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L2 Personality Part 2

Introduction to Modern Personality Research

  • Focus on identifying and understanding personality traits.

  • Traits are individual differences that are stable and drive behavior.

  • Traits are concepts that describe general patterns of behavior.

Core Dimensions of Personality

  • Modern research seeks core dimensions that explain variations in personality, rather than just individual traits.

  • Factor Analysis: A statistical approach to identify hidden patterns among a large set of traits.

Historical Background

  • Allport and Odbert's 1936 study used a dictionary to list personality-descriptive words.

    • Started with all words, then eliminated physical characteristics and evaluative terms.

    • Resulted in a list of 4,504 personality trait words.

  • Need for further reduction due to synonymy and similarity among traits.

Process of Factor Analysis

  • Researchers reduced the extensive list through participant self-ratings.

  • Participants rate how well each personality word describes them (scale of 1 to 7).

  • Factor analysis reveals clusters of traits that exhibit similar patterns of use.

  • Outcome typically results in a smaller number of core dimensions explaining variations in the data.

The Big Five Model of Personality

  • Modern consensus points to Five Factors (OCEAN):

    1. Openness to Experience: Imaginative vs. conventional.

    2. Conscientiousness: Organized vs. carefree.

    3. Extraversion: Outgoing vs. reserved.

    4. Agreeableness: Trusting vs. suspicious.

    5. Neuroticism: Anxious vs. calm.

  • Mnemonic: OCEAN (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism).

  • Each factor gives insight into behavioral tendencies and interpersonal dynamics.

Nature vs Nurture Debate

  • Key question: Is personality due to genetics (nature) or experiences (nurture)?

  • Heritability Studies:

    • Assess genetic contribution to personality differences.

    • Scale from 0% (pure nurture) to 100% (pure nature).

Types of Heritability Studies

Adoption Studies

  • Examines adopted children, their biological mothers, and adoptive mothers.

  • Compare personality traits of the child to both mothers to assess influences.

Twin Studies

  • Comparison of identical (monozygotic) twins and fraternal (dizygotic) twins.

  • Identical twins share 100% of genetics; fraternal twins share 50%.

  • Measure personality similarity between types of twins to infer genetic vs. environmental contributions.

Twin Studies Raised Together vs. Apart

  • Identical twins raised together vs. apart provide insights into the influence of environment on personality.

Conclusions from Heritability Studies

  • Findings indicate a rough estimate: 50% nature, 50% nurture contributes to personality.

  • Some traits show varied heritability (e.g., Openness at 57%, Neuroticism closer to 50%).

Variability Within Families

  • Despite shared genetics and environment, siblings often display significant personality differences.

  • Introduced concept of Reciprocal Determinism:

    • Behavior influences environment and vice versa.

Causes of Divergence in Personality Among Siblings

  1. Divergence: Siblings may choose different paths to stand out.

  2. Differential Treatment: Parents may unconsciously treat siblings based on their individual personalities.

  3. Unique Experiences: Different interpretations of the same family events based on age and maturity.

  4. Exaggeration: Small differences in personality can become more pronounced within family contexts.

Summary of Lecture

  • Modern personality research emphasizes understanding the stable traits that differentiate individuals.

  • The interplay of genetics and environmental factors continues to shape personality, reinforcing the complexity of human behavior.

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