CLASS | Cidal/Static | Mechanism of Action | Black Box | Extra Info |
Sulf | C | Folic acid synthesis inhibitor | Bactrim = SULFAmethoxazole + trimethoprim = p. Jirroveci / pneomocystsic + MRSA Inhibit both steps of formic acid synthesis | |
Cycline | S | Inhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S Used for lyme disease | TIGECYCLINE = increased mortality when used to treat hospital acquired pneumonia or ventilator-associated pneumonia | If allergic to penicilin you can used tetraccline and have ATYPICAL activity Doxycyline children < 8 = yellow teeth (short course is safe) |
Floxacin/Fluroquinolone | S | Inhibit topoisomerase (DNA gyrase) | Achilles Tendon Peripheral Neuropathy QTC Prolongation | Monoflaxin used for COPD not psuedonomas |
CLASS | drugs | C/S | MOA | use | Black Box |
Lipo glycopeptides | -vanc- | C | Inhibit Transglycosylase and Transpeptidase Inhibit peptidogylican wall | Hospital Aquired Pneomonia + Ventilator Associated Pneuomonia + Vancomycin Resistant Entereo + MRSA | Telavancin = nephrotoxicity + QTC prolongation |
Glycopeptide | Vancomycin | C | Binds to D-alanine preventing the synthesis and polymerization within the peptidoglycan layer | Orally = c.dif MRSA | Nephrotoxicity + odotoxicity |
Amino Glycosides (AGT) | Amikacin Gentamicin Tobramycin | C | 30S | Post- antibiotic effect (only take once a day) CONCENTRATION DEPENDENT Higher peak dose = higher killing affect Peak of Cmax / MIC ration | Nephrotoxicity +Ototoxicity |
Lancosimide | Clindamycin | S | 50S | Aneorobic coverage, MRSA, p.jiroveci | CAUSE C. Dif |
Macrolide (ACE) – mac and cheese is ACE | Azithromycin Clarithromycin Erythromycin Fidaxomicin | S | 50S | Mycoplasma pneumonia - atypical Community aquired pneumonia | Azithromycin = torsades de pointes (QTC prolongation) Erythomycin most likely to cause adverse effect Azith least likely |
Lanozolid | -zolid | S | 50S | MRSA + VRE | More than 14 days = bone marrow suppression More than 28 days = peripheral + optic neuropathy |
Lippeptide (Mycin) | Daptomycin | C | Bind, insert, oligimerization and channel formation→ Depolarize, ion efflux, cell death | MRSA + VRE | NA |
Antifungals: AZOLE, FUNGIN, FINE
CLASS | MOA | use | Black Box |
Polyenes- Amophotericin B | binds to fungal cell wall and creates pores causing cell to leak | Covers ALOT Use LIPOSOMAL version (IV) to avoid nephrotoxicity | Nephrotoxic + Electrolyte Abnormality (↓ K+ ↓ Mg2+) |
Azole | Block lanosterol → Ergosterol (stability) | Flunicozole NO aspergilus Voiconazole = drug of choice for aspergillus | Voriconozole = photosensitivity + visual changes ALL AZOLES inhibit CYP450 enzymes |
Fungin (Echinocandins) | B-D glcuan synthase | Treat aspergillus WELL TOLERATED | X |
Nyastatin (topical polyene) | X | Orophaarngeal Cadidiasis THRUSH: oral pharyngeal | X |
Azole (imidazole) | X | CLOTRIMAZOLE = torche = ORAL THRUSH | X |
Viral load (HIV RNA level in the blood) should be below 200 copies/mL
Low CD4 count (white blood cell) puts pt at higher risk for PCP (Pnumocytis Pneumonia)
NRTI (Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor) | FOVIR VUDINE | 2 NRTI + _______ = standard antiretroviral therapy Also treat Hep B= TenoFOVIR EmcitricaBINE lamiVUDINE PrEP= Emcitricatabine/TDF (truvada) - more nephrotoxic + Emcitricitabine/ TAF (descovy) + Carbotegravir + Rilpiverine + Duranavir + Coricistat (Prezcobix) = once every 8 weeks for prep |
NNRTI (Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor) | VIRINE (hate wolverine has too many side-effects) | Low genetic barrier to resistance so liver toxicity, rash, steven johnson syndrome Cytochrome 3A4 interactions |
Protease | NAVIR | Ritonavir = booster to protease by inhibiting CYP3A4 |
Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor (INSTI) | TEGRAVIR | Corbisistat = booster for elvitegravir Bictegravir = 3 in 1 combination |
CLASS | MOA | Controlled? | Black Box Warning |
Benzodiazapine | Potentiate effects of GABA | C4 | Fatal overdose uncommon on own unless mixed w/ other CNS depressants (alchohol + opioids) |
Buspirone | Serotonin receptor agonist (5-HT1A) NO effect of GABA | No potential for misuse bc/ seretonin | X |
Skeletal Muscle Relaxant | Anticollinergic effect | ONLY Carisoprodal (SOMA) = C4 | X |
Non- Benzodiazapie Receptor Agonists (Z drugs) Zoldipem (Ambien) + Zaleplon + esZopiclone | Enhance GABA activity by binding to BZD-1 NOT BZD-2 | C4 | Complex sleep behavior |
Doxipen | Tricyclic antidepressant act as antihistamine | X | X |
Barbituates - Barbital | Minor tranquilizers | Not in slides | RESPRITORY DEPRESSION (die in sleep) |
Orexin Antagonists | Sleep onset and maintenance | C4 | X |
Paranoia: a mental disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur usually WITHOUT hallucinations
Psycosis: an abnormal mental state in which the patients thoughts and emotions are impaired and lost touch with external reality
