
TLSAE Alcohol and other drugs

CH. 1

drugs can be medical tratment, sugar, cafeins, alcohol, nicotine, and methamphetamine

alchohol → slows body down

CH. 2

Drugs enter body by


Injection → veins can collapse after repeated puncturing, or can even transmit diseases like hepatitis and AIDS

INhalation → sniffing the air, or marijuanna

Absoption → rectal region, intranasal, oral, trandermal

Drugs are removed from the body in a similar manner to the expulsion of food and drink-the liver and kidneys filter drugs out of the bloodstream and convert them to inactive chemicals, while the skin, lungs, and digestive system excrete them through sweat, exhaled breath, and other means.

The liver metabolizes, or breaks down, complex molecules into simpler parts and allows them to be carried out of the body as waste. The chemicals found in drugs are more complicated and rare than what the liver is used to processing-the nutrients found in food. As a result, the liver has to repeat its process multiple times before the drug fully leaves the body. As long as any molecules of the drug remain in the bloodstream, they are carried to the body's brain and other organs and act on them.

While the liver breaks down and alters chemicals to make them less effective and easier to remove from the body, the kidneys perform more of a physical act of filtration. Blood passing through the kidneys is filtered of harmful or inessential materials, including broken-down drugs, which are then sent to the urinary system for excretion.

According to the National Kidney Foundation, the kidneys perform their life-sustaining job of filtering and returning to the bloodstream about 200 quarts, or 50 gallons, of fluid every 24 hours. About two quarts are removed from the body in the form of urine, and about 198 quarts are recovered.

Kidneys also

  • remove waste products

  • balance pH levels

  • release hormones that regulates bp

  • produces vit D to be → 💪

  • controlling production of rbc

high vapor pressure at body temperature, alcohol evaporates from the blood into the lungs and is partly eliminated by breath. = can be tested with a breath sample

The average rate of alcohol elimination is .015 to .018 per hour.

This means that if, for example, your Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) reaches a height of .19, and you are arrested for impaired driving a full five hours later, your BAL is still not likely to be below .10-which is above the presumptive limit and will earn you a DUI conviction.

This is because 5 hours times a reduction of .018 BAL per hour equals a .09 reduction in BAL.

BAL depends on gender age drinking patterns + other factors

Large person → lower BAL than smaller person after drinking

women have higher BAL due to having less water in body.

CH. 3

To determine how much alcohol is in a drink, divide the proof in half, and then divide that number by 100.

  • One 12-ounce beer with an alcohol content of 5%

  • One 5-ounce glass of wine with an alcohol content of 12%

  • One 1.5-ounce shot of 80-proof liquor with an alcohol content of 40%

while some beers have less than 4% alcohol by volume, others can have more than 8%. Similarly, while most liquors have an alcohol content of about 40%, others are more than 75% alcohol by volume.

If you consume a strong mixed drink, make sure you give yourself extra time before drinking more, or before you get behind the wheel of a car.

mixed drink, make sure you know what's in it:

  • Many mixed drinks include one to one and a half shots of a single liquor, including the Bloody Mary, Greyhound, Screwdriver, Fuzzy Navel, and Whiskey Sour.

  • Drinks like the Americano and the White Russian typically contain one to one and a half shots of alcohol using more than one type of liquor.

  • A number of mixed drinks include one and a half to two shots of alcohol, of which half or more comes from a stronger liquor (such as vodka, rum, whiskey, or gin), with the rest coming from a weaker liquor like vermouth or triple sec. These drinks include Martinis, Margaritas, Manhattans, Cosmopolitans, and Sidecars.

CH. 4

Short term effects

  • Nervous system operation → primarily works on this. affects everything on how your body functions.

  • Judgment

  • Memory → hinders; makes you forget many things like the 5 W’s

  • Alertness → hinders

  • Coordination

  • Reaction time → makes you less alert, slows your reaction time

  • Vision → pupils ability to expand and contract to let in appropriate ammont of light

  • Heart rate → slows down

  • Blood pressure → decreases

  • Respiration → slows down

Alcohol is a depressant, slowing down your body.

