Env Science #3 Water Pollution

Water Pollution- Anything that degrades water quality

Point Sources- Specific locations of highly concentrated pollution discharge, such as factories, power plants, sewage treatment plants, underground coal mines, and oil wells

Nonpoint Sources- Scattered, diffuse sources of pollutants, such as runoff from farm fields, golf courses, and constructions sites

Atmospheric deposition- Sedimentation of solids, liquids, or gaseous materials from the air

Coliform Bacteria- Bacteria that live in the intestines (including the colon) of humans and others animals

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)- A standard test of water pollution, measured by the amount of dissolved consumed by aquatic organisms over a given period.

Dissolved Oxygen Content (DO) - The amount of oxygen dissolved in a given volumge of water at a given temperature and atmospheric pressure

Oxygen Sag- Oxygen decline downstream from a pollution source that introudces materials with high biological oxygen demands

Oligotrophic- The condition of rivers and lakes that have clear water and low biological productivity

Eutrophic- Rivers and lakes rich in organisms and organic material

Cultural Eutrophication- An increase in biological productivity and ecosystem succession caused by human activities

Red Tide- A population explosion or bloom of minute, single-celled marine organisms called dinoflagellates

Thermal Plume- A Plume of hot water discharged into a stream or lake by a heat source, such as a power plant

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)- The amount of particular pollutants that a water body can receive from both point and nonpoint sources and still meet water quality standards

Primary Treamtment- A process that removes solids from sewage before it is discharged or treated further

Secondary Treatment- Bacterial decomposition of suspended particulates and dissolved organic compounds that remain after primary sewage treatment

Tertiary Treatment- Removal of inorganic minerals and plant nutrients after primary and secondary treatment of sewage

Effluent Sewerage- A low-cost alternative sewage treatment for cities in poor countries that combines some features of septic systems and centralized municipal treatment systems

Constructed Wetlands- Artificially constructed wetlands used to purify water
