After winning independence from spain in1823. Mexico tried to get anglo settlers into the northern territory of Texas
Moses Austin. An later his son Stephen F. Austin Successfully obtained a land grant. Brining 300 Anglo families into the territory
1830- American Settelrs land enslaved people outnumbered Mexicans 3 to 1
Mexico heightened tension between the settlers and the mexican government in 1829
Outlaws slavery
Required all immigrants to be Roman Catholic
Most settlers refused to obey
Mexico closed texas to settlers
Americans ignored this and continued to move into texas
Revolt and Independence:
1834- General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna installs himself as dictator of mexico
Abolishes central gov. in mexico
Attemps to enforce laws in texas
1830- Sam houston revolts and declares texas independent
Establishes pro-slavery constiutiution
Battle of the Alamo - Mexican troops easily defeat the texans. Killing them all
Battle of San Jacinto - Texan troops suprise Mexican Forces
Take Santa Anna hostage and force him to sign treaty naming texas independent
Mexican Legislator rejects treaty
Sam Houstoun applies for statehood
Denied by jackson and van buren for fears over the slavery question and fears over war with mexico
John Tyler Tried to annex Taylor, but US senate rejects it in 1844
In the 1840s, the boundary between Maine and British Candidan New Brunswick was unclear.
Sentiments against the British were generally negative after the revolution and the War of 1812
Tension broke into violence between lumber workers in the region
Aroostook War, or the “Battle of the Maps””
Webster - Ashburton Treaty 1842 -
Signed between US Sec. of State Daniel Webster and British ambassador Lord Alexander Ashburton
Disputed territory was split between Maine and British Canada
Set the boundary of the Minnesota territory
Iron-rich Mesabi Range stays on US side
Boundry Disputes in Oregon:
Oregon territory had been claimed by Spain, Russia, GB, and US
Spain gave up claim in Adams-Onis Treaty in 1819
GB claimed land because of Hudson’s Bay Company’s profitable fur trade, but few British lived in the territory
US claimed the territory based on:
Exploration of Columbia River by Captain Robert Gray in 1792
Lewis and Clark expeditions in 1805
Fur trading posts in Astoria, Oregon
Successful US farms in Willamette Valley
By 1844, Americans believed annexation of Oregon Territory, Texas, and the Mexican owned California was their Manifest Destiny
Election of 1844
The Texas issue and the expansion of slavery split the Democratic Party in 1844
Northern Democrats opposed annexation
Wanted to nominated former President Martin Van Buren
Southern Whigs supported slavery and annexation
Wanted to nominated former VP John C. Calhoun of S. Carolina
Debated over the nominations ended in nomination of James K. Polk
Wanted annexation of Texas and California, and reoccupation of all of Oregon Territory
“Fifty Four Forty or Fight!”
Whig nominee Henry Clay alienated New York by being wishy washy about Texas.
Allowed democrats to win
Makes annexation of Texas a mandate for the union
Annexation of Texas
On his way out, Tyler pushes the inevitable annexation of Texas through Congress
Pushes for a joint resolution (simple majority) rather than a treaty (⅔ vote).
Tyler leaves Polk with the problem of Mexico’s reaction
Dividing Oregon - 1846
Polk pretty much immediately backs down from “54 40 or fight” slogan.
Signs agreement with British to divide Oregon territory at the 49th parallel.
US gives Vancouver Island and the right to nativage the Columbia River to the British
Northerners viewed treaty as sellout to South because took British Columbia away as a source of future free states.
To avoid war with GB and Mexico, treaty is approved
President Polk sent john slidell to
1: presuade mexico to sell california and New mexico territories to the us
2: Settle the Texas border at the rio grande. Mexico refused and insisted the border of texas was the nueces river.
Polk had General Zachary Taylor move troops into the disputed territory between the nueces and Rio grande.
Mexico took a fort in the disputed area
Polk said the US had been invaded
Mexico said it was defending its own land.
Northern whigs opposed the war
Due to polks claims, the majority of both sides supported the war effort
Polks message to congress was approved.
