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Unit 5 Notes Review

5.1 - Mysteries

Catholic Definition of a Mystery - A mystery is not something incomprehensible but rather something inexhaustible

  • Within our faith, we do not use the word “mystery” to describe things that cannot be understood

  • We use “mystery” to explain deep, complex realities about God that will take us forever to fully understand

5.2 - The Trinity

Father - The Mind (Brain)

Son - The Word/Thought (Mouth)

Holy Spirit - Breath/Love (Heart)

Father ≠ Son ≠ Holy Spirit, Father=God - Son=God - Holy Spirit=God


  • What a thing is

  • 1 what

  • “God”


  • Who it is

  • 3 who’s

  • Father, Son, Holy Spirit (Same Divine Nature)

The Father is he who begets the Son

The Son is he who is begotten by the Father

The Spirit is he who is spirated by the Father and the Son

3 Hats Myth - That the people of the trinity are the same person but its god just putting on a diffrent hat when he wants to be a diffrent one, not true because they are all seperate people

3 Levels Myth - That the Father, son, and holy spirit are all weighted diffrently and that some are above others

3 Ages Myth - The 3 people all exist at diffrent times throughout time

5.3 - The Incarnation

1. Christ remains only one Divine person; he did not become a second human person.

2. Christ retains his divine nature.However, his divine nature and his human nature are not mixed or combined; they are united and distinct.

3. Christ’s divine and human natures are united into his one Divine person

5.4 - The Eucharist


  • characteristics

  • Dog turning blue

  • Doesn’t change substance


  • what a thing is

  • wood to ashes


Unit 5 Notes Review

5.1 - Mysteries

Catholic Definition of a Mystery - A mystery is not something incomprehensible but rather something inexhaustible

  • Within our faith, we do not use the word “mystery” to describe things that cannot be understood

  • We use “mystery” to explain deep, complex realities about God that will take us forever to fully understand

5.2 - The Trinity

Father - The Mind (Brain)

Son - The Word/Thought (Mouth)

Holy Spirit - Breath/Love (Heart)

Father ≠ Son ≠ Holy Spirit, Father=God - Son=God - Holy Spirit=God


  • What a thing is

  • 1 what

  • “God”


  • Who it is

  • 3 who’s

  • Father, Son, Holy Spirit (Same Divine Nature)

The Father is he who begets the Son

The Son is he who is begotten by the Father

The Spirit is he who is spirated by the Father and the Son

3 Hats Myth - That the people of the trinity are the same person but its god just putting on a diffrent hat when he wants to be a diffrent one, not true because they are all seperate people

3 Levels Myth - That the Father, son, and holy spirit are all weighted diffrently and that some are above others

3 Ages Myth - The 3 people all exist at diffrent times throughout time

5.3 - The Incarnation

1. Christ remains only one Divine person; he did not become a second human person.

2. Christ retains his divine nature.However, his divine nature and his human nature are not mixed or combined; they are united and distinct.

3. Christ’s divine and human natures are united into his one Divine person

5.4 - The Eucharist


  • characteristics

  • Dog turning blue

  • Doesn’t change substance


  • what a thing is

  • wood to ashes