Untitled Flashcards Set

Abba An Aramaic term Jesus used to refer to God as "Father."####angels and demons Angels are pure spirits without bodies that are created with both free will and intelligence. They are God's messengers. Demons are likewise spirits, with both intellect and free will. The difference is that they are evil spirits that have allegiance to Satan, not God.####apocalypse A word meaning "revelation" or "unveiling." It refers to a period when God will intervene against the forces of evil and establish a divine rule of goodness and peace.####Dead Sea Scrolls Ancient scrolls containing the oldest known manuscripts of books of the Old Testament in Hebrew. They were discovered near Qumran on the Dead Sea between 1947 and 1956.####guardian angel A heavenly spirit assigned to watch over you at every stage of your life. A guardian angel helps you to know and love God in this life and enjoy the presence of God in the next life.####Hasmonean dynasty Descendants of the Maccabees who ruled in Judea after the ousting of the last of the Seleucids in 141 BC until the establishment of Roman authority in 63 BC.####Qumran An ancient Essene monastery on the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, near which were found the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls.####Sanhedrin The seventy-one-member supreme legislative and judicial body of the Jewish people. Many of its members were Sadducees.####synagogue A meeting place for study and prayer introduced by the Pharisees to foster study of the Law and adherence to the covenant code.####canon The official list of inspired books of the Bible. Catholics count forty-six Old Testament books and twenty-seven New Testament books in the canon.####catechesis From a Greek term meaning "instruction by word of mouth." Catechesis is the process of religious instruction and formation in the major elements of the Catholic faith.####evangelist A Latin term that literally means "preacher of the Gospel." An evangelist is a person who proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ.####Gentiles A term for non-Jews or people not of the Jewish faith.####New Covenant A description of the climax of salvation history, the coming of Jesus Christ, and the fullness of God's Revelation.####Septuagint The oldest complete edition of the Old Testament. It is a Greek translation of earlier Hebrew texts, probably written in Alexandria during the time of the Ptolemaic rule over Palestine.####synoptic Gospels The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, which, because of their similarities, can be "seen together" in parallel columns and mutually compared.####Deposit of Faith The heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, handed on in the Church from the time of the Apostles.####disciples Followers of Jesus. The word disciple means "learner."####dogma A central truth of Revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe.####Gospel Literally, "Good News." Gospel refers to the Good News preached by Jesus; the Good News of salvation won in the Person of Jesus Christ.####heresy An obstinate denial after Baptism of a truth that must be believed with faith, or an obstinate doubt of such truth.####Incarnation The assumption of a human nature by Jesus Christ, God's eternal Son, who became man in order to save humankind from sin.####Magisterium The official teaching authority of the Church. Christ bestowed the right and power to teach in his name on Peter and the Apostles.####Sacred Scripture The written transmission of the Church's gospel message found in the Church's teaching, life, and worship.####Sacred Tradition The living transmission of the Church's gospel message found in the Church's teaching, life, and worship.####
