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Unit 6: (Urban City Models)

Burgess- Concentric Zone Model:

  • Inner city has high poverty, crime

  • Suburbs= influence & stability

  • Businesses in CBD

  • First urban city model

  • Based on 1920s Chicago

Hoyt Sector Model:

  • Cities grow along major transportation routes

    • transportation affects where people live

  • High income residents live in large, new land

Multiple Nuclei Model

  • CBD is less important as cities grow

  • Urban residency built around multiple nuclei

  • More highways=more commerce away from CBD

  • cars and suburban sprawl become more impactful

Galactic City Model (Peripheral Model):

  • CBD is influential

  • Different offices are linked bay a ring road/ railway

  • Decentralized

  • Edge cities, higher incomes

  • Atlanta, Georgia

Southeast Asia Model:

  • cities focused around old colonial ports

  • SE Asian states focus on exports

  • Commercial zones for West and Alien (China)

  • Jakarta, Indonesia

African City model:

  • urban areas morphed from colonial and traditional eras

  • European centers along coast

  • Higher-income closer to CBD

Latin American City Model (Griffin-Ford Model):

  • In-migration creates disamenity zones that lack services

  • Cities around CBD with a commercial & industrial spine surrounded by residential areas

Unit 6: (Urban City Models)

Burgess- Concentric Zone Model:

  • Inner city has high poverty, crime

  • Suburbs= influence & stability

  • Businesses in CBD

  • First urban city model

  • Based on 1920s Chicago

Hoyt Sector Model:

  • Cities grow along major transportation routes

    • transportation affects where people live

  • High income residents live in large, new land

Multiple Nuclei Model

  • CBD is less important as cities grow

  • Urban residency built around multiple nuclei

  • More highways=more commerce away from CBD

  • cars and suburban sprawl become more impactful

Galactic City Model (Peripheral Model):

  • CBD is influential

  • Different offices are linked bay a ring road/ railway

  • Decentralized

  • Edge cities, higher incomes

  • Atlanta, Georgia

Southeast Asia Model:

  • cities focused around old colonial ports

  • SE Asian states focus on exports

  • Commercial zones for West and Alien (China)

  • Jakarta, Indonesia

African City model:

  • urban areas morphed from colonial and traditional eras

  • European centers along coast

  • Higher-income closer to CBD

Latin American City Model (Griffin-Ford Model):

  • In-migration creates disamenity zones that lack services

  • Cities around CBD with a commercial & industrial spine surrounded by residential areas