Conditioned Response (CR): Learned response to a neutral stimulus linked to an unconditioned stimulus.Unconditioned Response (UR): Automatic reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that requires no prior learning.Operant Conditioning: Learning process where behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment, developed by B.F. Skinner.
Reinforcement: Strengthens behavior.
Positive Reinforcement: Adding a stimulus to increase behavior (e.g., praise).
Negative Reinforcement: Removing an aversive stimulus to increase behavior (e.g., taking away chores).
Punishment: Decreases behavior likelihood.
Reinforcement Schedules: Fixed, variable, and interval schedules influence learning rates.
Shaping: Gradually guiding behavior through successive reinforcement (e.g., training a dog).
Thorndike's Law of Effect: Behaviors followed by favorable outcomes become more likely.
Types of Reinforcers:
Primary: Meet biological needs (e.g., food).
Secondary: Learned value (e.g., money).
Reinforcement Timing: Immediate for animals; both immediate and delayed for humans.