If you are a male, weigh 150 lbs, and consume twelve drinks in the space of two hours, you're taking your life into your hands

organs begin to shut down due to not having enough oxygen enter your bloodstream

Short term effect

  • brain. High concentration of neurons make it extremly sensitive to chemicals. After drinking enough alcohol, your brain will fail to send strong enough signals to make your heart beat, resulting in death.

Alchohol → makes you sick

  • vomiting → dangerous, causes them to suffocate sometimes, risk of dehydration

  • dizzyness

Possibly-Desirable Mental Effects of Marijuana

People smoke marijuana for different reasons, but the drug has no effects that are enjoyed universally. Here are some possibly-desirable mental effects:

  • Euphoria-a happiness not necessarily based on reality, and which may result in sadness and disappointment as it wears off.

  • Laughter-an exaggerated and sometimes unnerving response to things that the user might not normally find humorous.

  • Hallucinations-sensory perceptions created by the mind, sometimes of frightening or worrisome scenes.

  • Loss of sense of self-an experience in which the user becomes detached from feelings of self-awareness.

  • Altered perception of time-a perceptual distortion sometimes leaving the user feeling detached from reality.

Undesirable Mental Effects of Marijuana

In addition to the previous effects, which are often inconsistent, the following effects of marijuana are always possible and are reliably negative:

  • Impaired memory

  • Distrust

  • Fear

  • Panic

  • Depression

  • Delusion

  • Psychosis

Mariuanna affects

  • increase of appetite and producing body fat

  • increase of heart rate

  • sleepiness

  • loss of coordination

Abusing drugs in general is harmful. (deadly consequences.)

CH. 5

Long term effects

  • disease and degeneration of organs + tissues

  • changes in the balance of chemicals in nervous system

Organ Damage

  • kidneys and luvers deal directly with foreign chemicals

    • drug destroys your body in different ways

Nervous system damage

  • includes tolerance to the drug, dependent on the drug, etc

Repeated use of the drug means you are creatin tolerancem being less sensitive to a drug. This results that you consume more and more drugs, not knowing youre harming your body

Chronic use of alcohol can lead to liver failure, heart failure, and stroke-all of which can be deadly.

Liver Damage

  • 80% of alcohol ingested orally will be broken down

  • chronic abuse of drugs = alcohol damage to your livers

    • Fatty livers (fat deposits on liver, enlarges the liver.)

    • Hepatitis (inglammation of the liver)

    • Cirrhosis (Liver breaks down)

Stomach damage

  • relaxes the esophageal sphincter which can then allow bile enter the stomach + esophagus

    • Leads to heartburn

Pancrease damage

  • causesa condition called pancreatitis

    • vommiting, improper digestion, severe pain

      • can lead to diabeter, pancreatic cancer, and death

Heart damage

  • Most vital organ sign

  • dirrect toxic effect on tissue of heart causes it to enlarge on one or both sides

  • alters in physical structure to accommodate

  • causes…

    • sweating

      • irregular heartbeat

        • fatigue

          • shortness of breath

            • loss of apetite

              • lack of concentarion

    • Thrombocytopenia (blood platelets suffer hindered production and reduces ability to survive)

    • Macrocytic anemia (blood cells enlargen and able to carry less oxygen properly)

      • increases hart rate

      • enlarges heart

Lung Damage

  • pneumonia can occure

  • collapsing of lungs

  • acute respiratory distress disorder

Brain damage

  • Causes brain to…

    • shrink

    • reduce brain mass

    • abnormal growth or holes

      • impact memory, function, sleep, mood, and learning

  • alters behavior

    • psychotic disorder including hallucination, paranoia, major deppression

When alcohol is removed, this causes you to suffer from withdrawal, making it hard to function since youre addicted.

  • symptoms like

    • Trembling is a common symptom of alcohol withdrawal, while anger, confusion, fear, hallucinations, hypertension, insomnia, nausea and vomiting, seizures, and even death are possible.

