john locke- british, argued that every person was born with a blank mind (tabula rosa) and is molded by their experiences
isaac newton- believed the world operated according to natural laws that could be investigated
influenced the belief that scientific method would improve society
baron de montesquieu- wrote spirit of the laws
said british government system of checks and balances between branches gives freedom/security to the state
voltaire- criticized the church and created deism (religious philosophy based on reason/natural law, said that god created earth and left it like a clock)
diderot**-** published the encyclopedia
attacked religious superstition
supported religious tolerance
weapon against old french society
wanted to find economic laws that governed society
believed society would benefit from people pursuing their own economic self-interest
state should leave economy alone
adam smith- wrote wealth of nations
government should protect from invasion, protect from injustice, and keep up things individuals can’t
rousseau- wrote the social construct
idea that all of society should go by general will