• a provision of clean, comfortable and safe environment" and one who does is commonly known as a housekeeper.


  • designed to instill discipline among hotel staff, thereby ensuring guest satisfaction in terms of comfort, safety, and security.


  •  Most hotels have a mandatory two-knock, three announcement rule.

  • Housekeeper must knock twice using the knuckles of his hand and say " housekeeping."

  • Upon entering the room, the housekeeper again announces "housekeeping" in case the guest did not hear him or her.


  • If the door is locked there is no response, wait for 24 hours and report it to the supervisor to confirm the guest's safety

  • Another thing that the housekeeper must remember is to follow the D.N.D (do not disturb) sign. If it hangs for a long time it should be reported to the supervisor.


  • Make sure that the roof of the guest is clean and in order.

  • Expected to complete a series of cleaning and sanitizing procedure.

  • Changing of linens

  • Changing of toiletries

  • Cleaning the floors

  • Dusting

  • Cleaning the bathroom


  • require housekeepers to ask for a note coming from a guest just in case they are a gift.

  • Housekeepers were also required to surrender to their supervisor anything they found in the room together with a note indicating the room number and the item found.


Lost and found items after the departure of the guest must be reported immediately to the floor supervisor.

Lost and Found Items

  1. Perishable items 

  • edible

  • After three days the owner  comes back to claim the items will be given to the housekeeper who finds the items.

This is what we call the "finders keeper" rule.

  1. Non- perishable

  • items under non-food such as umbrellas, shoes, bags, clothes, 

  • These items are only given one month for the owner to claim. 

  1. Valuable 

  • Items such as cash, gadgets, and jewelry. 

  • These items are given one year. The hotel management will decide on what to do with the item.

Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Skills of a Good Housekeeper

  • According to Stephen Fiore, a professor at the University of Central Florida, 

Interpersonal & Intrapersonal- the two skills have long been recognized as important factors to be successful in school and in the workplace.


Interacting- skills used to communicate or to interact to other people

Interpersonal Skills

  • Ability to manage conflict- being able to manage and handle differences in opinions and always seeking win- win resolution.

  • Ability to solve problem- ability to choose the best course of action in situation.

  • Ability to communicate clearly- being able to speak with clarity and directness and at the same time being sensitive to the need of the receiver.

  • Ability to listen- ability to hear other people's perspective by setting aside judgement.


  • Demonstrate responsibility- being able to do the things you say you will do.

"In hospitality industry we do not make promises, we do should it"

  • Being accountable for your action- being able to face the consequence of your action and not blaming others.

  • Showing appreciation- being able to show people that you value them and their contribution.

  •  Flexibility- ability to be open to new and different way of doing things.

Intrapersonal Skills- skills and talents that exist within individuals.

  • Adaptability - the ability to cope with change

  • Self-awareness- being aware of your own values, needs and emotions and impact to your behavior

"LEARN MODEL" to resolve guest complaints

L- Listen (listen to the guest)

E- empathize (put yourself in their shoe first)

A- apologize (apologize for inconvenience)

R-react (React and response)

N-notify(report or notify the situation to the manager or supervisor)

  • Self-management or self-development- the ability to work autonomously and to motivate and monitor oneself.

  • Relationship management - the ability to build relationships based on mutual trust and respect.

  • Social awareness-being in tune with other's feelings and needs.

Tips in Handling Guests Request

Lesson 2.1

1. Handle all guest request within 10 minutes.

2. Use proper door knocking standards when arriving at the guest's room.

3. Be prepared to handle situations like angry guests when you arrive at the room.

4. Inform the front desk staff by radio or cell phone as soon as you have completed the request.

5. Guest should be kept informed of the development of his or her request.

Types of Housekeeping and Front office Forms

  • Housekeeping Attendant's daily assignment Sheet

  • Maintenance Request Form

  • Housekeeping Work Order Form

  • Guest Room Cleaning Checklist

  • Lost and Found slip

Maids Cart Trolley

Lesson 2.1

Point To Remember When Doing Cleaning Service To A Guest's Room

  • Clean in one direction

  • Clean from top down

  • Clean from damage, if there is something that requires maintenance, or if a property is lost

  • Use correct equipment and cleaning agents to clean surfaces


Phase 1

  • Opening the windows to air out the room and turning off air-conditioning system

  • Washing hands and putting on protective disposable gloves

  • Emptying out the trash can or bin

  • Stripping the bed and removing dirty linens

Phase 2

  • Removal of dirty towels from the bathroom (bath towels, hand towels, and face towels)

  • Spraying the cleaning products necessary for disinfection

  • Removal of gloves

Phase 3

  • Making up the bed

Phase 4

  • Dusting all surfaces such as bedside table, desk, chair, TV, etc.

  • Checking TV, air-conditioning, and lights to make sure they function properly.

Phase 5

  • Cleaning the bathroom

Phase 6

  • Replacing all the free hotel products such as brochures, mints, shampoo, soap, etc.

  • Vacuuming the room

  • Checking over the room, making sure that everything is in place.

Housekeeping is very demanding job. It is called such because it is classified as "moderately heavy" to "heavy" work. Most of the time, a housekeeper carries out varied tasks like sweeping, scrubbing. vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning, and lifting. In addition to these, they are also responsible for delivering beds to guest rooms and replenishing toiletry supplies.

The goal of OHS is to foster Occupational Healthy And Safety

environment and to protect all the general public who may be affected by the occupational safety and health.
