In Human Brain
Specialized interfaces for each sensory modality with different senses projecting to different brain regions
How visual info travels from eyes to brain (Primary Geniculostriate Pathway)
Enters through retinal
Goes through optic nerve, chiasm, tract
Passes through thalamus
Optic radiations spreads into multiple channels
Arrives at multiple inputs at primary visual cortex V1
Visual representations in V1
Feature detectors; system responding to presence of specific pattern in stimulus
Ex. Specific shape, colour, direction of motion
Seeing world as simple line drawing
Colour info present but not integrated
Beyond V1
Info from V1 passed first to V2 then onward
Functional specialization
Optic array has many kinds of info like shape, colour, motion, depth
Different neural pathways and areas are responsible for processing these info
Vision for Perception; Ventral Stream
Temporal lobes
The “what” pathway
Connecting sensation to memory
Early visual areas in occipital lobe to memory centres in medial temporal lobe
Ventral processing; visual illusions
Perceptual system takes shortcuts to process things more efficiently
Tricks which make perception effective lead to inaccuracies when regularities are violated
Size constancy; something far from retinal casts same size retinal image as something close
Far item is bigger than near item
Terror Subterra Illusion
Ames Room Illusion
Afterimages; shows that neural circuits in perception are often faired in opponent pair
Cells have specialized stimuli and after long exposure cells become fatigued responding less
Opponent wins by default
Troxler fading; shows how our perceptual system is designed to detect change
We stop processing static things and stop perceiving them at all
Efficient way to handle info as only new info is worth processing
Motion induced blindness
Apparent motion
Lilac chaser; combo after images and apparent motion
Flashing light (Magic Light)
Shadow cues
Illusion shows how sensory info isn’t perfect
Brain relies on heuristics to make sense of world
Mistakes in perceptions are illusions
Ventral stream; faces are special
Invariant aspects; 2 eyes, noses mouth
Changeable aspects; expressions
Fusiform face area; face selective
Familiarity effect; easier to recognize people the more familiar they are
Hollow Mask Illusion; experience with face perception leads to hollow mask illusion
Prosopagnosia; can’t recognize faces
Pareidolia; seeing faces where they don’t exist
Faces at perceived holistically via all features together
When faces are inverted holistic process is disrupted and fineness feature ok individually so don’t notice configuration problems
Summary of face perception
Our skill in distinguishing faces is remarkable (and can be distorted)
Familiar faces are perceived more efficiently than faces of strangers
It is virtually impossible to see a “hollow” face (hollow mask illusion)
We often see faces in non-face images (face pareidolia)
We are more efficient in processing upright faces than inverted faces
Vision for Action; Dorsal stream
Parietal lobes
The “how” pathway
Patient DF; ventral lesion
Ebbinghaus Illusion
Perceptual judgements(ventral stream) are readily fooled by Ebbinghaus illusion
Grasping actions aren’t influenced at all(dorsal stream)
Action intention affecting vision
Faster detect change in large object with power grip
Faster detect change to small object with precision grip
Perihand space
Perihand; near or around hands
When far, ventral is useful info about identity
When near, dorsal important
Moving object into Perihand space can improve visual processing in the case of lesions(brain damage)
From eyes to brain
Contralateral cortex
Ex. Left visual field processed on right side of brain
Cognitive Science
Goal; develop theories of mind which are falsifiable along with research methods for testing these theories
Classical Cognitive Science
Computational theory of mind
Not the view that the mind is like a computer (mind software, brain hardware)
View that the mind is a computational system enabled by brain’s neural activity
Computation (in classical cogs meaning); Turing machines
Turing machines; abstract computational machines which manipulated symbols according to rules and internal states
Has infinite memory space
Machine physical details do not matter
Computation implementable regardless of physical details
Mind = computational system
Basic tenets of classical cognitive science
Thinking is conceptually like computation
Intelligence involves mental manipulations (based on rules) of mental representations (concepts of world)
Concepts enable knowledge categorization
Mental states are also representations
Some aspects of mind are not computational (emotions)
The mind according to classical cognitive science
Mind is sole locus of cognition
CNS acts as conductor telling rest of body what and how to do it
Inputs mind gets from bodies are impoverished forcing brain to fill in blanks with inferences
Cognition is a manipulation of symbolic structures which are amodal, abstract, combinatorial
The Stroop Effect
Saying out loud what the colour of the following words as quickly as possible
Delay in reaction time between congruent and incongruent stimuli
Semantic interference; longer reaction time if colour of word mismatches meaning of word
Semantic facilitation; faster reaction times if colour of words matches meaning of word
The McGurk Effect
Perceived; Da da da da da da
Audio; Ba ba ba ba ba ba
Visual; Ga ga ga ga ga ga
Doesn’t work with familiar faces
Multimodal perception
What you see influences what you hear
Brain integrates info from auditory and visual modalities
Multimodal integration in speech
Visual info from face interferes with auditory perception
Due to receiving 2 info at same time so unconsciously associate on with the other
Tactile info is also important
Tactile info interferes with speech perception
