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Lang vocab quiz

Rumor Chick 2

Assiduous - hard working

Adulation - excessive flattery

Ascertain - to discover

Admonish - to gently criticize or warn

Bemuse - to confuse stun or stump

Concede - to acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true

Complicity - participation in a bad act or crime

Concur - to agree

Cunning - cleaver, sneaky

Estrange - to cause to become unfriendly or hostile

Manifest - to make evident or certain by displaying or demonstrating

Morose - gloomy

Notorious - known widely and unfavorably; famous for something bad

Ominous - menacing; threatening

Poignant - touching

Quell - to put down forcibly

Reciprocate - to show or give in return

rebuke - to criticize or find fault with

Supplant– to take the place of

Lang vocab quiz

Rumor Chick 2

Assiduous - hard working

Adulation - excessive flattery

Ascertain - to discover

Admonish - to gently criticize or warn

Bemuse - to confuse stun or stump

Concede - to acknowledge, often reluctantly, as being true

Complicity - participation in a bad act or crime

Concur - to agree

Cunning - cleaver, sneaky

Estrange - to cause to become unfriendly or hostile

Manifest - to make evident or certain by displaying or demonstrating

Morose - gloomy

Notorious - known widely and unfavorably; famous for something bad

Ominous - menacing; threatening

Poignant - touching

Quell - to put down forcibly

Reciprocate - to show or give in return

rebuke - to criticize or find fault with

Supplant– to take the place of