
COM162 Database Systems

Lecture 4: Tutorial on ER Modelling

ER Modelling Recap

  • Purpose of ER Modelling:

    • A tool used in database design to visually represent data relationships.

    • Helps structure information and clarify relationships.

    • Serves as a communication tool between stakeholders.

  • Key ER Model Concepts:

    • Entities & Attributes:

      • Entities: Objects with independent existence (e.g., Staff, Branch).

      • Attributes: Properties of entities (e.g., StaffNo, Name).

    • Relationships:

      • Connections between entities, named with verbs (e.g., "Staff Manages Branch").

      • Types of relationships: Binary (2 entities), Ternary (3), or Quaternary (4).

Relationship Multiplicity (Structural Constraints)

  • Multiplicity Types:

    • One-to-One (1:1):

      • Each entity instance in A is associated with at most one instance in B and vice versa.

    • One-to-Many (1:*):

      • One entity instance in A can relate to multiple instances in B; each instance in B relates to only one instance in A.

    • Many-to-Many (:):

      • Multiple instances in A relate to multiple instances in B.

  • Entity Types:

    • Strong Entity:

      • Exists independently (e.g., Staff).

    • Weak Entity:

      • Depends on another entity; lacks a unique identifier.

1:1 Relationship - Multiplicity of Staff Manages Branch

  • Diagram Representation:

    • Indicates that a member of staff can manage zero or one branch (0..1 beside Branch).

    • A branch must always have one manager (1..1 beside Staff).

1:* Relationship - Multiplicity of Staff Oversees PropertyForRent

  • Diagram Representation:

    • A member of staff can oversee zero or more properties for rent (0..* beside PropertyForRent).

    • Each property for rent is overseen by zero or one member of staff (0..1 beside Staff).

: Relationship - Multiplicity of Newspaper Advertises PropertyForRent

  • Diagram Representation:

    • Each newspaper can advertise one or more properties for rent (1..* beside PropertyForRent).

    • Each property for rent can be advertised by zero or more newspapers (0..* beside Newspaper).

Structural Constraints

  • Cardinality:

    • Maximum number of possible relationship occurrences for an entity.

    • Examples:

      • 1:1 → Staff Manages Branch

      • 1:* → Branch Has Staff

      • : → Newspaper Advertises Property.

  • Participation:

    • Determines if all or only some entity occurrences participate in relationships.

    • Mandatory: Every entity must participate (e.g., every Branch must have Staff).

    • Optional: Some entities may not participate (e.g., a Staff member may not manage a Branch).

Participation Examples in ER Diagrams

  • Minimum Values for Multiplicity Ranges:

    • Participation of entities can be indicated with minimum values beside relationships.

    • Mandatory Participation: Minimum value of 1 (e.g., Student must enroll in at least one course).

    • Optional Participation: Minimum value of 0 (e.g., Student may not manage any branch).

Activity 1

  1. Create ER Diagrams for the Following Descriptions:a) Each company operates four departments; each department belongs to one company.b) Each department employs one or more employees; each employee works for one department.c) Each employee may have one or more dependents; each dependent belongs to one employee.d) Each employee may have an employment history.

  2. Represent all the described ER diagrams as a single ER diagram.

Activity 2

  • Draw ER Diagram for the Following Description:

    • Students register for different modules.

    • Each student may register for one or more modules (max 24).

    • Each module normally has many students registered.

    • Failed modules must be retaken, with relevant information including date of registration and result.

Activity 3

  • Problem Statement:

    • Develop a database system for tracking student registration and accommodation records.

    • Students can enroll in any number of courses based on their IQ.

    • The university owns several hostels, and each student is assigned a shared room after enrollment.

  • Tasks:a) Identify main entity types for the project.b) Identify main relationship types and specify multiplicity for each, stating assumptions.c) Draw a single ER diagram to represent the data.