Ex. English has some tiny bursts of aspiration
Gick and Derrick applied slight air puffs on right hand or neck
Tend to mis hear as a sound that is aspirated
Ex. b to p
Indirect aspiration can cause people to mishear unaspirated as aspirated
Visuo-tactile integration in speech
4 conditions; pom vs bomb, with and without candle flicker
Associations are learnt very early in language acquisition
Keough, Kadhadai, Werker, Gick; replicated puff study with preverbal infants who haven’t started babbling yet
Lewkowicz and Hansen Tift; showed infants of 4-8 months of age look at mouths of speaking adults
Start looking more at eyes around 12 months
If speaking with unfamiliar language, look at mouth
Looking at mouths allows access redundant audiovisual speech cues
Phonemic restoration effect
Missing speech sounds are restored by brain and appear to be heard
Doesn’t occur when phonemes are just missing
Occurs when replaced by noise
Brain interprets ambiguous auditory signal as an unambiguous auditory signal
Children show these effects around age 5
Auditory brain activation without auditory input
Brain areas associated with auditory processing activate even when people view silent visual speech
No such activation when viewing nonspeech lip and jaw movements
Visual info can influence auditory cues processing before categorized into phonemic categories
Categorical perception
Perceptual phenomenon when variable gradually changes on a continuum perceived categorically
In speech perception, phenomenon mostly applies to perception of phonemes
Cannot discriminate between similar sounds unless at category boundary
Voice onset time; movement of physical mouth lips to vocal chords
Perceptual narrowing
Developmental process resulting from neuroplasticity
Exposure to experiences shapes perception
Narrowing; ability to perceive something we are rarely exposed to
Newborns can distinguish all possible phonemes of all human languages
Declines and disappears if not exposed to these foreign languages
Additive; 1 + 1 = 2
Superadditive; 1 + 1 > 2
Multisensory speech perception is more than a sum of unimodal parts
More accurate to audio visual cues than expected sum of responses to visual and auditory cues
Speech perception is multimodal
Sensory info can derive from unexpected sources
Learn associations between sensory info and correspond speech properties very early in life
Possible due to brain plasticity
Subsequent perceptual narrowing makes our perception of phonemes categorical
Warren (1970) Perceptual Restoration of Missing Speech Sounds
Experiment; 20 undergrads tested given a stimulus of a tape recording of a sentence
Small section deleted and replaced with a cough of the same duration
After listening to a cough occurring elsewhere, circle exactly where cough occurred and weather replace or fully replaced
All reported speech sounds were present
No one chose correct cough position
Phonemic restoration is linked to language skills enabling listening to detect correct sound
When speech sound deleted and not replaced with extraneous sound - gap recognize in proper location
Illusory perception did not occur
Our lack of awareness of restorative processes and illusory perception of speaker’s utterance shows the perceptual mechanisms underlying verbal organization
Francois Grosjean (2015) When Bilingual Infants look at people talking
David Lewkowics and Amy Hansen Tift study on infant eye gaze
Monolingual Infants watched person utter an english monologue on computer monitor
Used eye tracker to see where baby looked
2 main areas on speaker’s face
Around eyes and around mouth
4 months old; looked longer at eye
8 months old; looked longer at mouth
Learning how to speech so attracted by auditory and visual speech signals
12 months old; equal time
Less need to access visual speech cues
Focus on social cues
Ferran Pons and Laura Bosch and Bilingual infants
Hypothesis; as need to process 2 languages, use audiovisual speech cues more
4, 8, 12 months similar results for dominant language
For secondary language
4 months; equal
8 months; longer mouth
12 months; longer mouth
Exploited perceptual info of these cues earlier and longer than monolingual infants
Overview of Epistemology
Epistemology; knowledge, truth, memory, and perception
Truth is essential to knowledge
Memory and perception are crucial in knowledge acquisition
Perception; allows us to gain knowledge about the world
Memory; retains this knowledge over time
The problem of visual cognition
Science has advanced in understanding how we know things but philosophical issues remain unresolved
Philosophical problems are difficult as they resist straightforward scientific solutions
Ex. nature of perception
Influence of computer science and info processing models has reshaped the discussion
Core issues are the same as those debated by John Locke and early philosophers
Distinction between seeing objects vs seeing facts
Seeing objects; perceiving physical entities
Seeing facts; knowing what is seen means something
Implications for cognitive science
Visual perception involves recognizing facts
Cognitive perception involves recognition and understanding whereas sensory is mere exposure to visual stimuli
Example in cognitive psychology; recognizing a triangle requires realizing it has 3 sides
Seeing a shape without knowing it is a triangle is not full cognitive perception
Perceptual objects and knowledge hierarchy
Mediated vs direct knowledge
Many things we see are understood through other perceptions
Ex. see we need gas by seeing fuel gauge
Some knowledge depends on other knowledge
Ex. seeing a frown you will know someone is unhappy
Direct vs indirect knowledge
Some philosophers argue that all knowledge of external reality comes from subjective experiences (only see subjective representations)
Ex. seeing a newspaper report about a plane crash
Direct or indirect knowledge?