General Zachary taylor in mexico
Took 6000 men to cross the rio grande
after victory at buena vista president polk sent Winfield Scott into C. Mexico
Captured mexico City in 1847
Treaty of guadalupe Hidalgo 1848-
Mexico Recognized rio grande as southern border of texas.
Mexican Cession - Us takes posession of California and New Mexico.
US paid mexico 15 mil and took responsibility for any US claims against Mexico.
Some whigs opposed treaty
Thought it was attempt to expand slavery
Some Southern Democrats didnt like it because they wanted all of mexico.
Wilmot Proviso:
Proposed slavery to be prohibited in land won from mexico
Wanted to preserve land for white settlers
Reduced job competition
Passed House of Representative twice, failed in senate
Intesnly renewed debate over the extension of slavery
North saw it as southern plot to extend slave power
Led in part to civil war.
SOutherners were upset about the Missouri Compromise = No slavery louisianna purchase
Upset with mexican Cession = no southern lands in mexico
Ostend Manifesto
Walker expedition.
Gadsden Purchase(1853)
President pierce bought small piece of land from mexico for $10 mil
Best route for trasncontinental railroad.
southern section of new mexico and arizona.
Different positions on slavery in south
Free soil movement
Northern Democrats and Whigs want to prevent expansion of slavery into the west.
Free soil movement- 1848 opposed slavery in territory.
Southern Positions
Viewed restricting extension of slavery as violation of constitutional rights to move property.
Some wanted to extend missouri compromise line
Wanted more representation in congress
*NM=New Mexico
*Cali= California
Election of 1848:
Democrats- Popular Sovereignty
Whigs- General Zachary Taylor - No position on slavery in territories(winner)
Free soil- Former pres. Martin van buren composed of anti-slavery whigs and antislavery democrats
President taylor supported immediate admission of Cali, NM, as free states.
Compromise of 1850
Admit cali as a free state
Divide remainder of Mexican Cession into Utah and NM = Popular Sovereignty
Gave disputed land in texas to new territories and fed government assumes texas debt
Ban slave trade
Adopt and enforce new fugitive slave laws
Irish: ½ of all immigrants - 2 million total
Tenant farmers
Compete with african americans for domestic work and manual labor
Roman Catholicism
Boston, new york, Philadelphia
Many became politically active
Entered Democratic party
By 1800s controlled NYCs democratic organization, Tammany Hall.
Economic hardships and failed democratic revolutions in Germany.
Skilled artisans and farmers
Moved through Old Northwest.
Opposed slavery
Roman Catholic or Lutheran.
Opposition to Immigration
Nativism - Concerned immigrants would take jobs, dilute culture.
Religious tension (Protestans VS roman Catholics)
Supreme Order of the Star Spangled Banner - Turned into the “know - nothing” party.
Panic of 1857:
Financial panic caused sharp decrease in MW agricultural products and rise in unemployment in NE
Southerners believed this made plantation economy supreme.
Fugitive slave laws:
Anyone accused of being escaped was denied right to trial by jury
Anyone helping escaped enslaved people faced heavy penalties
Underground Railroad:
Loose network of activist who helped enslaved people escape to freedom in north
Harriet Tubman
Books on slavery:
Uncle Tom’s Cabin- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Showed horrors of slavery to north and Europe south saw it as north’s prejudice against south
Southern Reaction:
Proslavery whites used bible, philosophy, and constitution to condone slavery.
Proslavery books
Said slaves lived better than northern factory workers.
Slavery= moral issue
South convinced north would ban slavery at all costs
Election of 1852
Whigs - Nominated Winfield Scott
Ignored slavery issue
Maintained party platform
Internal Improvements of roads and harbors.
Antislavery and Southern factions fought a lot, threatening to splinter the party.
Democrats - Nominated Franklin Pierce - Compromise candidate.
Thought all regions would like him
Supported Fugitive Slave Laws
Democrats won all but four elector states.
The whig party was running out of steam.
Kansas - Nebraska Act
Democrats controlled both White House and Congress, but couldn’t ignore slavery issue.
Stephen A Douglas wanted to build transcontinental railroad through hometown of Chicago for Western settlement
Southerners wanted a Southern route.
