Crime Scene Response Team
Six Team Positions:team leader, photographer, sketch preparer, evidence custodian, evidence recovery personnel, specialists
Team Leader: in charge of scene, ensures safety, prepares administrative log/narrative description, team assignments, conducts final survey, release scene
Preliminary survey: with team leader and photographer, makes sure of sufficient personnel and specialists, define scene, collect transient evidence
Photographer: entire scene as general, overall, medium, and close-up (with and without scale), evidence, latent fingerprints, impressions, photography log
Sketch Preparer: create scene sketch, gives context, multiple sketches may be required
Sketch should include: north, key/legend, case number, date, name, “not to scale,” appropriate measurements
Evidence Custodian: prepares evidence log, receives and records all evidence, located outside secure area, coordinates evidence packaging and preservation
Cyanoacrylate fuming: cause latent print to be visible and not able to come off, can be done on site to not ruin prints
Evidence Recovery Personnel: locates and collects evidence, initial and dat evidence, turn over to evidence custodian
Specialists: need identified based on scene
Specialist examples: anthropologist, blood spatter expert, bomb technician, botanist, cadaver/drug/explosive canine, dive team, entomologist, fingerprint specialist, geologist, HAZMAT personnel
Team lead calls specialists to scene
Alternative light source: reveal evidence invisible to naked eye
Electrostatic dust print lifter: for barely visible prints, non-porous hard surfaces