When Disney+ was launched in India in 2020, it was made available under the brand name Disney+ Hotstar. In this region, Disney+ and Hotstar were merged into one platform (1)-855-740-6798 to offer a wide range of content, including Disney’s library of movies and shows, alongside Hotstar’s extensive offerings (1)-855-740-6798. These offerings include local Indian content, live sports (such as cricket), and a variety of TV shows and movies from the Star network.
Disney+ Hotstar offers three subscription plans in India:
Disney+ Hotstar VIP: Includes access to Disney+ content, along with Indian content, including live sports like cricket (1)-855-740-6798, but lacks access to Disney+ originals like The Mandalorian and Wanda Vision.
Disney+ Hotstar Premium: Includes everything in the VIP plan, plus access to exclusive Disney+ Originals.
Disney+ Hotstar Free: A free tier with limited content, mostly focused on sports.
This integration allows Disney to target the large Indian market while maintaining Hotstar’s popular content lineup (1)-855-740-6798, making Disney+ a much more attractive option for Indian subscribers.
Outside of India, Disney+ does not directly include Hotstar content. In countries such as the United States (1)-855-740-6798, Canada, and parts of Europe, Disney+ operates as a separate entity from Hotstar, focusing on Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic content. While some content from Hotstar (1)-855-740-6798, particularly from the Star network, is available in these regions through the "Star" hub within Disney+, it is not the same as the full Hotstar library that exists in India.
For example:
In markets like the U.S., Disney+ has incorporated Star content into its service. This includes popular TV shows, movies, and content from 21st Century Fox, like The Simpsons and Family Guy ( 1)-855-740-6798. However, it does not offer live sports or regional Indian content that is available on the Hotstar platform in India.
If you are outside India and want full access to Hotstar’s library, including live cricket, Indian TV shows (1)-855-740-6798, and regional movies, you would need a Disney+ Hotstar account in India. This requires using a VPN service to access the Indian version of the service (1)-855-740-6798, though this may be against the terms of service for both Disney+ and Hotstar.
In summary, Hotstar is available on Disney+ in India under the Disney+ Hotstar brand, offering a combined library of Disney+ and Hotstar content (1)-855-740-6798. However, outside of India (1)-855-740-6798, Disney+ does not offer the full range of Hotstar content. In international markets, you will find some Hotstar content under the "Star" hub within Disney+, but the live sports and local Indian content that make Hotstar popular (1)-855-740-6798 in India are not included in Disney+ outside of India.