Split Kansas into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska
Give them popular sovereignty over slave issue
Oppourtunity for South to expand slavery North of 36 30 Miss Comp line.
Enraged North
Passed in 1854
Bleeding Kansas
Both slave holders and free soilers wanted to win Kansas, which was majority antislavery.
Slaveholders from Missouri came to set up homesteads and Free - Soilers sent antislavery settlers through the New England Emigrant Aid Company
Fighting broke out in what came to be known as “Bleeding Kansas”
Border Ruffians = made proslavery legislature in Lecompton, Kansas.
Anti slavery setters refused to recognize this gov’t. And made goven’t in Topeka.
Proslavery forces attacked free soil town killing 2
Abolitionist John Brown retailed attacking Pottawatomie Creek, killing 5.
Pierce and DC did nothing, further dividing Democratic Party.
Caning of Senator Sumner
Mass senator Charles Sumner attacked Dem party for inaction in speech.
Made personal charges against S. Carolina Senator, whose nephew Preston Brooks grew so upset he beat Sumner on the Congressional floor illustrating tension.
Birth of Republican Party
Slave issue split Dems into N. and S. Democrats
Whigs scattered
Nativists joined “Know Nothing” Party
Pro Slaver ex-whigs joined Democrats
Former whigs who opposed slavery formed Republican Party in 1854 as reaction to Kansas - Nebraska act.
Made up of free-soilers, anti-slavery Democrats and anti-slavery Whigs
Did not call for abolition, but rather the halting of slavery into the territories and repeal of FSL and KN act.
Became 2nd largest party in country.
Election of 1856
Democratic candidate James Buchanan won, but the Republicans won 11/16 free states.
Democrats feared Republicans could win without a single vote from the South.
Lecompton Constitution
Asked Congress to accept the pro-slavery Lecompton, Kansas Constiution to admit Kansas as a slave state.
Both Congressional democrats and republicans rejected the proposal.
Showed weakness of Buchanan
Dred Scott v Sandford 1857
Enslaved man Dred Scott lived in free state of Wisconsin for 2 years before returning to Missouri. Sued Supreme Court for freedom
SC Justice Roger Taney was a Southern Dem. SC decided that
Dred Scott couldn’t sue at SC because Constitution did not say he was a citizen.
Enslaved people were property, Congress could not exclude the movement of property
Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
Enraged the North
Essentially opened slavery to the West
Forced some democrats to try and support popular sovereignty without rejecting Dred Scott decision
Lincoln - Douglas Debates
Democrat Stephen Douglas VS Republican Abraham Lincoln for senator from Illinois.
Douglas was strong supporter of Popular Sovereignty and continued compromise.
Against expansion of slavery, not abolitionist.
“House - Divided” Speech
“I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free”
Made South view him as radical
Freeport Doctrine - Lincoln forced Douglas to rectify Dred Scott decision and popular sovereignty
Douglas supported pop. sov.
Angered dems who said Douglas didn’t support slavery enough
Douglas won, but lost support in the South.
Lincoln emerges as a national figure, and becomes the 1860 nominee for president
John Brown’s raid at harpers ferry 1859:
Armed sons and formerly enslaved people
Attacked Federak Arsenal at Harpers Ferry
Stopped and executed
Divided Northerners support
Breakup of Democratic Party
Split into northern and southern dems
North nominated STephen Douglas on Popular sovereignty
South Nominated John C. Breckinridge on unrestricted extension of slavery.
Republicans Nominated of Lincoln
Exclusion of slavery from territories
Republicans went with the moderate Lincoln.
South Threatened to secede if he won
A fourth Political Party
Constitutional Union Party
Nominated John Bell
Lincoln took all Northern Free states - 59% of electoral votes
Affirmed to the south that Republicans could win without a single Southern vote.
