Richard III

  • Lived between 1452-1485

  • Was regent for his nephew, Edward V, who, along with his brother Richard, Duke of York, were “The Princes in the Tower (of London)”

  • The throne was usurped (taken illegally) by Richard III from Edward V

  • Richard III’s family was involved in the War of the Roses, which was between the royal houses of Lancaster (red rose) and York (white rose), and later the Tutors led by Henry VII, who were mainly Lancastrians.

  • Died in the Battle of Bosworth - assumed arrow through the eye

  • Defeated by Henry Tutor 7th, who later married to his niece Elizabeth of York, ending the War of the Roses

  • Was often referred to as a “hunch-back” due to his severe scoliosis, at an angle in the range of 70-90

  • Despite having severe scoliosis, Richard III would have found it easy to ride a horse with heavy armour, as it corrected his spine when wearing it

  • His body was lost until a team of researchers in 2012 excavated a parking lot in Leicester, where they had estimated his body was buried