Delusion: idea or belief that is not endorsed by one’s culture or subculture, maintained in spite of irrationally or ecidence to the contrary; fixed false belief
MOA | Drugs | Side Effects | |
1st Gen | Block Dopamine (D2) | ChlorpromaZINE fluphenaZINE TrifluoperaZINE ThiridaZINE perphenAZINE Haloperidol Thiothixene Molindone Lozapine (molin and loza get a halo for being thio) | Extrapyramidal **Dyskenesia often irreversible High Potency= Halo Thio ZINE Flu ZINE TriFlu ZINE (obsessed with triple flu + halo) |
2nd Gen | Block Dopamine (D2) AND Seretonin | caripraZINE rest of zines are 1st gen except Cari she is FAKE | Metabolic (diabetes, cholesterol, weight gain) |
Buproprion (Wellbutrin): NE and Dopamine ruptake Inhibitor
Mirtazipine: alpha-2 antagonist (increase serotonin + NE RELEASE)
Trazadone: serotonin antagonist + reuptake inhibitors (SARI - doesn’t rlly know what its made for)-- abbu is on trazadone he needes serotonin since its antagonized
Class | MOA | Drugs |
SSRI (6) | Selective Seretonin Reuptake Inhibitors | Whatever is NOT SNRI or MAOI |
SNRI (4) Cardiovascular Effects DUO and LEVO might be FAX but they also bad for your heart | Seretonin + Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors | FAXINE + Duoloxetine+ Levomilnacipram DUO and LEVO are FAX |
TCA messy SNRI (tryptaline or pramine) | Serotonin + Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors ALSO blocks: Histamine -1 Alpha -1 Muscarininic | Secondary is used more for Norepinephrine than Teritiary Secondary: Desi Norti Protri They sound like brown girl names Brown girls be secondary :( but love NE ways |
MAOI | Irreversiblely inhibit MAO-A and MAO-8 Which breakdown serotonin, dopamine, and NE | These names are interesting and arent LEVO, DUO, FAX
USE | What to know: | |||
CAINE | Regional anethesthetic | Block nerve signal (pain) propagation Bupivicaine = epidural anesthesia (B for baby) BBW- cardiac arrest CNS | ||
CUR | Neuromuscular blocker (PARALYSIS) | CisatraCURium is NOT dependent on liver or kidneys for elimination so favorable in patients w/ kidney+ liver malfunction (Cista don’t need no kidney or liver) Depolarizing = Succinylcholine (rest are NONdepolarizing) – he be SUS cause why is he the only CUR thats depolarizing | ||
TRIPTAN | anti–migraine | Seretonin 1B/1D agonist DITAN: 5HT-1F agonist Only SUMA and ZOLMI auntie are intranasal they be all up in there + SUMA can be sub Aunties will give u a heart attack dont take TRIPTAN if you’ve had heart attack ( tightness pressure on chest – coronary artery vasospasms) | ||
AFIL | Erectile dysfunction | Phosphodiesterase 5 - inhibitors |
Platinums (-platin) | Mutation in DNA NOT CELL CYCLE SPECIFIC | CarBo= bone marrow suppression (dose limiting) Cisplatin = nephrotoxicity (dose limiting) – cis got kidney issues Ox = peripheral neuropathy (not dose limiting) |
Taxanes (bark of yule tree) | Bind to Tubulin to arrest division M- CELL CYCLE SPECIFIC | Allergic reaction due to emulsifying agent Polysorbate 80 Creamophor EL (castor oil) PacliTAXil = cremophor EL DoceTAXol + CabaziTAxal = Polysorbate 80 |
Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) | Linked to Radionuclei Target cancer cells NOT normal cells | X |
Small Molecule KInase Inhibitors (NIB) | Gleevac= magic bullet= tyrosine kinase inhibitor specifically target PHILADELPHIA chromosme (Bcr-Abl) | NILOtinib = QTC Prolongation |
Immmunomodulato (Thalidomide) | X | Need REMS for thalidomide Pregnancy category X |
Immunosupressors (LIMUS) | EveroLIMUS= mTOR inhibitor = renal cancer + graft vs host disease TacroLIMUS= calcineurin inhibitor Sirolimus = mammalian/mechanistic target | X |
Class | MOA | BB | extra |
1st Gen | SEDATING antihistamine | Anticholinergic + CNS depression + fall risk due to sedation Anticholinergic depression = GLAUCOMA= asthma contraindication | ZINES are most sedating hydroxyZINE mecliZINE Ex. dramamine, promethazine |
2nd Gen | NONSEDATING antihistamine | More tolerable | DINE is the LEAST sedating SOOOO if the question asks which is the least sedating then the answer is ANY DINE BUTTTT CyporoheptADINE (cypro seems like hes overstimulating anyways so he’s not sedating) |
LEVIDOPA + CARBIDOPA | Levidopa → Dopamine once it reaches the blood brain barrier THEN it can get decarboxylated Carbidopa → prevent levadopa from getting decarboxylated into dopamine before it reaches the brain DOES NOT CROSS BBB | tremor/ridgitity of parkinsons returns (shaking – muscle spasms when you first take it) — can delay these side effects with CAPONE and GILINE (adjunctive drugs) | |
CAPONE ADJUNCTIVE | Inhibits the conversion of L-dop to 3-o-methyl Dopa
| TolCAPONE- hepatotoxicity | |
GILINE ADJUNCTIVE | Inhibits MAO-B (prevents dopamine from being metabolized to decrease wear off time) | Rasagiline - hypertensive crisis warning |