Steps Toward Secession
Secessionalist still called for a disunion
South Carolina Convetnion(1860) - Voted unanimously to secede to protect slavery
Within 6 weeks, Georgia, florida, alabama, mississipi, Louisiana, and texas followed name vp
Confederate states of america
Jefferson David named president
Alexander Stephens named VP
Crittenden Compromise
Lame Duck Buchananan did nothing to stop secession in his 5 months before lincoln took office
Congress Tried
Kentucky Senator John Crittenden KY proposed Crittenden Amendment.
Lincoln wouldn’t violate republican Platform and Accept amendment.
Fort Sumter:
Federal forts in secession states
Lincoln sent provisions
S. Carolina Chose to fire on union people
Confederates kept the fort uniting north to the war efforts
Lincoln calls for 75000 Volunteers.
Secession in the Upper SOuth
More states secede after Ft. Sumter
Virginia, N carolina, Teneesee, arkansas
W. Virginia remained oyal to union and made its own state in 1863
Confderate capital moved to Richman Virginia.
Military and Eco. Diff.
Confederate advantages:
FIghting defensive war at home
High troop morale ( belived they were fighting against tyrannical gov. like revolutionaries)
FIghting for independence
Expireneced military leaders
european demanged for cotton(hopefully)
Union Advantages:
Much larger population
Bolstered by immigrants and African Americans.
Controlled Nations Eco.
Political Diff.
Confed. didn’t have strong central gov.
State’s rights became a liability during war.
Hoped people of union would turn against Lincoln.
Confed, states of america
President = Jefferson Davis.
Issued $1 bil in paper money causing inflation.
DIdnt have resource to survive war of attrition.
Union Strat.
3 part plan for victory
Anaconda Plan.
Use navy to blockade southern ports
control the mississipi river cutting confed.
Take richmond
Early Defeates:
First battle of the bull run - 1861
Under stonewall jackson, confed. troops counterattack. Union scatters
Ends any illusion of a short war.
Union tried their best:
Antietam(maryland) - 1862
Bloodiest day in US history
Basically a draw, but prevents EU. from supporting confed.
Failure of Cotton Diplomacy
GB found other sources of cotton egypt, India
GB also didnt recognized confed. Because
Draw at atemina
Emancipation proclimation
Turning Points- July 1863
VIcksburg- Union controls Mississippi R, cuts confederacy in ½
Gettysburg- Bloodiest battle of war with 50k casualties. Destroyed part of confederate army, they retreat.
Gettysburg address- nov 1863.
Grant in command- War by attrition- wear down confederacy and destroy supply lines
Total war- Erode the will of the people fighting
Shermans march- 100k union soldiers go from tennesse southward carrying destruction with them.
Destroy everything - Burning cotton field, barns, houses
Ends campaign by setting fire to capital of south carolina.
Confederate surrender:
Union blockade
Shermans march to the sea
Growing hunger in the south
Difficult winter.
Combined to allow the union troops to take richmond, virginia in april 1865
Surrender at appomattox courthouse, 1865
Confederate gov. tried to negotiate for peace
Lincoln would only accept reunion of the union
Confederates cut off after attempt to escape through mountians; forced to surrender
Confiscation act:
Congress makes confiscation acts
Union can seize enemy property including enslaved people used to make war.
1000s escaped into union as contraband (made before emancipation thing)
Emancipation proclamation
January 1, 1863 frees all enslaved people in states outside of Union control
AFrican americans in the war
Over 200k freed ensalved people served in union army and navy
massachusetts 54th regiment - all black unit
Political Parties
Radical republicans - Abolition of slavery
Free Soil Republicans - Economic opprutunity for whites only
N. Democrats- Support the war but no lincoln
Copperheads- Opposed war, wanted peace'
The draft- All men 20-45 open to draft.
Could pay $300 fee to find substitute
poor laborers/immigrants upset
feared would go to war and come back to no obs
Draft riots- 1863- residents of NYC turn against black residents killing 117 people
Civil Libirties-
Lincoln suspended habes corpu
13k ppl arrested for suspected confed support
EX parte Miillian - SC said gov. unduly forced civilians to military trials.