An overburdened liver will release more harmful substances into the bloodstream. If kidney function is impaired, these harmful substances will be even more prevalent. When these reach the brain, they can cause a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy. This condition has such harmful effects as depression, mood and coordination problems, personality changes, coma, and death.

Alcohol interfeeres with apetite and nutrition

  • alcohol contains 7 calories w.o having any nutritional benefits like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates

  • 1.5 ounce shot of 80 proof vodka ehas 14 grams of alcohol. Makes it 97 calories w.o nutritional content

Alcohol abuse can result to

  • overeating

  • reduce feelings of fullness

  • higher levels of obesity

Alcohol also interferes with the body's ability to harvest nutrients from the food a person consumes. An inflamed stomach and a poorly-functioning pancreas inhibit the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and small intestine.

As mentioned previously, when the liver is forced to spend too much of its time metabolizing alcohol, it loses its ability to properly metabolize important nutrients. This combination of factors can lead to malnutrition and unhealthy weight loss in chronic abusers of alcohol.

Immune system

  • White blood cells are worse at destroying the cells they attack.

  • So-called "natural killer" cells, a specialized form of white blood cell, suffer a reduced ability to destroy tumors.

  • T cells, another form of white blood cell, have trouble developing.

Alcohol Damages Your Immune System

  • Cytokines, which tell bodily tissues how to respond to an infection, are produced in either too great or too small a number. Having too many of these chemicals causes tissue damage. Having too few makes the tissue especially vulnerable to infection.

Alcohol damages your immune system, increasing your vulnerability to bacteria, viruses, and cancer.

long term effects

  • heart

  • lung

  • iver

  • brain

  • reduced intrest of sex

  • brain diseases

  • chronic constipation


  • super addictives

  • harmful

  • Chronic users may experience restlessness, confusion, paranoia, insomnia, and depression.

  • causes constant urge to eat

  • long term effect

  • heart attacks

  • deadly strokes and seizures

  • coughing blood

  • destruction of cartilage

  • danages respiratory system → lung failures


  • kidney disease

  • dysfuntion

  • liver disease

  • infection to lungs

  • constipation

    • Cutting is more dangerous

      • 'Cutting', or diluting the drug with a cheaper substance, is also a danger with heroin. Drug dealers cut drugs like heroin and cocaine with substances such as sugar and unscented baby powder in order to make more money. Cutting can be deadly for a number of reasons.

  • unclean needles = spread of diseases

  • users veins may scar or collapse

  • direct injection into bloodstream increases the risk of overdose


  • "More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined."

  • lung cancer, kidney, throatm nouth, head, neck, bladder, pancreas, stomack

  • emphysema (malfunctioning of lungs)

  • heart disease, stroke

  • impotence, infertility, stress

  • weakens imune

  • The smoke inhaled from a cigarette contains over 60 known carcinogens, or cancer-causing chemicals. Some of these chemicals have been purposefully added to the cigarette, often to give it a particular flavor.

  • In addition, smoking a single cigarette means drawing about ten 2.5-ounce doses of tobacco smoke into the lungs. Many smokers consume far more than this every day. This exposes the lungs to carcinogens over and over again, day in and day out.


  • memory impariment and decrease of blood flow

CH. 6

mini test - 100%

CH. 7

Drug addiction → lose sight of or ignorepissibilities such as liver faliure, etc

Stimulants - speeds up body

ex of stimulants

Nicotine affecting substance in tobacco leaves

cocaine comes from coca plant


methamphetamine synthetic drug, speeds you up



Effects of stimulants are

  • anxiety increase

  • overexcitment

  • inhability to focus

  • poor coordination

  • termors

  • increase heart rate

  • false sense of well being

Depressants - slows down the body

ecample of depressants


antihistamines used to treat allergic reactions (risky to combine with other drugs)

common antihistamines are

  • benadryl

  • dramamine

  • zantac and pepcid

  • clarinex and zyretec

muscle relaxants

pain reliever reduce feeling pain


oversensitivity to light, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, liver damage, thinning of the blood, and deterioration of the stomach lining.

common pain relievers

  • aspirin

  • morphine

  • heroin

tranquilizers treat physiolofical symptons of anxiety

used to treat depression, anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and muscle spasms.

common tranquilizers

  • benzodiazepines

  • barbiturates

  • antidepresants

    • They are primarily used to treat depression, anxiety, and some personality disorders. These antidepressants can cause sexual dysfunction and further depression, and may increase suicidal tendencies. They also alter the body's metabolism of some other drugs, causing them to have stronger or weaker effects.