Skepticism and visual perception
Skeptical argument
If perception is mediated by subjective experiences can we ever be certain of what we see
Dretske’s response
Can still see objects even if we don’t know for certain what they are
Ex. child can see a cat but mistake for a sweater but still see something real
Theories of Perception
Direct Realism
View; we perceive objects directly as they exist in the world
Key idea; objects exist independently of our perception and we see them as they truly are
Objection; this ignores illusions, hallucinations, and distortions in perception
How to explain cases where perception misleads us
Representative (indirect) Realism (causal theory of perception)
View; we don’t directly perceive objects but instead perceive mental representations of them
Key idea; our brains make internal representations of the world based on sensory input
Ex; watching a game on TV -> aren’t seeing actual game but rather image of it
Objection; if only perceive representations, how can we confirm they accurately reflect reality
Idealism (Phenomenalism)
View; there is no external reality perception everything and everything is a mental construct
Objection; radical view is not widely accepted as implies reality does not exist independently of our minds
Mixed (hybrid) position
View; we may perceive physical objects directly (direct realism) but only know them through mental processing (indirect realism)
Problems; how do we know how objects look without perceiving our own internal mental images?
Debate on nature of sensory vs cognitive perception
Sensory perception vs cognitive perception
Sensory perception; seeing an object without knowing what it is
Cognitive perception; recognizing an object as what it is
Debate; is there pure sensory perception or is all perception cognitive in some way
Can we see something without having any knowledge of what it is
Goodale and Milner (1992)
Optic ataxia; dorsal path is damaged but ventral is not
Subject may say what angle a mail slot is but cannot visually guide hand to correct angle
Visual form agnosia; if ventral pathway (vision for perception) is damaged but dorsal is not
Eyes may be able to guide hand to correct angle despite not knowing what the angle is
Seeing may not count as perceiving unless goes along ventral pathway to temporal lobe
Dretske (1990); Seeing, Believing, and Knowing
Sensory perception (object vision)
Cognitive perception (fact vision)
Argues possibility to object see something without fact seeing it (See vs perceive/understand)
Difference blindness
Change blindness
Do see difference but don’t know see a difference
Phonemic restoration effect (filling the gap)
Brain fills in absent phonemes to replace the extraneous sound
Fill in (gap) of auditory experiences (percept)
Brain uses some figment to do filling in
Classical sandwich model
Agent is distinct from but interacts with its environment
2 kinds of interface between the agent and environment
Cognitive systems
Perception; forms one interface between agent and environment
Knowledge representation; memory (data structures) and reasoning (program) are central
Action; (behaviour) forms the other interface
Human Cognitive Systems
Representational states and rational processes; acquiring, retaining, and employing info
Unified in a way that constitutes a point of view/subjective experience
Private, not public
Tough to investigate empirically
Stimulus and response are mere evidence for cognitive activity
Free, autonomous, creative, and morally significant
Nature of perception
Perception is a process that occurs in steps or stages
Produces generally accurate perceptual beliefs by means of sensations, images, visual appearances
^ Indirect realism
Alternative view; direct realism
Drestke applies indirect account to cognitive perception (fact vision) but not to sensory perception (thing vision)
Purpose of perception
Provides experiences of mostly accurate representations of scenes before us
Encounter objects in various arrangements
Encounters produces perceptual experiences in us which represent our environment
Form perceptual beliefs (knowledge representation memories) on basis of these experiences and how we interpret them
Muller Lyer Illusion
Wordsworth (1807) I wandered lonely as a cloud
Thomas Nagel (1974) What is it like to be a bat
No reductionist (objective) account of mind is possible
Something it is like to be a bat but won’t know from their POV
Epiphenomenal Qualia
Frank Jackson (1982) argues fully objective physical account of mind is incomplete
Mary (vision scientist) raised in black/white room learns all physical facts relevant to colour
But only sees colour for first time (learns new fact, what it is like to see red)
Physical facts are not all the facts there are about minds
Spectrum inversion
Same object should make several different ideas in each person at the same time
Private experience
Only difference is subjective experience of things
By saying mind is a private sphere and our perceptual interactions with environment are indirect -> vulnerable to variety of traditional skeptical hypothesis
BIV (Brain in a vat) hypothesis
The “zombie” hypothesis
Mind body problem
Putnam; Reason, truth, and history
How do you know you are not a brain in a vat?