Election of 1864-
Democrats nominate George McClellan - platform called for peace
Lincoln maintains republican nomination despite “ditch Lincoln” movement
War democrat from Tennessee Andrew Johnson is VP
Financing the war-
Union borrowed 2.6 Billion in government bonds
Raised tariffs, made income tax, excise taxes
Printed $430 million in paper money not backed by gold- *greenbacks
Inflation prices in North rose by about 80%
Modernizing Northern Economy -
Workers wages didnt keep with inflation, Northern Industrialization grew during the war
A class of American Millionaires grew as people capatilized on the war.
These profits overstimulated the economy of the north
Homestead act 1862 - 160 free eacers in great plains to families who farmed land for 5 years
Morrill Land Grant ACt 1862 - Federal land grants to found agg and tech colleges
Pacific railway act 1862 - Transcontinental Railroad.
Assassination of Lincoln
Lincoln urged the south to be treated fairly
April 14th, John Wilkes Booth - Confederate sympathizer - Killed lincoln at ford’s theater in Washington
Greatly hurt Reconstruction Effort.
Lincoln’s Plan - Believed the South was made up of a disloyal minority who never left the union. Began presidential reconstruction with his Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction in 1863
Full pardons granted to Confederates who took an oath of allegiance to Union and US Constitution and acception emancipation of slaves
Government could be reestablished once 10% of population had taken oath (10% plan)
Wade - Davis Bill 1864 - Congressional response to plan. Stricter on South
50% of voters must do oath
Only non-Confeds could vote on new constitution
Freedmen’s Bureau - Provided food, shelter, medical aid for both Black and White Americans left destitute by war
Initially could resettle freedpeople on land, but Johnson eventually pardoned Confederates and gave them their land back
Biggest success was education
Johnson and Reconstruction - Southern Democrat chosen to get Democrats to vote for Lincoln. He was also, unfortunately, a white supremacist. In addition to Lincoln’s plan. Johnson also wanted
Disenfranchisement of all ex Confederates leaders and Confederates with more than 20,000$ taxable income.
Could grant pardon wealthy Southerners - and he did often.
Johnson’s Vetoes - Vetoed 29 bills in first term.
Clashed with moderate republicans
Vetoes two important bills
Expansion of protections and services for Freedmen’s bureau
Civil Rights Bill nullifying Black Codes
Radical Republicans - Republican party was split between moderates (economic opp for Whites) and radicals (civil rights for Black citizens)
More became radical in 1866 - feared the Democratic party would grow back to power.
With emancipation, South now had more representatives in Congress and Electoral College
Supported many reform efforts like women’s suffrage, labor unions, civil rights.
Wanted military control in the South
Thirteenth Amendment - 1865 - Freed 4 million enslaved people in South and border states
Formerly enslaved people now had protection under Constitution
Civil Rights Act of 1866 - Congress moved to nullify Johnson’s vetoes
All African Americans were US citizens
Provide legal shield against Southern Black Codes
Feared repeal if Democrats took office
Fourteenth Amendment - 1866
All persons born in US are citizens
All citizens get equal protection of law
Former Confederate political leaders can’t hold state or federal office
Penalized states for keeping people from voting
Overturned Dred Scott Officially
Report of Joint Committee 1866 - Rejects Presidential reconstruction
Only Congress can readmit a state
Former Confederate states were not entitled to representation in Congress
Election of 1866 - Johnson ran against Congress.
Appealed to fears of racists
Republicans “waved bloody shirt” of war
Branded Democratic party as one of treason
Republicans win massive majority in both House and Senate
Reconstruction Acts of 1867
Despite Johnson’s vetoes, Congress passess three acts
Place South under military control
Divides Confederacy into 5 military districts under control of Union army
Increased readmission requirements
Ex - Confeds had to ratify 14th amendment and guarantee right to vote
Johnson’s Impeachment - Congress passed Tenure of Office Act - prohibiting President from removing federal or military commander without Senate
Congress wanted to protect Radical Republicans in Johnson’s Cabinet like Edwin Stanton (controlled MIlitary governments in South)
Johnson challenged Constitutionality of law and dismissed Stanton
House impeached Johnson
Wasn’t removed by 1 vote.
In election year
Democrats made another nominee, so he’s time was limited anyways.