Effectsof depressants

  • drowsiness

  • paralysis

  • poor cordinations

  • reduce heart rate

  • false sense of well being

Hallucinogens can cause hallucinations

examples of hallucinogens are

  • cannabis / marijuana

  • psilocybe

  • LSD

  • salvia divinorum

  • mescaline

  • dissociative

harmful effects

  • Anxiety, depression, fear, and panic

  • Impaired memory and loss of coordination

  • Nausea, vomiting, and sweating

  • Lethally increased heart rate and body temperature

  • A false sense of well-being

  • delusions


  • weaker versions of hallucinogens

Phencyclidine, or PCP, causes anxiety, delusions, hallucinations, and feelings of detachment. It also causes feelings of strength, power, and invulnerability. It is addictive and can cause violent behavior, vomiting, constipation, seizures, and coma.

Ketamine, a prescription medicine also used recreationally, has effects similar to those of PCP. It is less potent and its effects wear off more quickly.

Dextromethorphan is an active ingredient in Robitussin, NyQuil, Dimetapp, and Vicks. It also has similar effects to those of PCP, but is less potent.


  • used for hallucinationsand false sense of well being

  • no connections with surroundings

  • impaired memory

  • fear

  • panic

  • psychosis

  • increase heart rate

  • loss of coordination

Florida's legal definition of narcotics follows the federal government's definition, as set forth in the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970. This definition is narrower than most others, and includes only opium and all its derivatives (opioids), and cocaine and all its derivatives.

Another type of drugs is inhalants, chemicals that emit toxic vapors. These vapors have drastic effects on the mind and body when inhaled.

  • behave like depressants

Long-term use can lead to permanent hearing loss, limb spasms, nervous system and brain damage, and bone marrow damage.

Numerous chemicals not normally intended for human consumption can be abused as inhalants.

Solvents: paint thinners, lighter fluid, felt-tip marker fluid, and glue

Aerosols: spray paints, hair sprays, and computer cleaning sprays

Gases: butane, propane, ether, and whipped cream spray bottle gases

Nitrites: amyl nitrite and nitrous oxide

inhalling these drugs kills yuo within minutes

main idea

  • Stimulants speed you up.

  • Depressants slow you down.

  • Hallucinogens alter your thought and perception.

CH. 8

  • combining drugs = dangerous

  • taking 2 of each drug = dangerous + death

  • some drugs increase blood flow

mixing these drugs = death

  • Antihistamines: heightened drowsiness and dizziness

  • Benzodiazepines: slowed breathing, loss of coordination, heightened drowsiness and dizziness

  • Pain relievers, especially Tylenol: ulcers, stomach bleeding, increased heart rate, fatal liver problems

  • Antidepressants: increased depression, heightened drowsiness and dizziness

  • Opioids: reduced heart rate, slowed breathing, heightened drowsiness and dizziness

CH. 9

using drugs = physical harm

Simple physiological effects like poisoning or vomiting

Indirect consequences like motor vehicle collisions or violence

Long-term physical damage as a result of complex interaction between drugs and the body

short term use of almost any drugs = risk of death

Excessive drug use typically results in nausea and vomiting, and in large enough quantities, nearly any drug can cause a fatal overdose.

"alcohol is a factor in about 60% of fatal burn injuries, drownings, and homicides; 50% of severe trauma injuries and sexual assaults; and 40% of fatal motor vehicle crashes, suicides, and fatal falls."


  • diminished vision and hearing

  • impaireed brian functions + motor skills

  • deppressed inhibition

  • increased heart rate

  • blood vessels dilation

  • excessive stomach acid production

  • toxic production

  • dehydration and symptoms of withdrawal

  • poisonning yoursellf

  • Cocaine makes users hyperactive and irritable while giving them feelings of invincibility, making them more likely to do something dangerous and putting them at greater risk of a collision or unhealthy sexual behavior.

