1. Cross-sectional study
2. Longitudinal study
3. Teratogen
4. Maturation
5. Rooting reflex
6. Visual cliff
7. Critical period
8. Imprinting
9. Puberty
10. Primary sex characteristic
11. Secondary sex characteristic
12. Menarche
13. Spermarche
14. Menopause
15. Sex
16. Gender
17. Jean Piaget
18. Schema
19. Assimilation v Accommodation
20. Sensorimotor stage
21. Object permanence
22. Preoperational stage
23. Conservation
24. Reversibility
25. Animism
26. Egocentrism
27. Theory of mind
28. Concrete operational stage
29. Logical vs systematic thinking
30. Formal operational stage
31. Lev Vygotsky
32. Scaffolding
33. Zone of proximal development
34. Crystallized intelligence
35. Fluid intelligence
36. Dementia
37. Phonemes vs Morphemes
38. Stages of language development
(cooing, babbling, etc.)
39. Telegraphic speech
40. Overgeneralization
41. Ecological systems theory (ALL
42. Parenting styles (3 types)
43. Secure attachment
44. Insecure attachment (3 types)
45. Temperament
46. Social clock
47. Parallel play
48. Imaginary audience/personal fable
49. Emerging adulthood
50. Stage of psychosocial development
(all 8 stages)
51. Adverse childhood experiences
52. Identify status (all 4)
53. Associative learning
54. Classical conditioning
55. US, UR, CS, CR ***
56. Extinction
57. Spontaneous recovery
58. Stimulus discrimination
59. Stimulus generalization
60. Taste aversion
61. Higher-order conditioning
62. Counter-conditioning
63. One trial conditioning
64. Habituation
65. Operant conditioning
66. Reinforcement (positive and
67. Punishment (positive and negative)
68. Primary v secondary reinforcer
69. Reinforcement schedules (ALL)
70. Shaping
71. Instinctive drift
72. Superstitious behavior
73. Social learning
74. Vicarious conditioning
75. Modeling
76. Insight
77. Cognitive map
78. Latent learning