Election of 1868- Republicans nominated Ulysses S. Grant
Won only 300,00 more votes than Democrats
Small margin considering 500,000 African Americans voted for him.
Republicans realized they needed to solidify right for Black men to vote
Fifteenth Amendment - 1869 - States can’t deny right to vote based on race, color, previous condition of servitude”
States continued to pass measures to limit black vote
Civil Rights Act of 1875 - Last Civil Rights reform passed by Congress during reconstruction.
Equal Accommodation of public places
Can’t exclude African Americans from juries
Laws poorly enforced
1877 - tired of forcing unwilling South to change - Reconstruction is abandoned.
Governments of the South - During reconstruction controlled by Republicans and enforced by US military
Troops withdrawn when states met Reconstruction requirements
Took from 1 year (Tennessee) to 9 years (Florida)
Whites controlled all Southern legislatures except in S. Carolina - freedman controlled lower house.
Throughout South, most elected Freedmen were educated property owners
Blanche K. Bruce, Hiram Rhodes Revels (held Jefferson Davis former seat) sent to HOR
Caused lots of resentment
Scalawags - Southern Republicans
Carpetbaggers - Northern newcomers to South
Investors, ministers, teachers, plunderers
Southern Whites who supported Republicans
Former Whigs, wanted peace and economic development for state
African Americans Adjusting to Freedom -
Many built Black Communities where they focused on education, reuniting families, or even moving to freer cities of the North
Founded 100s of independent African American churches
Established independent schools
Howard, Atlanta, Fisk, Morehouse
Move to frontier
Greed and Corruption - Under Grant, moves for civil rights and idealism were replaced by desire for more material interests.
Spoilsmen - Republican leadership went from reformers like Charles Sumner, Benjamin Wade, and Thaddeus Stevens to political manipulators like Roscoe Conkling and James Blaine
Gave jobs to supporters (patronage or spoils system)
Corruption in Business - Political and Business boses did whatever it took to make $$$
Jay Gould and James Fisk get rich off gold market
Credit Mobilier - Insiders gave stock to congress to avoid investigation about profits being made over railroad subsidies
Whiskey Ring - Fed. revenue agents work with liquor industries to defraud government
Grant’s loyalty to dishonest men tarnished presidency
NYC Democratic Boss William Tweed stole $200 million from New York taxpayers before being exposed by Thomas Nast
Election of 1872 - Reform republicans AND democrats nominate Horace Greeley
Republicans “wave the bloody shirt” and Grant easily wins.
Panic of 1873 - 1000s of Northerns homeless and jobless after over speculation and overbuilding leads to business failures.
Diverted Northern attention away from South hurting Black Southerners
Women’s Changing Roles - Women stepped in during the war to help at home, on the farms, and in factories.
Bolstered demand for women’s suffrage
Suffragists supported African American vote, but upset women weren’t included in Reconstruction amendments
Wyoming Territory - First to give women vote in 1869
Redeemers: Southern Conservatives - Rettok control of many southern states.
Focused on states rights, reduced taxes, and spending on special programs.
White Supreamcy and the Ku Klux Klan
KKK founded in 1867 by former confederate general Nathaniel Bedford Forrest
Congress passed force acts to give Federal Authorities power to stop klan
Southern Governments:
1865: 11 former confederate states were brought back in
Met reconstruction requirements, but not one gave right to vote to black men
Democrats dominated southern governments after suppressing african american votes.
Black Codes- many southern state legislature adopt black codes. Restricting rights and movements of african americans.
Sharecropping- Landlord provided seed and supplies for a share of harvest
Sharecroppers dependent on land owners
In 1872, passed Amnesty Act Removing final restrictions on ex-confederates
Retake control of southern government.
Election of 1876- Republicans nominate Rutherford B. Hayes
Democrats chose Samuel J. Tilden
Tilden easily won popular vote but not enough Electoral Votes
Special Commision 8-7 gave all the votes to hayes
Democrats threatened to fillibuster
Compromise of 1877-
Democrats allowed hayes to become president in return for.
Immediate end to republican rule in south support for southern railroad
ended federal military control in south.