External anatomy of the spinal cord
Meninges - three protective layers surrounding the spinal cord (Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, Pia Mater).
Dura mater - The tough, outermost membrane protecting the spinal cord.
Epidural space - the area between the dura mater and the vertebrae, containing fat and blood vessels.
Arachnoid mater - The middle layer of the meninges, containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
Subarachnoid space - The area beneath the arachnoid mater, filled with CSF to cushion the spinal cord.
Cerebrospinal fluid - A clear liquid that protects and nourishes the spinal cord and brain.
Pia mater - he thin, innermost layer of the meninges that directly covers and protects the spinal cord.
Neuron Structure
Dendrite - The branched extensions of a neuron that receive signals from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body.
Cell Body - The main part of a neuron that contains the nucleus and organelles necessary for cell function.
Axon - A long, thin structure that transmits electrical impulses away from the cell body to communicate with other neurons or muscles.
Synaptic Knob - The terminal end of an axon where neurotransmitters are released to send signals to the next neuron or muscle cell.
Myelin - A fatty substance that surrounds and insulates axons, allowing for faster electrical signal transmission.
Node of Ranvier - Small gaps in the myelin sheath where the axon is exposed, allowing nerve impulses to jump between nodes and speed up conduction.
Reflex arc
Sensory receptor - A specialized structure that detects changes in the environment (stimuli) such as pain, heat, or pressure.
Sensory/afferent neuron - A neuron that carries sensory information from the receptor to the spinal cord.
Integration center - The part of the spinal cord or brain where sensory input is processed, and a response is generated.
Motor neuron -A neuron that carries commands from the central nervous system to muscles or glands.
Effector - The muscle or gland that responds to the motor neuron signal, leading to movement or secretion.
Patellar or knee-jerk - A simple stretch reflex that causes the leg to extend when the patellar tendon is tapped.
Flexor or withdrawal reflex - A reflex that causes an automatic withdrawal of a body part in response to a painful stimulus (e.g., pulling your hand away from a hot object).
Crossed-extensor reflex - A reflex that occurs in the opposite limb to help maintain balance when the withdrawal reflex is activated (e.g., stepping on a sharp object and shifting weight to the other foot).
Anatomy of a horizontal spinal section
Anterior median fissure - A deep groove on the anterior (front) side of the spinal cord that partially divides it into two halves.
Central canal - A small, fluid-filled channel running through the center of the spinal cord, containing cerebrospinal fluid.
Gray matter - The butterfly-shaped inner region of the spinal cord that contains neuron cell bodies and processes sensory and motor signals.
Posterior (dorsal) horn - The part of the gray matter that receives sensory input from the body.
Lateral horn (T1-L2 only) - A section of gray matter present only in the thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord, involved in autonomic functions.
Anterior (ventral) horn - The part of the gray matter that contains motor neurons, which send signals to muscles.
White matter - The outer layer of the spinal cord that contains nerve fibers (axons) transmitting signals between the brain and body.
Anterior (ventral) column -A section of white matter that carries motor signals from the brain to the spinal cord.
Posterior (dorsal) column - A section of white matter that carries sensory information about touch and body position to the brain.
Lateral column - A region of white matter that carries both motor and sensory information.
Spinal nerve anatomy
Posterior (dorsal) root - The part of a spinal nerve that carries sensory signals from the body to the spinal cord.
Posterior (dorsal) root ganglion - A cluster of sensory neuron cell bodies located on the dorsal root of the spinal nerve.
Anterior (ventral) root - The part of a spinal nerve that carries motor signals from the spinal cord to muscles.