Renaissance – means rebirth, restarting society up to what it used to be. Trying to get back to Greek and Roman times
The renaissance is about music, and other cultural things. It was made to make people remember that there are other important parts of your life outside of trying to achieve salvation
Italy had less deaths from the plague than other countries
Italy had more patrons than other places
Location mattered too when Italy was the first place to restart the renaissance
Patron – someone who will fund or donate money to people and countries
Patrons put their money into the recovery of the economy
Reminders existed in Italy, showed the people what they could be capable of doing
People saw these reminders and wondered how they built the coliseum, but now they are living in little huts. Irritated about the downgrades and going backwards
Italy helped start the renaissance because they had better opportunities to trade with other countries, which means that they would get more goods
Wealthy families in Italy were bribing and messing with the church during the renaissance, which is not good
Sometimes rich families in Italy paid for their sons to become the Pope
Humanism was known as an intellectual movement
Humanism focuses on worldly affairs (adventure, achievement, creating, discovery). It was not only focused on religious issues
Francesco Petrach – he assembles and collected a lot of ancient roman and greek works
Italian Humanists – Leonardo Da Vinci, and the Patriarch
Patrons helped Da Vinci, and they gave him the supplies and resources that he needed to let his intelligence show to the world
The most known pieces of art from Da Vinci: Mona Lisa and the Last Supper
The renaissance trying to deemphasize the church and religious things, trying to add new cultural aspects to peoples lives
People pursuing humanism are called humanist
Artwork perspective became emphasized and popular during the renaissance
Renaissance in the north was delayed and it took a little longer to recover from it because of the black death
Albrecht Durer – called the German Leonardo (Da Vinci) very skilled at math and engineering, but also was able to do many other things
His paintings/engraving reflected religious caused a disturbance/change (not positive the church did not like it)
His reflections from his artwork is that religion is full of messes, church does not like this in the slightest
What was new about his paintings was engravings
Sir Thomas Moore – Wrote a book called Utopia
Utopia – the perfect scenario, perfect world
RENAISSANCE ARTISTS – used well known people and focused on individual achievements, not religious issues
The power of the church becomes challenged
Indulgence – blessing from the church
Indulgences were meant to quicken people's paths to salvation. If you had an indulgence, it was believed that you could quicker through purgatory, or you could potentially bypass purgatory
Indulgences were given to people when they did good
For example, if you joined the Crusades, then you would be granted an indulgence
Many members of the clergy objected to Indulgences because they felt that salvation was only between a person and God/Jesus/Saint Peter, and that the Church should have no control over salvation
The Church began to sell indulgences, which started even more disagreements
This led to different forms of Christianity
Many people protested the indulgences
Indulgences led to the Protestant Reformation
People were upset with the church before indulgences because of papal supremacy and excommunication. They knew that they were abusing power, but there were not enough people to try and do something about it
Martin Luther is the person who started the Protestant Reformation
Lutherans = followers of Martin Luther, Calvinists = Followers of John Calvin
Protestant is the big tree, but Luther, Calvinists, Baptists, etc. are branches
Both Calvin and Luther opposed Indulgences, felt that the Church should have no control over salvation in any way
John Calvin believed in predestination = God has predetermined the amount of souls that will reach heaven, and that God has determined who goes to heaven and who goes to hell before the person was even born
Calvinist are pure bible lifestyles
THEOCRACY = the head of society are religious leaders, not political leaders
95 thesis = 95 arguments against the Church, and he would plaster them against Church walls, and people started to follow Martin Luther and his ideas because of what he wrote in his thesis
John Calvin builds the city Geneva in Switzerland, and it became a theocracy
Purgatory = position in between heaven and hell, part of the catholic church believes, but not all believe in it
John Calvin did not allow singing, dancing, and drinking, which gave the faith a bad look and made it hard for them to gain respect from others
Peasant revolt = the peasants want to have more balance and money in their lives. The peasants supported Martin Luther because they supported the peasant revolt because they thought that if he wanted to support a corrupt church, then he would want to support how corrupt their lives are
Martin Luther did not support the peasant revolt
Martin Luther felt that his purpose was to protect Christianity
Revolt was put down quickly, and there was death and brutality because of it
(ONLY IN HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE) Peace of Augsburg happened because different princes were becoming Catholic or protestant, and they were fighting over it. So the princes came together to end the fighting, and they determined the religion that their whole land would be what religion they are
Henry the 8th had 6 wives
Catherine of Aragon (first wife) one of the wives, and she is related to the royal family of Spain (married for 20 years) and she was never able to give him a male heir, and then he wanted to end the marriage
Henry the 8th believes and supports the church, NOT the reformation
King Henry then wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon
The divorce was problematic because of how the Spanish royal family (who supports the Church) would react to the divorce, but King Henry wanted it
Annulment - a recognition that the marriage never existed
The divorce/annulment was denied, and this enraged Henry the 8th, and he decided to leave the catholic church and create the Church of England, and that the Catholic church is not allowed in England
Henry the 8th is declared as the leader of the Church of England, and the people close to him and the clergy and he makes them sign the act of Supremacy to swear your oath to the religion, because they were afraid of being killed by Henry
One of the first rules of the Church of England was to allow divorce, so he divorced Catherine, but many did not recognize the divorce and did not recognize the new queens and the new religions
Sir Thomas Moore – does not agree to the act of Supremacy, charged with treason, and he gets beheaded
The Council of Trent was made by the Church to try and figure out how to help people not hate the church and figure out ways to explain themselves
The problem that the Church was facing was the Protestant Reformation
Indulgences were abolished, as voted by the Council of Trent
The Catholic Reformation is about trying to figure out the problems that the Church was facing, why they were happening, and how can they fix it
The first time indulgences were granted to people was only for good deeds, but then indulgences were twisted into a much worse thing
One of the ways that the church tried to spread the word of the church was to recognize the jesuits, to expand the church and also teach people who were not protestant and catholic about the church and try to spread it even more
Anabapists – part of the reformation, and they left the church. Disagreed with different parts of the church, particularly with baptising infants. They felt that infants should not be baptised because they said that it's not fair for the infants to be forced into being catholic.
The Church rebutted this by saying that Original Sin needs to be wiped away immediately
The Church only addressed things that could be rebutted from the 95 thesis, not the things that they knew were wrong and that they could fix. They also felt that they were being called out for being wrong but not being given reasons why they were wrong
The anabaptists did not get along with any other Christians, and they were defensive