  • Crack use causes confusion and disorientation, twitching, and mood swings, all of which can be dangerous in many situations.

  • PCP can cause users to perform extremely violent acts, often under the belief that he or she is impervious to physical harm.

  • Heroin makes users sleepy and clumsy, increasing the risk of collisions and other physical mishaps. In addition, injectable drugs like heroin can infect users with HIV and other diseases.

using drugs at young age = special risks

  • damages brain

    • bad…

      • decision making

      • judgement

      • planning

      • self control under rapid change

While drug abuse is defined in many different ways, a person can receive a diagnosis of drug abuse for experiencing any one of the following within a 12-month period:

  • Failures at home, work, or school as a result of substance use

  • Substance use when it is physically dangerous, such as driving

  • Legal problems due to substance use

  • Continued substance use even as they cause social or personal problems such as arguing, fighting, etc.

coniditions like

  • liver+heart disease

  • excessive acid in stomach

  • menstural cycle = distrubed

  • diabetes, high blood pressure

cancer occur more commonly among people who abuse alcohol:

  • Mouth

  • Throat

  • Voicebox or larynx

  • Esophagus

  • Liver

  • Colon

  • Breast

can cause strokes

Alcohol abuse can potentially lead to steatosis (fatty liver), fibrosis (excessive tissue growth), and alcoholic hepatitis (liver inflammation).

single drink = 100 cal

  • cause weight gain

chronic drinker's immune system can become so weakened that he or she will be more likely to contract pneumonia and tuberculosis.

For example, injected drugs can cause bacterial endocarditis, hepatitis, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary emboli, malnutrition, or respiratory infections. Injected drugs also transmit diseases such as HIV.

persistence use of drug = addiction

user's nervous system adapts to the drug's presence in an attempt to stabilize his or her bodily processes, he or she begins to rely on the drug simply to function normally.


  • use greater amounts or using for longer periods of time than intended

  • Unsuccessful efforts to reduce or end use of the drug

  • Spending more time getting, using, or recovering from the drug

  • Spending less time on important activities because of drug use

  • Continued use or abuse despite knowing that it is the cause of physical or mental problems

more use of drug = tolerance

  • withdrawal symptoms occure

  • hard to be sober forever

when trying…

  • Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety.

  • Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal include agitation, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.

  • Symptoms of cocaine withdrawal, which begin within hours of the last use, include agitation and depression.

  • Symptoms of heroin withdrawal are particularly acute, and begin very quickly, within 8 to 12 hours after the last dose. These symptoms include major stomach discomfort, muscle cramping, and flu-like symptoms.

addicts sometimes need the drug to survive as thats how their body now functions, its hard to quit

  • if abusers quit at once, their bodies must deal with a rapid and potentially dangerous change in equilibrium. Indeed, drinkers who have kept a significant amount of alcohol in their bloodstreams at all times for years may die if they suddenly stop drinking altogether.

Drugs can cause changes to the parts of the brain responsible for learning, memory, reward, motivation, and self-control that will remain long after the person has stopped using drugs.

Main idea

  • An addict is unable to stop using drugs.

  • All drugs have negative physiological consequences that become more likely and more severe over time.

  • Therefore, an addict will inevitably experience increased harm due to drug abuse.

CH. 10

prescription drugs

  • useful in treating injuries or illness

  • have relatively high potential for harm or abuse

  • do not have such a high potential for abuse that the gov. complete forbids them

(as dangerous as illegal drugs)

Before prescribing anything, a doctor considers the patient's health, their personal and family medical history, and their current drug use. When a drug prescribed to one person is taken by another, this consideration goes out the window. Even an attempt to use another person's prescription in its original dosage can have fatal consequences.

many drugs → available → over the counter

some drugs are widley used, not needed


You will be just as dead after an overdose of Benadryl as you will after an overdose of heroin.

over the counter meds → taken a bunch → dangerous

read labels before use