Normal thought process
I see (hear, feel, remember) that I am in class now
So I know that I am in class now
New thinking
If I know that I am in class now, then I know I’m not a BIV
I don’t know I’m not a BIV
So I don’t even know that I am in class now
If can’t cope with skeptical hypothesis → have no way to refute to them → look to underlying assumptions giving rise to skeptical worries
Inner area is mind → bad model?
Nozick’s experience machine
Suppose an experience machine exists which can give any experience you desire whilst you float in a tank
Should you plug into the machine?
Nozick says no:
Argues desire to do things is greater than simply experience doing them
Watching youtube videos on rock climbing vs actually doing them?
Desire to be a certain person
Plugging in limits us to a man made reality
Cypher in the Matrix says yes:
Ignorance is bliss
The Grand Illusion; ability to acquire and maintain a complete and accurate representation of the scene before us (imagination?)
Occurs via;
Objective stance; visual image is impoverished
Subjective stance; visual image is high definition, full colour
Deficits are not noticed but our visual experiences are not as complete as appears
Perception Recap
World gives a lot of info and only parts can be processed at a given moment
Perception fills in the gaps
Not all perception is done in the same way
What vs how (ventral and dorsal) streams
Some ventral illusions don’t produce illusory perception in dorsal stream
Audition and Taste
Chips perceived as crisper and fresher with louder bite sound (and when high frequencies are amplified)
Chips into microphone study
Same amplification or lower sound
Vision and Touch
Ex. Drumsticks held in either hand are tapped 1 after another with varying delays
Participant to judge which tap was first
With hands in a natural resting position, people do well
When either hands or sticks crossed, vision and touch conflict makes judgement more difficult
Rubber hand illusion
Strokes fake rubber hand and real hand at same time → only see rubber hand
Then stab the rubber hand → scary
The 2 visual pathways are not independent
How does change blindness occur
Initially complete sensation but quickly forgotten
Not representation but comparison that fails
Initially complete sensation is recoded in a way that precludes comparison
Regardless of gaps, perception is a process/computation
Grand Illusion
Perception is impoverished
Does not feel so subjectively
Visual search
Interrupted visual search (look for 0.1s, wait 0.9s)
Search resumes after interruption
Use first glance to build prediction of what to see
Either confirm or receive error feedback and amend next prediction
Predictive coding
Social perception
Attribute mental states to geometrical shapes
Sensory input
Face identity
Expression, identity, gender, age socio-economic status
Sometime personality traits
Context is needed too
Voices, smell, body shape, fashion, what they are doing
Gaze info;
Can signal attentional state
Avoiding eye contact can suggest lack of confidence, feeling guilt or shame
Students avoid making eye contact when profs ask a question, don’t know content ot shy
If someone’s staring intently → wonder if try to intimidate, belittle, or love you
Other nonverbal cues
Body posture may show focus
Distance between people can infer friendly, intimate, or more distant
Why is info not treated equally
Cognitive bias; pattern in perception, interpretation, or judgement which is a systematic distortion of objectively available info
Negative cognitive bias; negative aspects of one’s behaviour has higher attention to
Negativity effect
May be due to prioritize survival and negative info is very salient
Positive cognitive bias; tendency to evaluate people positively
Pollyanna hypothesis
Most behaviours one makes are likely positive as controlled by social norms
Ex. bad at lie detection
Halo effect; bias by which one attribute influences impression of other, unrelated attributes
Ex. Bob is nice → Bob is also smart
Can be positive or negative (sometimes called horn effect)
Categories and Schemas
Role schema; how people carry out certain roles
Person schemas; relates to certain types of people like profs, geeks, jocks
Event schemas; tells likeliness of occurring of things, when taking transit, going to party, lecture
Beneficial for quick access and ease of interaction
Also incomplete profiles mostly though
Cognitive biases (which tend to be inflexible)
Primacy effect
Belief perseverance; tendency to maintain one’s schema even with direct contradictory evidence
Reflets desire to maintain positive self image
Confirmatory hypothesis testing; unknowingly creating opportunities for own beliefs to be confirmed and ignore when beliefs are disproven