Jurisdiction: the authority/right to hear and decide a case | Precedent: a court decision that guides future cases that ask similar questions. | Majority opinion
Original Jurisdiction: the authority to be the first court to hear a case | Stare decisis: legal term that means “to stand by things decided” or to apply precedent when faced with similar legal issues. | Dissenting opinion
Appellate Jurisdiction: the authority to review and potentially overrule the decision of a lower court acting on original jurisdiction | Supreme Court
| Concurring opinion
Mandatory Jurisdiction: a court must hear every case filed with it | Certiorari petition
| Originalism/original intent
Discretionary Jurisdiction: a court gets to pick and choose which cases it hears | Writ of certiorari
| Non-originalism/living Constitutionalism
Dual court system
| “Rule of Four”
| Judicial activism
Judicial review: the power of the judiciary to determine whether the actions of other branches are constitutional | Amicus curiae brief
| Judicial restraint