequency

    • Minimum frequency causing electron emission from a metal surface.

  • Work function

    • Minimum energy for electrons to escape a metal surface.

  • Rest mass

    • Particle mass when free.

  • Mass-energy conservation

    • Total mass-energy of reactants equals total mass-energy of products.

  • Ionisation energy

    • Energy to remove an electron from an atom.

  • Excitation energy

    • Energy to move an electron to