Radiograph: A 2-D image of a 3-D object.
Importance of multiple views: "One View is No View" - at least 2 views perpendicular to each other required for accuracy.
Identified Densities:
Soft Tissue/Fluid
Density Scale: Least Dense (Air) to Most Dense (Metal).
X-Ray Film (conventional radiography):
The medium used to capture the radiographic image.
Composed of silver bromide crystals in gelatin on a polyester support base.
Radiograph: The resultant image after x-ray exposure.
Radiographic Examination: The process and positioning involved in obtaining a radiograph.
Anatomical Terms:
Anterior (Ventral)
Posterior (Dorsal)
Caudad (Inferior)
Cephalad (Superior)
Proximal, Central, Distal, Lateral, Medial.
Radiographic Projections:
The path of the central ray through the body during imaging.
Examples: APOM (Anterior-Posterior Open Mouth), AP Cervical, Lateral Cervical.
Routine Projections include:
AP Cervical (lower cervical)
Lateral Cervical (neutral)
Additional Views: Lateral Cervical Flexion and Extension, Cervical Obliques.
Study involves patients who experienced neck pain due to car accidents; assessment through standard cervical radiographic views.