Types of usage
consumptive= drinking and irrigation
nonconsumptive= does not diminish the supply of water available for subsequent usage (transport of goods, recreation, sanitation, hydroelectric power, etc)
Can change the composition or temp of the water
Categories of water usage
Public supply, domestic, irrigation, thermoelectric, industrial, mining, livestock, aquaculture
Water usage
Cali accounted for 9% of total water use in the U.S in 2015
Freshwater usage
Daily drinking water requirement=2-4L per person
Daily food production=2,000-5,000L per person
Freshwater use has been increasing about 1% per year since the 1980s
Peak water- concept that underlies growing constraints on the availability, quality and use of freshwater resources
-there is a vast amount of water on the planet but sustainably managed water is becoming scarce
-nearly 4 billion people experience severe water scarcity at least one month of each year
Water quality
Drinkable water has <500 ppm dissolved solids
Rainwater has 1-2 ppm of solid matter that dissolves from the atmosphere and a ph <6 due to the absorption of co2
Acid rain
Coal contains significant sulfur-so2 released during coal combustion produces sulfuric acid (H2so4)
Burning petroleum emits no2 which produces nitric acid
U.S clean air act
Sig reductions in so2 and no2 due to 1970 u.s clean air act
No emissions in so cal
South coast air quality management district (aqmd) still has significant np emissions-ley pollutant that creates ozone-need to reduce by 67%
Recall: aquifers in cali
During an average year, 515 groundwater basins
Contributes about 38% of the state's total water supply, but this increases to about 46% in drought years.
Removing salt from water by distillation or membrane filtration
-distillation is boiling seawater and condensing steam
-reverse osmosis membrane=pressure pushes saltwater through a water-permeable membrane that separates water molecules from larger ions
California desalination plants
12 desalination plants in ca-carlsbad is the largest in the western hemisphere
Orange county dana point facility approved last fall
Drinking water contaminants
US enviromental protection agency (EPA) sets legal limits=macimum contaminant level (MCL) on over 90 contaminants in drinking water
Point source (pipe emptying into a river)
Nonpoint ( fertilizer runoff from farmland)
Drinking water contaminants
USGS 2008 study found 130 man-made chemicals in natural waters in the US but most are unregulated in drinking water and no required to be removed or monitored