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Week 10

History of Chiro Education updated ppt

1919 was the 1st attempt to establish a national board, which failed

The 1965 tests were the first successful and widely agreed upon tests for National Boards

  • if you passed, you received the title “diplomate”

    • This is no longer a title that is used

SPEC was for Drs that had been in the wild for quite some time, but were wanting to be licensed in a new state

  • established 1993 by the NBCE

Montgomery suggests completing boards for all states that you want to practice in, right when you graduate so all the info is fresh in your mind

  • if you aren’t practicing in that state, keep your license there as inactive, and pay the fee so you have options and don’t have to retake the boards for that state should you decide to practice there later in life

  • Ie. If you want to practice in Missouri, but maybe also Colorado, take both state boards and hold one inactive for your “just-in-case” future practices

  • Soon this might not be an issue though, because some states are doing away with it

  • This definitely still applies to practicing in other countries though

We have to take Part IV in Greeley, Colorado

  • Where National Board of Chiropractic Examiners headquarters is

Logan was the first non-profit school in 1935

  • by the 1960’s, all schools had to be non-profit

Accreditation in the 1960’s was either ICA or ACA

  • the big schools were ICA

    • Logan, Palmer, Cleveland, Columbia

  • The 2 accrediting organizations held different standards and prerequisites for their schools

  • They both wanted to be recognized by the US office of education

    • They would be eligible for government assistance and its students eligible for student financial aid

      • The ICA schools had to change a lot of their ways of doing things (professors had to be specialized in the subject they taught, etc.) to qualify, which caused them to have to raise tuition

    • CCE got full accreditation in 1974 after splitting from the ACA

Most Chiro schools are tuition

There was an increase in standards of schools and prerequisites

  • 1999, pre-Chiro required at least 3 years of undergrad

There are over 170 named chiropractic techniques

  • according to ACA there are 15 commonly used techniques: (listed in descending order)

    • Diversified

    • Extremity manipulations/adjusting

    • Activator methods

    • Gonstead

    • Cox flexion/distraction

    • Thompson

    • Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

    • Applied Kinesiology

    • NIMMO/receptor Tonus

    • Cranial

    • Manipulative/adjustive instruments

    • Palmer Upper Cervical (HIO)

    • Logan Basic

    • Metric

    • Pierce-Stillwagon

  • Some techniques vary by Geographic region where the school is

  • Logan offers the most electives

US vs international:

  • US has larger enrollments

  • US schools are affiliated with Universities more often

Chiro College enrollment base on site of school:

  • Large = more than 700

  • Medium = 350-700

  • Small = less than 350

The New ACC

  • All Chiro colleges

  • Have an annual meeting

Chiro college in Denmark is the oldest Chiro college in Europe

  • opened just before WWII

Chiro Colleges in Europe only give you a Masters degree

You only have to do 3 things here:

  • Pass the Program

  • Get your Degree

  • Get your License

  • “The rest is fluff”

Moral Defiance ppt

Today Chiros are licensed by all American states and in many nations

The US government’s agency for Health Care Policy & Research has determined that spinal manipulation as performed by chiropractors is a valuable component of the care that should be rendered to patients with low back pain syndromes

  • lowest level of efficacy was bed rest and surgery

  • Highest level of efficacy was chiropractic and exercise

Chiropractors have even ten keeers of the torch of freedom for health care

In the 1800’s, people only went to the hospital as a last resort and to die

  • all theories and methods were untested

  • Oliver Wendell Holmes changed that

    • He became the surgeon general of the US

  • Benjamin Rush, MD - Heroic medicine

Heroic medicine: sought to release toxins

  • blood letting was a method

    • George Washington died after his medical physician let out 32 ounces (maybe more) of blood, attempting to get rid of his “wicked cold”

  • Teddy Rosevelt as president ordered the food and pure drug

Week 10 quiz will be over the history ppt

Week 10

History of Chiro Education updated ppt

1919 was the 1st attempt to establish a national board, which failed

The 1965 tests were the first successful and widely agreed upon tests for National Boards

  • if you passed, you received the title “diplomate”

    • This is no longer a title that is used

SPEC was for Drs that had been in the wild for quite some time, but were wanting to be licensed in a new state

  • established 1993 by the NBCE

Montgomery suggests completing boards for all states that you want to practice in, right when you graduate so all the info is fresh in your mind

  • if you aren’t practicing in that state, keep your license there as inactive, and pay the fee so you have options and don’t have to retake the boards for that state should you decide to practice there later in life

  • Ie. If you want to practice in Missouri, but maybe also Colorado, take both state boards and hold one inactive for your “just-in-case” future practices

  • Soon this might not be an issue though, because some states are doing away with it

  • This definitely still applies to practicing in other countries though

We have to take Part IV in Greeley, Colorado

  • Where National Board of Chiropractic Examiners headquarters is

Logan was the first non-profit school in 1935

  • by the 1960’s, all schools had to be non-profit

Accreditation in the 1960’s was either ICA or ACA

  • the big schools were ICA

    • Logan, Palmer, Cleveland, Columbia

  • The 2 accrediting organizations held different standards and prerequisites for their schools

  • They both wanted to be recognized by the US office of education

    • They would be eligible for government assistance and its students eligible for student financial aid

      • The ICA schools had to change a lot of their ways of doing things (professors had to be specialized in the subject they taught, etc.) to qualify, which caused them to have to raise tuition

    • CCE got full accreditation in 1974 after splitting from the ACA

Most Chiro schools are tuition

There was an increase in standards of schools and prerequisites

  • 1999, pre-Chiro required at least 3 years of undergrad

There are over 170 named chiropractic techniques

  • according to ACA there are 15 commonly used techniques: (listed in descending order)

    • Diversified

    • Extremity manipulations/adjusting

    • Activator methods

    • Gonstead

    • Cox flexion/distraction

    • Thompson

    • Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)

    • Applied Kinesiology

    • NIMMO/receptor Tonus

    • Cranial

    • Manipulative/adjustive instruments

    • Palmer Upper Cervical (HIO)

    • Logan Basic

    • Metric

    • Pierce-Stillwagon

  • Some techniques vary by Geographic region where the school is

  • Logan offers the most electives

US vs international:

  • US has larger enrollments

  • US schools are affiliated with Universities more often

Chiro College enrollment base on site of school:

  • Large = more than 700

  • Medium = 350-700

  • Small = less than 350

The New ACC

  • All Chiro colleges

  • Have an annual meeting

Chiro college in Denmark is the oldest Chiro college in Europe

  • opened just before WWII

Chiro Colleges in Europe only give you a Masters degree

You only have to do 3 things here:

  • Pass the Program

  • Get your Degree

  • Get your License

  • “The rest is fluff”

Moral Defiance ppt

Today Chiros are licensed by all American states and in many nations

The US government’s agency for Health Care Policy & Research has determined that spinal manipulation as performed by chiropractors is a valuable component of the care that should be rendered to patients with low back pain syndromes

  • lowest level of efficacy was bed rest and surgery

  • Highest level of efficacy was chiropractic and exercise

Chiropractors have even ten keeers of the torch of freedom for health care

In the 1800’s, people only went to the hospital as a last resort and to die

  • all theories and methods were untested

  • Oliver Wendell Holmes changed that

    • He became the surgeon general of the US

  • Benjamin Rush, MD - Heroic medicine

Heroic medicine: sought to release toxins

  • blood letting was a method

    • George Washington died after his medical physician let out 32 ounces (maybe more) of blood, attempting to get rid of his “wicked cold”

  • Teddy Rosevelt as president ordered the food and pure drug

Week 10 quiz will be over the history ppt